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L otus T emple

The Lotus Temple is located in Delhi, the capital of India. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions of the city. Over 10 thousand people visit the Temple every

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Слайд 1Victoriya Arabachan

6 “c” school#20 L.V. Fomina


Victoriya Arabachan

Слайд 2The Lotus Temple is located in Delhi, the capital of

India. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions

of the city. Over 10 thousand people visit the Temple every day. Its popularity is due to the original architecture of the building.

The famous Lotus Temple in New Delhi

The Lotus Temple is located in Delhi, the capital of India. It is one of the most

Слайд 3Officially the Temple is called the “House of Bahai Community”

or the “House of Bahai Worship”, because it is one

of the biggest Bahai Temples in the world.
Officially the Temple is called the “House of Bahai Community” or the “House of Bahai Worship”, because

Слайд 4Few words about Bahaism
Bahaism is very young religion which

comes from the middle of the 19th century. The origin

of Bahaism is Iran.
Few words about Bahaism Bahaism is very young religion which comes from the middle of the 19th

Слайд 5The founder of this religion is Bahaullah, who’s real name

was Hussein-Ali-I-Nary. He was from Persia. The Bahai religion teaches

that men and women are equal, that everyone should refuse to race and religious prejudices, that there is harmony of religion and science. That’s why the Temple is opened for everyone and people from different countries can say their prayers here.

The founder of this religion is Bahaullah, who’s real name was Hussein-Ali-I-Nary. He was from Persia. The

Слайд 6The enter to the Temple is free. The only condition

for the visitors is to take their shoes off.

The enter to the Temple is free. The only condition for the visitors is to take their

Слайд 7The Lotus Temple was built in 1986 that’s why it

is a new point of interest. But the location of

it has always been sacred. In ancient time there was a settlement here and it was called Baha-Pur. The name of a settlement meant “Habitation of Baha”.
The Lotus Temple was built in 1986 that’s why it is a new point of interest. But

Слайд 8The Temple in shape of Lotus
The Temple looks like a

lotus flower. The choice of such an architectural form is

caused by the sacred meaning of this flower. Lotus is mentioned in Indian religion scriptures called Vedas.
The Temple in shape of Lotus The Temple looks like a lotus flower. The choice of such

Слайд 9 In almost every Indian religion the lotus flower is

very important. For example this is the picture of Brahma

or Buddah, who is called «The Heart of Lotus». People in ancient India believed that the Earth is a giant lotus flower which is floating in the ocean.

In almost every Indian religion the lotus flower is very important. For example this is the

Слайд 10 Lotus is the national symbol of India. I wonder

that this flower is sacred not only for Indians but

for many other countries. They are China and Egypt. In China it became sacred long before the Buddism. That’s why such a shape of the Temple shows that the Lotus Temple is for everyone despite of the nationality or religion.

Lotus is the national symbol of India. I wonder that this flower is sacred not only

Слайд 11Resources

Resourceshttp://indianochka.ru/travel/dostoprimechatelnosti/hram-lotosa.html#ixzz4fG8JKpqt http://7z2.ru/goroda.php?id=18221 http://windoftravel.net/object/265857 http://urok-yoga.ru/hram-lotosa-odin-iz-samyih-zhivopisnyih-hramov-indii/ http://pomidorinka.livejournal.com/1273301.html

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