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Moment of a force about a point

The moment of a force about a center (point) is a vector whose magnitude is determined as a product of the force magnitude and its arm. The arm is

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Moment of a force about a point

Moment of a force about a point

Слайд 2The moment of a force about a center (point) is

a vector whose magnitude is determined as a product of

the force magnitude and its arm. The arm is the shortest distance (perpendicular) between the center and the force’s line of action. The vector of moment is perpendicular to the plane of the force and position vector and is directed so that the shortest rotation is counter-clockwise when viewed from the end of the vector.
The moment of a force about a center (point) is a vector whose magnitude is determined as

Слайд 3The projection of the moment about the point onto an

axis that passes through the point is called the moment

of force about the axis

The projection of the moment about the point onto an axis that passes through the point is

Слайд 4Moments of a force about the coordinate axes
Moment of a

force about the axis Ox

Moment of a force about the

axis Oy

Moment of a force about the axis Oz
Moments of a force about the coordinate axesMoment of a force about the axis OxMoment of a

Слайд 5If we project the vector moment of the force about

the center lying on the axis, the result is independent

of the choice of the center on the axis.
If we project the vector moment of the force about the center lying on the axis, the

Слайд 6A moment of a force about the coordinate axis Oz


A moment of a force about the coordinate axis OzxzyOh

Слайд 7The moment of the force about the axis can be

obtained in the following steps:
Project the force onto plane that

is perpendicular to axis.
Determine the arm h of the force projection with respect to the point of intersection of the axis and plane.
Calculate the moment of the force about the axis as a positive or negative product of the magnitude of the force projection and its arm.
The moment of the force about the axis can be obtained in the following steps:Project the force

Слайд 8The moment of force about the axis is equal to

zero if
the force and axis lie in the same plane:

the force is parallel to the axis,
the line of force action intersects the axis.
The moment of force about the axis is equal to zero if	the force and axis lie in

Слайд 9Varignon’s theorem
A moment about a given point O of the

resultant of several concurrent forces is equal to the sum

of the moments of the various forces about the same point O.
Varignon’s theoremA moment about a given point O of the resultant of several concurrent forces is equal

Слайд 10Couple of forces
A set of two equal, noncollinear, parallel forces

of opposite sense is called a couple. The plane containing

these two forces is called the couple plane.
Couple of forces	A set of two equal, noncollinear, parallel forces of opposite sense is called a couple.

Слайд 12
The couple vector moment is free vector
which can be

applied at any point without changing its magnitude and direction

The couple vector moment is free vector which can be applied at any point without changing its

Слайд 13Couple features (theorems)
Couple characteristics (arm, magnitude of the force) can

be changed provided the couple moment remains constant.
An effect of

a couple on the rigid body will remain unchanged if the couple is translated (is shifted by parallel translation).
An effect of a couple on the rigid body will remain unchanged if the couple is revolved an orbit angle in couple plane.
Couple features (theorems)Couple characteristics (arm, magnitude of the force) can be changed provided the couple moment remains

Слайд 14The couple features consequences
Consequence 1. Two couples applied to a

rigid body and having the same vector moment are equivalent.

The couple features  consequencesConsequence 1. Two couples applied to a rigid body and having the same

Слайд 15h=0.5 m
h=0.5 m
h=1 m
Variant 1
Variant 2
Variant 3

h=0.5 mh=0.5 mh=1 mVariant 1Variant 2Variant 3

Слайд 16Consequence 2. Two couples applied to a rigid body may

be replaced by a single couple with vector moment equal

to the sum of vector moments of the two original couples.

Consequence 2. Two couples applied to a rigid body may be replaced by a single couple with

Слайд 18 The first problem of statics – system equivalence:
a system of

n couples applied to a rigid body is equivalent to

a single couple with vector moment equal to the geometrical sum of original couples vector moments

The second problem of statics – conditions of equilibrium: a system of n couples applied to a rigid body is balanced if a single couple to which the original system may be reduced is equivalent to zero .

The first problem of statics – system equivalence:	a system of n couples applied to a rigid body

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