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Size-15.1 thous. кmThe population was 937.9 k. Pax.It borders with the European Union — with Poland in the South, with Lithuania in the North and East. In the West, the Kaliningrad

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Kaliningrad
Patsukov Egor 5L

KaliningradPatsukov Egor 5L

Слайд 2Size-15.1 thous. кm
The population was 937.9 k. Pax.
It borders with

the European Union — with Poland in the South, with

Lithuania in the North and East. In the West, the Kaliningrad region is washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea.
Size-15.1 thous. кmThe population was 937.9 k. Pax.It borders with the European Union — with Poland in

Слайд 3Population
786 885-Russian (82.37%)
50 748– Belarusians(5.31%)

47 229-Ukrainians (4.94%)
13 937 —

Lithuanians (1.46%)
8 415-Armenians (0.88%)
8 340-Germans (0.87%)
4 729- Tatars(0.50%)
3 918—

Population786 885-Russian (82.37%)50 748– Belarusians(5.31%) 47 229-Ukrainians (4.94%)13 937 — Lithuanians (1.46%)8 415-Armenians (0.88%)8 340-Germans (0.87%)4 729-

Слайд 4Relief
Topography of the area is the hilly plain, parts of

which are located below sea level.
When excessive moisture flattened

basest relief requires large reclamation work. Therefore, almost all the territory of the region is covered with drainage reclamation.
ReliefTopography of the area is the hilly plain, parts of which are located below sea level. When

Слайд 5Climate
Maximum temperature in summer is 22-26° c, the minimum temperature

in winter is-from-18 to-23° c.

ClimateMaximum temperature in summer is 22-26° c, the minimum temperature in winter is-from-18 to-23° c. SummerWinter

Слайд 7Coat Of Arms

Coat Of Arms

Слайд 8The fishing village

The fishing village

Слайд 9The Curonian spit

The Curonian spit

Слайд 10The King's Gate

The King's Gate

Слайд 11Andrew's Original Cathedral

Andrew's Original Cathedral

Слайд 12The Brandenburg Gate

The Brandenburg Gate

Слайд 13Cathedral


Слайд 14Kënisberg


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