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MUNMUN is an educational simulation where students roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. Every student gives speeches detailing their country’s position on the topic and offering possible solutions.The

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Слайд 1MODEL UNITED nations
Writing the Delegate’s opening speech

MODEL UNITED nationsWriting the Delegate’s opening speech

Слайд 2MUN
MUN is an educational simulation where students roleplay delegates to

the United Nations and simulate UN committees. 
Every student gives speeches

detailing their country’s position on the topic and offering possible solutions.
The goal of the debates is to reach a consensus which could be applied in the real world. Every participant is encouraged to engage actively in the debates and behave according their country’s policy.
The delegates learn to break away from national self-interest and develop international cooperation.
MUNMUN is an educational simulation where students roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. Every

Слайд 3What we discuss
Atomic Energy
Climate Change
Human Rights

What we discuss http://www.un.org/en/sections/issues-depth/global-issues-overview/ AfricaAgeingAtomic EnergyClimate ChangeChildrenWomenFoodHealthHuman RightsDemocracy

Слайд 4The current world agenda till 2030

The current world agenda till 2030https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgshttp://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals.html

Слайд 5Preparation to the debates
We will go through all steps today.

Right now, let’s go through the 3d and 4th step

Preparation to the debatesWe will go through all steps today. Right now, let’s go through the 3d

Слайд 6Step 1. Start with learning the problem. Go to the

official UN website where the problem is described. Look up

information to find out:
a) The scale of problem: world statistics, what countries are affected most
b) What UN agencies work to solve this problem. There can be several of them. What do they do? In what countries/regions they work? Where do they get money?
c) What resolutions do the General Assembly or Security Council issue on this problem?
d)Why is this problem still not solved? (lack of financing, lack of education, lack of legislature, lack of professionals, etc.) What actions should countries take together to solve it?

Find information on the problem

Step 1. Start with learning the problem. Go to the official UN website where the problem is

Слайд 7One example: Agenda “Energy for all”
1a) Finding statistics.
We go

to the SDG 7 websites (there are two of them):

One example: Agenda “Energy for all”1a) Finding statistics. We go to the SDG 7 websites (there are

Слайд 8One example: Agenda “Energy for all”
1b) What the UN does

to solve the problem
We stay at the same SDGs website,

it has all information you need (of course, in English). Look for the news in the end of the page, look what innovations have been created, what UN organizations have done. Discover the web site it has lots of info!
One example: Agenda “Energy for all”1b) What the UN does to solve the problemWe stay at the

Слайд 9One example: Agenda “Energy for all”
1c) Searching for resolutions: There

are two main bodies who issue the resolutions: General Assembly

and Security Council. Russian versions available!!!!!

Resolutions of Security Council http://www.un.org/en/sc/documents/resolutions/
Resolutions of General Assembly http://www.un.org/en/sections/documents/general-assembly-resolutions/index.html

One example: Agenda “Energy for all”1c) Searching for resolutions: There are two main bodies who issue the

Слайд 10Find information on your Country position
Step 2. Your country

position to the problem.
Look up the history of the

problem in your country.
Find out the scale of the problem in your country: maybe you also suffer from this problem or you have already combatted this problem successfully and you can share you experience with other governments?
Find out what legislature in your country has regarding the problem
Find out what governmental programs, projects, were implemented in your country that were successful. Maybe you can recommend to create the same project to other countries?
Search for non-governmental organizations activity in your country, they also help to solve problems.
Find out if your country is a donor or a recipient of UN financial and technical help. If you are a donor, you are a developed country who makes contributions to the UN bodies budget. If you are a developing country where the problem exists, you get a financial help from some UN bodies to solve your problems.
Find out if there UN programs that were implemented in your country/region.
Make a conclusion for yourself:
Your country is a victim of the problem and you need help of international community
Your country is not affected by the problem, so you are ready to help financially or recommend some policies and practices that worked well in your country.
Find information on your Country position Step 2. Your country position to the problem. Look up the

Слайд 11Sources to use when searching for your country position
Wikipedia: Russian

and English version at the same time. Reading them both

helps to understand vocabulary. Moreover, English and Russian articles on the same topic in Wiki may be different, and they both give a good start for further research.
Your country’s official government site
Your country’s news articles
Sources to use when searching for your country positionWikipedia: Russian and English version at the same time.

Слайд 12Writing your speech (2-5 min)
Delegate Speech structure

Writing your speech (2-5 min)Delegate Speech structure

Слайд 13Useful tips for perfect acting
Always start with your country’s name

use I, always use WE or your country’s name
Refer to

the Sustainable Development Goals often, it is important and very relevant at the conferences.
Stress your readiness to work together and solve the problem (“We are ready for cooperation!”)
Be emotional if your country is a victim of the problem, call for urgent solutions!
Be confident if you are a developed donor country, you have resources and experience, you CAN help others!
Be positive, express the hope for solving the problem! OR, you can also be very pessimistic, if they problem has not been solved for ages in your country ;(
Useful tips for perfect actingAlways start with your country’s nameNever use I, always use WE or your

Слайд 14HOW to Make A Speech During Debate
You should thank the presiding

official by saying "Thank you Mr./ Madame/ Honorable Chair/ President..."
Encourage collaboration

among member states by proposing ways that your country would be willing to work with other member states.
By referencing what other delegates have said, you can show support for your allies or indicate which proposals your country does not favor.
Present ideas for draft resolutions.
Explain why your country does or does not support other draft resolutions

HOW to Make A Speech During DebateYou should thank the presiding official by saying

Слайд 15possible proposals
To Improve an existing mechanism which works to

solve a problem
To decide on more financing into the sphere

suggest a new program that will provide education measures and technical help
To propose other countries to model a successful program of your country

Recommend to governments (solution that should be implemented at the state level)

Recommend to the UN body (solution that should help an affected region)

Recommend to international community (a call for all countries to do something).

possible proposals To Improve an existing mechanism which works to solve a problemTo decide on more financing

Слайд 16One example: Agenda “Energy for all”
PROPOSALS (= Recommendations)

One example: Agenda “Energy for all”PROPOSALS (= Recommendations)

Слайд 17One example: Agenda “Energy for all”
PROPOSALS (= Recommendations)

One example: Agenda “Energy for all”PROPOSALS (= Recommendations)

Слайд 18Real-world case
In Ethiopia rural women lag behind in access to

land property, economic opportunities, and financial assets. Women farmers perform

up to 75% of farm labor but hold only 18.7% of the agricultural land in the country. The SDG-F has been working in the regions of Oromo and Afar and using a multifaceted approach to generate gender-sensitive agricultural extension services, support the creation of cooperatives, promote the expansion of women-owned agribusiness and increase rural women’s participation in rural producer associations, financial cooperatives and unions. 
UN Agencies: UN Women, FAO, IFAD and WFP
National partners: Government Ministries, Ethiopia Agricultural Research Institute, regional micro-finance institutes
Financing (in USD)
3,000,000 USD
Real-world caseIn Ethiopia rural women lag behind in access to land property, economic opportunities, and financial assets.

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