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Multiple Choice Beginner Game


1Tom has ____________ English lesson on Thursdays.Your her his

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Слайд 1Multiple Choice Beginner Game

Multiple Choice Beginner Game

Слайд 21
Tom has ____________ English lesson on Thursdays.
Your her his

1Tom has ____________ English lesson on Thursdays.Your		her			his

Слайд 32
This film is ____________ than his last one.
Best good better

2This film is ____________ than his last one.Best		good		better

Слайд 43
I'm a teacher. ____________ do you do?
Nice to meet

How What Who

3I'm a teacher. ____________ do you do? Nice to meet you!How			What			Who

Слайд 54
I am fair ____________ my sister is dark.
But because that

4I am fair ____________ my sister is dark.But		because		that

Слайд 65
I'm hungry! Is there ____________ fruit in the cupboard?
a lot any some

5I'm hungry! Is there ____________ fruit in the cupboard?a lot		any		some

Слайд 76
I ____________ go to the seaside at the weekend.
Many often like much

6I ____________ go to the seaside at the weekend.Many		often		like much

Слайд 87
Amanda can ____________ all night long!
Dancing to dance dance

7Amanda can ____________ all night long!Dancing		to dance		dance

Слайд 98
It's the telephone box ____________ the market.
in front of in front

the front

8It's the telephone box ____________ the market.in front of		in front		on the front

Слайд 109
____________ girls over there are English.
That These Those

9____________ girls over there are English.That		These		Those

Слайд 1110
He sleeps during the day and works ____________ night.
At at the on


10He sleeps during the day and works ____________ night.At		at the		on the

Слайд 1211
____________ painting over there is beautiful.
That These Those

11____________ painting over there is beautiful.That		These		Those

Слайд 1312
She works hard during the day and sleeps well ____________

At at the in the

12She works hard during the day and sleeps well ____________ night.At		at the		in the

Слайд 1413
The cheese is ____________ the eggs in the fridge.
Behind in front in

13The cheese is ____________ the eggs in the fridge.Behind		in front		in

Слайд 1514
They can ____________ chess very well.
Play to play playing

14They can ____________ chess very well.Play		to play		playing

Слайд 1615
I ____________ go jogging on the beach at the weekend.

lot of much sometimes

15I ____________ go jogging on the beach at the weekend.a lot of		much		sometimes

Слайд 1716
I’d like ____________ fruit, please.
a lot any some

16I’d like ____________ fruit, please.a lot		any		some

Слайд 1817
I’m fat ____________ Tim is thin.
Or because and

17I’m fat ____________ Tim is thin.Or		because		and

Слайд 1918
She is fine. And ____________ is your wife?
How what who

18She is fine. And ____________ is your wife?How		what		who

Слайд 2019
Tom is a ____________ football player than Peter.
Bad worse worst

19Tom is a ____________ football player than Peter.Bad		worse		worst

Слайд 2120
I play games on ____________ computer in the evenings.
You hers my

20I play games on ____________ computer in the evenings.You		hers		my

Слайд 2221
Jane drives ____________ car to work on Saturdays.
My she ours

21Jane drives ____________ car to work on Saturdays.My		she		ours

Слайд 2322
This painting is ____________ than his last one.
Best good better

22This painting is ____________ than his last one.Best		good		better

Слайд 2423
I understand ____________ you want to learn English.
But because that

23I understand ____________ you want to learn English.But		because		that

Слайд 2524
Jane would like ____________ to the cinema.
Going go to go

24Jane would like ____________ to the cinema.Going		go		to go

Слайд 2625
I’m a doctor. And ____________ do you do? - I'm

a teacher
How what who

25I’m a doctor. And ____________ do you do? - I'm a teacherHow		what		who

Слайд 2726
________ book is by Hemingway.
Those These This

26________ book is by Hemingway.Those		These		This

Слайд 2827
We’re hungry! Are there ____________ sandwiches left?
a lot any some

27We’re hungry! Are there ____________ sandwiches left?a lot		any		some

Слайд 2928
I go to the mountains ____________ in the summer.
a lot

of many very often

28I go to the mountains ____________ in the summer.a lot of		many		very often

Слайд 3029
They’re the books ____________ the table.
On into in front

29They’re the books ____________ the table.On		into		in front

Слайд 3130
They want to visit England ____________ they like British culture.
But because that

30They want to visit England ____________ they like British culture.But		because		that

Слайд 3231
Can I have ____________ fruit, please?
a lot any some

31Can I have ____________ fruit, please?a lot		any		some

Слайд 3332
I’m well, thank you. And ____________ are you?
How what who

32I’m well, thank you. And ____________ are you?How		what		who

Слайд 3433
His latest song is ____________ than his last one.
Bad worse worst

33His latest song is ____________ than his last one.Bad		worse		worst

Слайд 3534
Peter can ____________ English very well.
Speak to speak speaking

34Peter can ____________ English very well.Speak		to speak		speaking

Слайд 3635
The supermarket is ____________ the baker’s and the butcher’s.
Among between besides

35The supermarket is ____________ the baker’s and the butcher’s.Among		between		besides

Слайд 3736
____________ house over there is beautiful.
That These Those

36____________ house over there is beautiful.That		These		Those

Слайд 3837
He is blonde ____________ tall.
But because and

37He is blonde ____________ tall.But		because		and

Слайд 3938
They play tennis ____________ evening.
At at the in the

38They play tennis ____________ evening.At		at the		in the

Слайд 4039
I work at ____________ computer in the evenings.
Your she the

39I work at ____________ computer in the evenings.Your		she		the

Слайд 4140
On Fridays they ____________ go to the cinema.
a lot of much often

40On Fridays they ____________ go to the cinema.a lot of		much		often

Слайд 4241
She ____________ goes to a restaurant at the weekend.
a lot

of many times sometimes

41She ____________ goes to a restaurant at the weekend.a lot of		many times		sometimes

Слайд 4342
David likes ____________ to music in the evening.
Listen to listened listening

42David likes ____________ to music in the evening.Listen		to listened		listening

Слайд 4443
I’m a secretary. And ____________ do you do?
How what where

43I’m a secretary. And ____________ do you do?How		what		where

Слайд 4544
____________ boys over there are German.
That These Those

44____________ boys over there are German.That		These		Those

Слайд 4645
It’s the picture ____________ the wall.
On in in front

45It’s the picture ____________ the wall.On		in		in front

Слайд 4746
This cake is ____________ than that one.
Bad worse worst

46This cake is ____________ than that one.Bad		worse		worst

Слайд 4847
Would you like ____________ wine with your meal?
a lot any some

47Would you like ____________ wine with your meal?a lot		any		some

Слайд 4948
She helps ____________ son with his homework.
You her to his

48She helps ____________ son with his homework.You		her		to his

Слайд 5049
They are studying English ____________ they want to travel to

But because that

49They are studying English ____________ they want to travel to England.But		because		that

Слайд 5150
He sometimes works ____________ night.
At at the in the

50He sometimes works ____________ night.At		at the		in the

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