Разделы презентаций

Make a flower grow Order of adjectives

An ugly big brown wooden office desk.desk, office, big, ugly, an, wooden, brown,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Make a flower
of adjectives

Make a flower grow Order of adjectives

Слайд 2An ugly big brown
wooden office desk.
desk, office, big,

an, wooden, brown,

An ugly big brown  wooden office desk.desk, office, big, ugly, an, wooden, brown,

Слайд 3shoulder-length straight
black hair.
hair, shoulder -length, black, straight,

shoulder-length straight black hair.hair, shoulder -length, black, straight,

Слайд 4A square black and white
family photo.

photo, black, white,

and, square, a family

A square black and white family photo. photo, black, white, and, square, a family

Слайд 5A beautiful little antique
green chinese
jade vase

jade, Chinese,

a, antique, little, green

A beautiful little antique green chinese jade vase jade, Chinese, beautiful, a, antique, little, green

Слайд 6A nice short old brown
Italian leather jacket.

Italian, nice,

old, brown, A, leather, jacket, short

A nice short old brown Italian leather jacket. Italian, nice, old, brown, A, leather, jacket, short

Слайд 7This beautiful round red
Japanese flower pot

flower, Japanese, round,

This, red, beautiful, pot

This beautiful round red Japanese flower pot flower, Japanese, round, This, red, beautiful, pot

Слайд 8Cute little black and white
spotted Dalmatian

little, Dalmatian,

cute, black and white, spotted puppies

Cute little black and white spotted Dalmatian puppies. little, Dalmatian, cute, black and white, spotted puppies

Слайд 9A friendly old long-haired
Siamese cat

a friendly, cat, old, Siamese,


A friendly old long-haired Siamese cata friendly, cat, old, Siamese, long-haired

Слайд 10A charming tall
young Polish model.

a young, charming, model,

tall, polish

A charming tall young Polish model. a young, charming, model, tall, polish

Слайд 11 An amazing new
all bells and whistles


new, all bells and whistles, smartphone, amazing

An amazing new all bells and whistles smartphone. a new, all bells and whistles, smartphone, amazing

Слайд 12 This beautiful deserted
golden sandy beach

this golden,

beautiful, deserted, beach, sand

This beautiful deserted golden sandy beach this golden, beautiful, deserted, beach, sand

Слайд 13 Now I’ve got a big new blue american car

with shiny chrome wheels.

Now I’ve got a ...

... ... ... ... with shiny chrome wheels.

Now I’ve got a big new blue american car with shiny chrome wheels. Now I’ve got

Слайд 14Coat hanger

Coat hanger

Слайд 15Tennis ball

Tennis ball

Слайд 16Beach bag

Beach bag

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