Разделы презентаций

Make sentences using past continuous and tell what Foxy and his friends were

sail/whole summerThey were sailing the whole summer

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Make sentences using past continuous and tell what Foxy and

his friends were doing on their holidays!
Past Continuous

Make sentences using past continuous and tell what Foxy and his friends were doing on their holidays!Past

Слайд 2 sail/whole summer
They were sailing the whole summer

sail/whole summerThey were sailing the whole summer

Слайд 3They were riding on a banana boat from 5 till

8 on Sunday
ride a banana boat/ from 5 till 8

on Sunday
They were riding on a banana boat from 5 till 8 on Sundayride a banana boat/ from

Слайд 4They were watching the clouds from
2 till 3 on

watch the clouds/from 2 till 3 on Sunday

They were watching the clouds from 2 till 3 on Sundaywatch the clouds/from 2 till 3 on

Слайд 5walk in the forest/ from 3 till 4 on Saturday

were walking in the forest from 3 till 4 on

walk in the forest/ from 3 till 4 on SaturdayThey were walking in the forest from 3

Слайд 6sunbath/from 6 till 7 on Tuesday
They were sunbathing from 6

till 7 on Tuesday

sunbath/from 6 till 7 on TuesdayThey were sunbathing from 6 till 7 on Tuesday

Слайд 7play on the beach/ from 4 till 6 on Wednesday

were playing in the beach from 4 till 6 on

play on the beach/ from 4 till 6 on WednesdayThey were playing in the beach from 4

Слайд 8fishing/ from 5 till 7 on Tuesday
They were fishing from

5 till 7 on Tuesday

fishing/ from 5 till 7 on TuesdayThey were fishing from 5 till 7 on Tuesday

Слайд 9sing/ from 6 till 7 on Thursday
They were singing from

6 till 7 on Thursday

sing/ from 6 till 7 on ThursdayThey were singing from 6 till 7 on Thursday

Слайд 10eat/ from 2 till 3 on Wednesday
They were eating from

2 till 3 on Wednesday

eat/ from 2 till 3 on WednesdayThey were eating from 2 till 3 on Wednesday

Слайд 11sleep/ from 4 till 5 on Friday
He was sleeping from

4 till 5 on Friday

sleep/ from 4 till 5 on FridayHe was sleeping from 4 till 5 on Friday

Слайд 12wash/ from 6 till 7 on Friday
They were washing from

6 till 7 on Friday

wash/ from 6 till 7 on FridayThey were washing from 6 till 7 on Friday

Слайд 13ride a motorcycle/the whole day on Monday
They were ride a

motorcycle the whole day on Monday

ride a motorcycle/the whole day on MondayThey were ride a motorcycle the whole day on Monday

Слайд 14eat ice-cream/ from 5 till 6 on Tuesday
They were eating

ice-cream from 5 till 6 on Tuesday

eat ice-cream/ from 5 till 6 on TuesdayThey were eating ice-cream from 5 till 6 on Tuesday

Слайд 15take pictures/ the whole evening on Wednesday
They were taking pictures

the whole evening on Wednesday

take pictures/ the whole evening on WednesdayThey were taking pictures the whole evening on Wednesday

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