Разделы презентаций

Keep on learning


Составь предложенияI think that / important / is / not / it / so wants / to go / she / abroad (заграница)likes / watching / he / movies I think

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Keep on learning

Keep on learning

Слайд 2Составь предложения

I think that / important / is / not

/ it / so
wants / to go / she

/ abroad (заграница)
likes / watching / he / movies
I think / she / that / not / is / at work
important / is / not / it / that / a plumber / is / she
Do / think / you / is / good / it / to be / polite ?
don’t / that / we / think / is / bad / it
Составь предложенияI think that / important / is / not / it / so wants / to

Слайд 3Найди ошибку
We is funny.
He read a book.
Kate can counts.
Ann and

Jim plays tennis every day.
She don’t play hockey.
They doesn’t speak

I don’t can swim.
We runs and jumps.
They is pupils.
He is student.

Найди ошибкуWe is funny.He read a book.Kate can counts.Ann and Jim plays tennis every day.She don’t play

Слайд 4
Задай вопросы, используя Do/Does и дай краткий ответ

They like apples.________________________________(-)
Tom likes corn._________________________________(+)

like chocolate.____________________________(+)
Children like sweets.____________________________(+)
Peter likes sandwiches.__________________________(-)

Задай вопросы, используя Do/Does и дай краткий ответThey like apples.________________________________(-)Tom likes corn._________________________________(+)Pupils like chocolate.____________________________(+)Children like sweets.____________________________(+)Peter likes sandwiches.__________________________(-)

Слайд 5Why is it so important?

Why is it so important?

Слайд 101. Вставьте верное слово:

1. “Kids, please, ___ at the blackboard!”
look b. see c.


2. “Be quiet and let me ___ the football match!”

b. saw c. watch

3. Cats can ___ in the dark.
see b. seeing c. watching

4. “___at those beautiful pictures!”
Look b. See c. Watching

5. “I usually ___ television in the evenings. And you?”
looking b. see c. watch

6. “It is very dark, I can't ___ anything!”
looked b. see c. watching

7. “I have to go. ___ you later!”
a. Looking b. See c. Watched

1. Вставьте верное слово:1. “Kids, please, ___ at the blackboard!”look b. see c. watch2. “Be quiet and let me ___

Слайд 111. He … “My mother teaches English at school”.
2. I

met Ann in the street yesterday and we stood and 

… for half an hour.
3. These students … English very slowly , but they do not make mistakes.
4. Nick is going to … at the next meeting.
5.  My sister … that  she is coming here tomorrow.
6. Go to Mr Brown. He will … you all the facts.
7. We … about books most of the time.
8. Last year he… two languages and now he… three.
9. She … him all.
10. She … him the whole story.
11. Did he … you his name and address?
12. She …, “My brother likes to read.”
13. She … me that she took dancing lessons last year.
14. … him to ring me up in an hour.
15. He … that he was not at home yesterday.
16. What did you …? I didn’t hear.
17. What are you … about?
18. I do not … German.
19. He … that he can come tomorrow.
20. The teacher … us to learn these words.

1. He … “My mother teaches English at school”.2. I met Ann in the street yesterday and

Слайд 12http://uchudoma.ru/audirovanie-dlya-3-4-klassa-addam-family/


Слайд 13The Addam family live in ... .


The Addam family live in ... . Scotland  Ireland England

Слайд 14What does Mr Addam do? He ... .
writes books
teaches children 

a bus

What does Mr Addam do? He ... . writes books  teaches children   drives a bus

Слайд 15Mrs Addam ... . 
is a teacher
has two jobs
isn’t working now

Mrs Addam ... .  is a teacher  has two jobs  isn’t working now

Слайд 16Mr and Mrs Addam have ... . 
two daughters
a son and

a daughter
two sons

Mr and Mrs Addam have ... .  two daughters  a son and a daughter  two sons

Слайд 17Mr and Mrs Addam’s children are ... . 
football players

Mr and Mrs Addam’s children are ... .  students  football players  babies

Слайд 18... is eight.

... is eight. Jacky  Bill  Jill

Слайд 19How old is Bill? He is ... Jacky. 
older than
younger than

old as

How old is Bill? He is ... Jacky.  older than  younger than  as old as

Слайд 20There are ... people in the Addam family. 

There are ... people in the Addam family.  five  four  three

Слайд 21Bill really likes ... . 
video games

Bill really likes ... .  video games  hockey  comedies

Слайд 22The Addam family is a ... family.

The Addam family is a ... family. lucky   funny  happy

Слайд 24 Напишите форму
3-го лица ед. числа следующих глаголов

 Напишите форму 3-го лица ед. числа следующих глаголов

Слайд 25Сделайте предложения правдивыми для вашей семьи. Используйте следующие слова.

 always, usually,

often, sometimes, rarely, never

 We ____________ celebrate Christmas.
My mum ____________ decorates

a Christmas tree.
My dad  ____________ buys a Christmas tree.
My granny ____________ makes a cake.
My parents  ____________ send Christmas cards.
I ____________ get presents.
We ____________ sing Christmas carols.

Сделайте предложения правдивыми для вашей семьи. Используйте следующие слова. always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never We ____________ celebrate Christmas.My

Слайд 26Сделай предложения отрицательными

We are doctors. ______________________________________
He is a student._______________________________________
Ben has

got sweets.___________________________________
You like milk._________________________________________
She likes ice-cream.____________________________________
They have a lot of

We play hide-and-sick.____________________________________
He has a family._________________________________________
Ira reads a big book.______________________________________
Henry can swim very well.________________________________

Сделай предложения отрицательнымиWe are doctors. ______________________________________He is a student._______________________________________Ben has got sweets.___________________________________You like milk._________________________________________She likes ice-cream.____________________________________They have



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