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Leading international book exhibitions AS COMPREHENSIVE CHANNEL PROFESSIONAL

Exhibition activity is one of the most dynamic areas of contemporary world economy because it’s playing an important role in strengthening international relations, improving the international image of the state of

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Слайд 2Exhibition activity is one of the most dynamic areas of

contemporary world economy because it’s playing an important role in

strengthening international relations, improving the international image of the state of domestic and foreign trade, attracting investments and loans, the promotion of new technologies, new products and services, promoting and consolidating the positive structural changes in the economy, promoting scientific and technical and technological renewal of production, development of business tourism and so on. International exhibition activity is one of the communication channels of modern enterprises in the global economic system,which provides interconnection with the economies of many countries.
Exhibition activity is one of the most dynamic areas of contemporary world economy because it’s playing an

Слайд 3In modern conditions of exhibition activity belongs to the essential

factors that stimulate the development of all sectors of the

economy. An important and oldest industrial exhibitions sector at information sphere it’s a book exhibition.
In modern conditions of exhibition activity belongs to the essential factors that stimulate the development of all

Слайд 4Today in Ukraine annually performed nearly a dozen book exhibitions,

diverse by the number of different exhibition area, the kind

of events and so on. And it’s quite popular among exhibitors and visitors.

In terms of commitment to successfully promote its products on world markets acute competition for experts of information sphere Ukraine explore the possibilities of leading international book fairs as an integrated communication channel is of particular relevance.

Today in Ukraine annually performed nearly a dozen book exhibitions, diverse by the number of different exhibition

Слайд 5Representative activities at book exhibitions in last years is diverse

by modern art actions, performances, by mixing different cultural areas

such as literature, music, theater, art, movies, fashion and even cooking.
Representative activities at book exhibitions in last years is diverse by modern art actions, performances, by mixing

Слайд 6Special attention should be paid for a practice the invitation

of the honorific guest, which may be as a separate

country so a particular person. As a honorific guest may be famous writers, stars of show business, television and others.
Special attention should be paid for a practice the invitation of the honorific guest, which may be

Слайд 7The exhibition is a comprehensive channel of communication. On the

one hand it is one of the marketing channel with

interpersonal, social media and other types of communications; And on the other hand, the exhibition uses various types of communication channels: visual, verbal, performance etc. Company must consider that each particular exhibition has its own characteristics and features (location and timing, the characteristic of exhibitors and visitors number, etc.) And of course an important feature of the exhibition is it’s status.
The exhibition is a comprehensive channel of communication. On the one hand it is one of the

Слайд 8There is one of the most prestigious international association in

the global exhibition industry and it’s call the International Association

of Exhibition Industry (UFI). One of the main directions of its activity is the evaluation of quality exhibitions of various industries worldwide and provide special status to these measures. This status - «Approved by UFI» - acknowledged emblem, which is a kind of indicator of quality, certifying the highest standards of exhibition services.
There is one of the most prestigious international association in the global exhibition industry and it’s call

Слайд 9Bologna Children's Book Fair – is the most important international

event showing the traditional publishing and digital children's book that

promotes the sale and promotion of best children's books, multimedia products, creating new business opportunities and helps to establish professional contacts.
Bologna Children's Book Fair – is the most important international event showing the traditional publishing and digital

Слайд 10There is International Cultural Industries Fair performed for eight years

already in China, which brought together representatives of different industry.

This event is a real trade forum Chinese cultural projects promoting the global market Chinese cultural industry, actively promoting the globalization of Chinese products.
There is International Cultural Industries Fair performed for eight years already in China, which brought together representatives

Слайд 11Consequently, international book exhibitions are a powerful social and cultural

phenomenon and professional communication channel that allows you to establish

contacts between the subjects of the book market - publishers, printers, illustrators, translators, booksellers, librarians and authors, book buyers; improve the quality of the preparation and printing of the book; to form a new level of presentation of books on the market, bringing it to the reader; to promote the culture of reading among children and adults.
Consequently, international book exhibitions are a powerful social and cultural phenomenon and professional communication channel that allows

Слайд 12 Thank you for attention!!!

Thank you for attention!!!

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