Разделы презентаций

Learning English is fun!


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Learning English is fun!
School year calendar

Learning English is fun!School year calendar

Слайд 2September


Слайд 31 September

1 September

Слайд 4Hallo, friends!
Hallo, girls and boys!
Hallo, to you.
We are the animals

in the zoo.
We’re your friends and we are here.
We’re learning

English all the year.

Hallo, girls and boys!
Hallo, to you.
We’re your friends here in the zoo.
We like songs and books and fun.
Let’s learn English everyone!

Hallo, girls and boys!
Hallo, to you.
Well come to our zoo.
Hallo, friends!Hallo, girls and boys!Hallo, to you.We are the animals in the zoo.We’re your friends and we

Слайд 5October


Слайд 9November


Слайд 10On holiday

On holiday

Слайд 11Lucky, lucky Ziggy
Lucky, lucky Ziggy
Every day, he plays.
Lucky, lucky Ziggy

on holiday.

He plays on the beach.
He swims in the sea.

eats an ice cream.
He watches TV.

Lucky, lucky Ziggy
Every day, he plays.
Lucky, lucky Ziggy
He’s on holiday.

Lucky, lucky ZiggyLucky, lucky ZiggyEvery day, he plays.Lucky, lucky ZiggyHe’s on holiday.He plays on the beach.He swims

Слайд 12December


Слайд 13January


Слайд 16February


Слайд 17Valentine Day

Valentine Day

Слайд 48We love our mums and grandmums!

We love our mums and grandmums!

Слайд 56Goodbye, my friends !
Goodbye my

Goodbye to you.

Be happy every day.
We won t be sad. We ll meet again.
Goodbye, my friends !     Goodbye my friend.      Goodbye

Слайд 57Goodbye, school!

Goodbye, school!

Слайд 58Hello, summer!

Hello, summer!

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