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Lingua Progress+


Thanks God It’s Monday!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Lingua Progress+

Lingua Progress+

Слайд 2

Thanks God It’s Monday!

Thanks God It’s Monday!

Слайд 3Let’s start! We’re going to find out something new : )

Let’s start! We’re going to find out something new : )

Слайд 4Let’s watch the video.

Let’s watch the video.

Слайд 5It’s time to know the topic and the aims of

today’s lesson!

It’s time to know the topic and the aims of today’s lesson!

Слайд 6What relationship do you think these people might have? (Discuss it

with your partner)

What relationship do you think these people might have? (Discuss it with your partner)

Слайд 11There are some words used when we describe a type

of relationship:

There are some words used when we describe a type of relationship:

Слайд 12aquaintance


Слайд 13Let’s check your Vocabulary!

Let’s check your Vocabulary!

Слайд 14These are three categories. Think of as many relationships as

you can for each one.

These are three categories. Think of as many relationships as you can for each one.

Слайд 16Let’s play a game : )

Let’s play a game : )

Слайд 17Brother-in-law


Слайд 19acquaintance


Слайд 20Best friend

Best friend

Слайд 21stranger


Слайд 22Ex-girlfriend


Слайд 23Good job!

Good job!

Слайд 24Find your partner.

Find your partner.

Слайд 25Who do you consider to be your best friend?
When and

where did you meet them?

Who do you consider to be your best friend? When and where did you meet them?

Слайд 26What do you like about your best friend?

What do you like about your best friend?

Слайд 27How different is your friend from you?

How different is your friend from you?

Слайд 29Let’s listen to Pete answering the same questions about his

best friend, note down his answers.

Let’s listen to Pete answering the same questions about his best friend, note down his answers.

Слайд 30What personal qualities should a friend have?

What personal qualities should a friend have?

Слайд 31Can you explain these words in English?

Can you explain these words in English?

Слайд 32sincere


Слайд 33dependable


Слайд 34encouraging


Слайд 35generous


Слайд 36jealous


Слайд 37kind-hearted


Слайд 39pleasant


Слайд 40selfish


Слайд 43Let’s fill the gaps in the copies with the adjectives.

Let’s fill the gaps in the copies with the adjectives.

Слайд 44Which of these qualities do you have?

Which of these qualities do you have?

Слайд 45When we tell about our relationship we can use some

stable expressions. Let’s check them out!

When we tell about our relationship we can use some stable expressions. Let’s check them out!

Слайд 46Well-done!


Слайд 47Tell about a person you’ve lost touch with.

Tell about a person you’ve lost touch with.

Слайд 48Tell about two people whose company you enjoy.

Tell about two people whose company you enjoy.

Слайд 49Tell about a classmate you had a lot in common.

Tell about a classmate you had a lot in common.

Слайд 50Are there any people you didn’t fall out last year?

Are there any people you didn’t fall out last year?

Слайд 51Auxiliary Verbs.

Auxiliary Verbs.

Слайд 52Auxiliary Verbs: DO

Auxiliary Verbs: DO

Слайд 53Auxiliary Verbs: DO BE HAVE

Auxiliary Verbs: DO BE HAVE



Слайд 551.Mary is/has taking a shower.

1.Mary is/has taking a shower.

Слайд 561.Mary is taking a shower.

1.Mary is taking a shower.

Слайд 572. Does/Has the postman delivered the post yet?

2. Does/Has the postman delivered the post yet?

Слайд 582. Has the postman delivered the post yet?

2. Has the postman delivered the post yet?

Слайд 593. They are/do writing in their journals now.

3. They are/do writing in their journals now.

Слайд 603. They are writing in their journals now.

3. They are writing in their journals now.

Слайд 614. Had/Have your friends spoken to you today?

4. Had/Have your friends spoken to you today?

Слайд 624. Have your friends spoken to you today?

4. Have your friends spoken to you today?

Слайд 635. I don’t/haven’t understand this question.

5. I don’t/haven’t understand this question.

Слайд 645. I don’t understand this question.

5. I don’t understand this question.

Слайд 656. Do/Are we going to the theatre tonight?

6. Do/Are we going to the theatre tonight?

Слайд 666. Are we going to the theatre tonight?

6. Are we going to the theatre tonight?

Слайд 677. She is/has never been to Hawaii before.

7. She is/has never been to Hawaii before.

Слайд 687. She has never been to Hawaii before.

7. She has never been to Hawaii before.

Слайд 698. Doesn’t/Don’t his mother live here?

8. Doesn’t/Don’t his mother live here?

Слайд 708. Doesn’t his mother live here?

8. Doesn’t his mother live here?

Слайд 719. Haven’t/Didn’t you seen this film before?

9. Haven’t/Didn’t you seen this film before?

Слайд 729. Haven’t you seen this film before?

9. Haven’t you seen this film before?

Слайд 73Good job! More practice!

Good job! More practice!

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