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june 21


10 Infamous Crimes Inspired By Fictional Works

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Слайд 1

Слайд 210 Infamous Crimes Inspired By Fictional Works

10 Infamous Crimes Inspired By Fictional Works

Слайд 3His hobby is writing songs

His hobby is writing songs

Слайд 4Debra has a written genealogy that goes back to around

1700 A.D.

Debra has a written genealogy that goes back to around 1700 A.D.

Слайд 5Late one night, a burglar broke into a house he

thought was empty.

Late one night, a burglar broke into a house he thought was empty.

Слайд 6He tiptoed through the living room but suddenly he froze

in his tracks when he heard a loud voice say,

"Jesus is watching you!"
He tiptoed through the living room but suddenly he froze in his tracks when he heard a

Слайд 7Silence returned to the house, so the burglar crept forward

again. "Jesus is watching you," the voice boomed again. The

burglar stopped dead again.
Silence returned to the house, so the burglar crept forward again.

Слайд 8He was frightened. Frantically, he looked all around. In a

dark corner, he spotted a bird cage and in the

cage was a parrot. He asked the parrot: "Was that you who said Jesus is watching me?"
He was frightened. Frantically, he looked all around. In a dark corner, he spotted a bird cage

Слайд 9"Yes," said the parrot.

Слайд 10The burglar breathed a sigh of relief and asked the

parrot: "What's your name?“ "Clarence," said the bird.

The burglar breathed a sigh of relief and asked the parrot:

Слайд 11"That's a dumb name for a parrot," sneered the burglar.

"What idiot named you Clarence?”

Слайд 12The parrot said, "The same idiot who named the Rottweiler


The parrot said,

Слайд 13A panda walks into a restaurant and orders a sandwich.

A panda walks into a restaurant and orders a sandwich.

Слайд 14When he receives the check, he pulls out a gun,

fires it several times, then walks out the door.

When he receives the check, he pulls out a gun, fires it several times, then walks out

Слайд 15A stunned patron then asks the waiter, “What was that

all about?” The waiter responded, “That’s just the way pandas

are,” and walked away.
A stunned patron then asks the waiter, “What was that all about?” The waiter responded, “That’s just

Слайд 16Well, the patron didn’t know what a panda was, so

at home that night he looks up “panda” in the

dictionary and what he finds explains everything:
Well, the patron didn’t know what a panda was, so at home that night he looks up

Слайд 17“Panda: A large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China; eats

shoots and leaves.”

“Panda: A large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China; eats shoots and leaves.”

Слайд 18Flower, flower

Flower, flower

Слайд 19A beautiful flower by the gates sits for hours And for

day, she has a dream of being plucked to trouble,

far away
A beautiful flower  by the gates sits for hours And for day, she has a dream

Слайд 20She's almost certain he won't come She really wants to be

the one, that he puts into the hands of his

one and only love
She's almost  certain he won't come She really wants  to be the one,  that

Слайд 21But little does she know, it's almost time for her

to go Her dream will soon come true, she's about to

belong to you
But little does she know,  	it's almost time  	for her to go 	Her dream will

Слайд 22Flower, flower, don't you worry Flower, flower, there's no hurry Flower, flower

don't you cry Your day will come before you die

Flower, flower, don't you worry Flower, flower, there's no hurry Flower, flower don't you cry Your day

Слайд 23Your day will come before you die

Your day will come before you die

Слайд 24The sun was shining bright that day  Leaves were falling when

she lay She saw him coming and her heart stopped She began

to pray
The sun was  shining bright that day  Leaves were falling  when she lay She saw

Слайд 25He took his time and did it right, One last flower

caught his sight He placed her in the center oh the

bouquet was so bright
He took his time and did it right, One last flower  caught his sight He placed

Слайд 26She didn't think she had a chance Good thing he took

one last glance And the flower got her wish It was all

for just one kiss
She didn't think she had a chance Good thing he took  one last glance And the

Слайд 27Flower, flower, don't you worry Flower, flower, there's no hurry Flower, flower

don't you cry Your day will come before you die.

Flower, flower,  don't you worry Flower, flower,  there's no hurry Flower, flower  don't you

Слайд 28Your day will come before you die

Your day will come before you die



Слайд 30MATCH IT!

MATCH IT!Spiderman

Слайд 32
fist (n)

rotate (v)

forearm (n)

fist (n)					кулакrotate (v)				вращатьforearm (n)				предплечье

Слайд 33 
force (n)

heel (n)

assailant (n)

 force (n)				сила heel (n)					пятка assailant (n)			противник

Слайд 34
tender (adj)

sensitive (adj)

stomp (v)

tender (adj)			уязвимыйsensitive (adj)		чувствительныйstomp (v)			топать

Слайд 35
chin (n)

strike (v)
наносить удар

crouch (v)

chin (n)					подбородокstrike (v)					наносить ударcrouch (v)				присесть

Слайд 36
base (n)

calm (adj)

jab (v)

base (n)					основаниеcalm (adj)				спокойныйjab (v)					вонзать

Слайд 37
move (v)

backwards (adv)

reposition (v)

move (v)				передвигатьbackwards (adv)		назадreposition (v)			перегруппировывать

Слайд 38
thumb (n)
большой палец руки

pull back (phr)

gouge (n)

thumb (n)			большой палец рукиpull back (phr)		оттянутьgouge (n)			обман

Слайд 39 

protect (v)

gaze (v)
пристальный взгляд

groin (n)

 protect (v)		защищатьgaze (v)		пристальный взглядgroin (n)		пах

Слайд 40
twist (v)

grab (v)

squeeze (v)

twist (v)		крутитьgrab (v)		схватитьsqueeze (v)	сжимать

Слайд 41
hurt (v)
причинять боль

self-defence (phr)

last resort (phr)
крайнее средство

hurt (v)				причинять больself-defence (phr)	самозащитаlast resort (phr)		крайнее средство

Слайд 42a fighting chance
шанс на победу в борьбе

a fighting chanceшанс на победу в борьбе

Слайд 43an uphill battle
неравный бой

an uphill battle неравный бой

Слайд 44fight a losing battle
вести неравный бой (не иметь никаких шансов)

fight a losing battle вести неравный бой (не иметь никаких шансов)

Слайд 45fight fire with fire
бить противника его же оружием (клин клином


fight fire with fire бить противника его же оружием (клин клином вышибает)

Слайд 46pick a fight (with someone) and pick a quarrel (with someone)

затевать драку

pick a fight (with someone) and pick a quarrel (with someone) затевать драку

Слайд 4710 Infamous Crimes Inspired By Fictional Works

10 Infamous Crimes Inspired By Fictional Works

Слайд 49Jeffrey Cox, a high-school senior, read a book called Rage by Stephen

King. He later entered his class and brandished a rifle.

When Cox put the rifle between his legs, a classmate rushed at him and knocked him to the ground. Other students assisted, and the incident ended without any loss of life. Stephen King later requested that the book never be printed again.
Jeffrey Cox, a high-school senior, read a book called Rage by Stephen King. He later entered his class and

Слайд 50Jeffrey Cox, a high-school senior, read a book called Rage by Stephen

King. He later entered his class and brandished a rifle.

When Cox put the rifle between his legs, a classmate rushed at him and knocked him to the ground. Other students assisted, and the incident ended without any loss of life. Stephen King later requested that the book never be printed again.

classmate (n) одноклассник

rush (v) рвануться

brandish (v) размахивать
Jeffrey Cox, a high-school senior, read a book called Rage by Stephen King. He later entered his class and

Слайд 51Grand Theft Auto is a video game in which the player

commits, well, grand theft auto, among other crimes that didn’t

make the title. A gang loved to sit around, get high, and play GTA III. When they needed a break from playing, they took the game to the street, killing five people. Six of them were found guilty for murder.
Grand Theft Auto is a video game in which the player commits, well, grand theft auto, among other

Слайд 52Grand Theft Auto is a video game in which the player

commits, well, grand theft auto, among other crimes that didn’t

make the title. A gang loved to sit around, get high, and play GTA III. When they needed a break from playing, they took the game to the street, killing five people. Six of them were found guilty for murder.

guilty (adj) виновный

commit (v) совершать

get high (phr) опьянеть от наркотиков
Grand Theft Auto is a video game in which the player commits, well, grand theft auto, among other

Слайд 53Martin Scorsese’s film adaptation of Nikos Kazantzakis’s controversial novel The Last

Temptation of Christ hit screens in 1988. A group of fundamentalists

that had been excommunicated from the Catholic Church injured 13 people. 
Martin Scorsese’s film adaptation of Nikos Kazantzakis’s controversial novel The Last Temptation of Christ hit screens in 1988. A

Слайд 54Martin Scorsese’s film adaptation of Nikos Kazantzakis’s controversial novel The Last

Temptation of Christ hit screens in 1988. A group of fundamentalists

that had been excommunicated from the Catholic Church injured 13 people.

screen (n) экран

controversial (adj) спорный

excommunicated (adj) отлученный от церкви
Martin Scorsese’s film adaptation of Nikos Kazantzakis’s controversial novel The Last Temptation of Christ hit screens in 1988. A

Слайд 55In 1977 The movie The Message told the story of

Islam. Former members of the Nation of Islam stormed three

buildings in Washington, DC and demanded all copies of the movie be destroyed. After a day and a half of negotiations, they agreed to release all their hostages and turn themselves in.
In 1977 The movie The Message told the story of Islam. Former members of the Nation of

Слайд 56In 1977 The movie The Message told the story of

Islam. Former members of the Nation of Islam stormed three

buildings in Washington, DC and demanded all copies of the movie be destroyed. After a day and a half of negotiations, they agreed to release all their hostages and turn themselves in.

building (n) здание

former (adj) бывший

hostage (n) заложник
In 1977 The movie The Message told the story of Islam. Former members of the Nation of

Слайд 57Mark David Chapman obsessively identified with J.D. Salinger’s classic novel

The Catcher in the Rye, to the point that he

considered his murder of John Lennon to be “Chapter 27,” the next chapter in the 26-chapter book. He even infamously quoted from the book in his trial.
Mark David Chapman obsessively identified with J.D. Salinger’s classic novel The Catcher in the Rye, to the

Слайд 58Mark David Chapman obsessively identified with J.D. Salinger’s classic novel

The Catcher in the Rye, to the point that he

considered his murder of John Lennon to be “Chapter 27,” the next chapter in the 26-chapter book. He even infamously quoted from the book in his trial.

trial (n) суд

obsessively (adj) одержимо

infamously (t) позорно
Mark David Chapman obsessively identified with J.D. Salinger’s classic novel The Catcher in the Rye, to the

Слайд 59Andrew Conley was a typical 17-year-old. The only difference between

him and other high school seniors is he loved the

TV show Dexter—and strangled his 10-year-old brother.
Andrew Conley was a typical 17-year-old. The only difference between him and other high school seniors is

Слайд 60Andrew Conley was a typical 17-year-old. The only difference between

him and other high school seniors is he loved the

TV show Dexter—and strangled his 10-year-old brother.

difference (n) отличие

senior (n) старшеклассник

strangle (v) задушить
Andrew Conley was a typical 17-year-old. The only difference between him and other high school seniors is

Слайд 61The book “The Satanic verses” are the alleged passages in the

Quran in which Satan tricked Muhammad into reciting an edict

to worship three goddesses in addition to Allah. Bookstores that carried The Satanic Verses were firebombed. Well over 100 people died worldwide because of reactions to The Satanic Verses.
The book “The Satanic verses” are the alleged passages in the Quran in which Satan tricked Muhammad into

Слайд 62The book “The Satanic verses” are the alleged passages in the

Quran in which Satan tricked Muhammad into reciting an edict

to worship three goddesses in addition to Allah. Bookstores that carried The Satanic Verses were firebombed. Well over 100 people died worldwide because of reactions to The Satanic Verses.

worship (v) поклоняться

recite (v) декламировать

alleged (adj) предполагаемый
The book “The Satanic verses” are the alleged passages in the Quran in which Satan tricked Muhammad into

Слайд 63Colombo was a New York crime boss in the early

1960s. He protested and attempted to influence the filming of The

Godfather. The heads of the other families became nervous about all the extra publicity thrust upon their operations, so something had to be done. Colombo was shot three times and became a quadriplegic.
Colombo was a New York crime boss in the early 1960s. He protested and attempted to influence

Слайд 64Colombo was a New York crime boss in the early

1960s. He protested and attempted to influence the filming of The

Godfather. The heads of the other families became nervous about all the extra publicity thrust upon their operations, so something had to be done. Colombo was shot three times and became a quadriplegic.

nervous (adj) нервничающий

publicity (n) публичность

thrust (n) удар
Colombo was a New York crime boss in the early 1960s. He protested and attempted to influence

Слайд 65 In 2005, A Danish newspaper published drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

A Muslim man broke into the house of the artist

responsible to attack him but he locked himself in the bathroom and called the police.
 In 2005, A Danish newspaper published drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad. A Muslim man broke into the house

Слайд 66 In 2005, A Danish newspaper published drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

A Muslim man broke into the house of the artist

responsible to attack him but he locked himself in the bathroom and called the police.

drawing (n) рисунок

publish (v) публиковать

depict (v) изображать
 In 2005, A Danish newspaper published drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad. A Muslim man broke into the house

Слайд 67The 1915 film The Birth Of A Nation single-handedly brought

about the return of the KKK. Unfortunately, after the positive

portrayal of the KKK in the movie the Klan made a remarkable revival.
The 1915 film The Birth Of A Nation single-handedly brought about the return of the KKK. Unfortunately,

Слайд 68The 1915 film The Birth Of A Nation single-handedly brought

about the return of the KKK. Unfortunately, after the positive

portrayal of the KKK in the movie the Klan made a remarkable revival.

return (n) возвращение

remarkable (adj) знаменатльный

portrayal (n) изображение
The 1915 film The Birth Of A Nation single-handedly brought about the return of the KKK. Unfortunately,

Слайд 69IDIOMS


Слайд 70free-for-all


Слайд 71free-for-all беспредел
This term refers to an uncontrolled situation such as an

argument or fight where everyone present can do what they

free-for-all беспределThis term refers to an uncontrolled situation such as an argument or fight where everyone present

Слайд 72take cover

take cover

Слайд 73take cover укрыться
When someone takes cover, they hide from a danger in a

place where they find protection.

take cover укрытьсяWhen someone takes cover, they hide from a danger in a place where they find protection.

Слайд 74tit for tat

tit for tat

Слайд 75tit for tat око за око
This expression refers to an injury

insult given in return for one received.

tit for tat око за окоThis expression refers to an injuryor insult given in return for one

Слайд 76Axe to grind

Axe to grind

Слайд 77Axe to grind точить зуб на кого то
If you have an

axe to grind with someone or about something, you have

a grievance, a resentment and you want to get revenge or sort it out. 
Axe to grind точить зуб на кого тоIf you have an axe to grind with someone or

Слайд 78Bite the bullet

Bite the bullet   

Слайд 79Bite the bullet терпеть что-либо стиснув зубы, стойко переносить
If you have

to bite the bullet, you have to accept or face

something unpleasant because it cannot be avoided.
Bite the bullet терпеть что-либо стиснув зубы, стойко переносить If you have to bite the bullet, you



Слайд 81 book it

book it

Слайд 82 book it
to move very fast

book itto move very fast

Слайд 84ASAP
acronym for "as soon as possible"

ASAPacronym for

Слайд 86RCVP
RSVP is Repondez s'il vous plait (Please reply)

RCVPRSVP is Repondez s'il vous plait (Please reply)





Слайд 90Pearl of Wisdom

Pearl of Wisdom

Слайд 91“We read to know that we are not alone.” —

C.S. Lewis

“We read to know that we are not alone.” — C.S. Lewis

Слайд 92“It is what you read when you don’t have to

that determines what you will be when you can’t help

it.” — Oscar Wilde
“It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when

Слайд 93“Read the best books first, or you may not have

a chance to read them at all.” — Henry David


“Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all.”

Слайд 94“I cannot remember the books I’ve read any more than

the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made

me.” —
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I cannot remember the books I’ve read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so,

Слайд 99Randy and Debra Warren

Randy and Debra Warren



Слайд 101SUMMER CAMP 2014


Слайд 102
JUNE 28th

JUNE 28th

Слайд 103next weeks topic
10 Amazing Facts About The Human Body

next weeks topic10 Amazing Facts About The Human Body

Слайд 104I’ll Fly Away

I’ll Fly Away

Слайд 105Some bright morning when this life is over I'll

fly away To that home on Gods celestial shore I'll

fly away
Some bright morning    when this life is over I'll fly away To that home

Слайд 106I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away in

the morning When I die hallelujah by and by I'll

fly away
I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away    in the morning When I die

Слайд 107 When the shadows of this life have gone I'll

fly away Like a bird from these prison walls

I'll fly I'll fly away
When the shadows    of this life have gone I'll fly away Like a

Слайд 108I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away in

the morning When I die hallelujah by and by I'll

fly away
I'll fly away, oh glory I'll fly away    in the morning When I die

Слайд 109Oh how glad and happy when we meet I'll

fly away No more cold iron shackles on my

feet I'll fly away
Oh how glad and happy    when we meet I'll fly away No more cold

Слайд 110I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away in

the morning When I die hallelujah by and by I'll

fly away
I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away    in the morning When I die

Слайд 111I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away in

the morning When I die hallelujah by and by I'll

fly away
I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away    in the morning When I die

Слайд 112Just a few more weary days and then I'll

fly away To a land where joys will never

end I'll fly away
Just a few more    weary days and then I'll fly away To a land

Слайд 113I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away in

the morning When I die hallelujah by and by I'll

fly away I'll fly away
I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away    in the morning When I die

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