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My favourite sport

World archery and Russian Federation

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My favourite sport
By student NEFU Fedorov Aiaal

My favourite sportBy student NEFU Fedorov Aiaal

Слайд 2World archery and Russian Federation

World archery and Russian Federation

Слайд 3Technicians of the Korean archers
Olympic champion in Rio 2016!

in an individual and team competition. Ku Bonchan

Technicians of the Korean archers Olympic champion in Rio 2016! in an individual and team competition. Ku

Слайд 4comparison the technician with the Korean archers and with the

Im Dong Hyun, Olympic champion in Athens 2004, Beijing 2008

and London 2012

Tsyrempilov Baljinima second world champion 2009 Seoul, Republic of Korea

comparison the technician with the Korean archers and with the RussianIm Dong Hyun, Olympic champion in Athens

Слайд 5the Korean archers the best in the world, they the

best of the best, all records of the world belong

to them in the World Cups and at the Olympic Games, they get gold medals
the Korean archers the best in the world, they the best of the best, all records of

Слайд 6The Russian archers of course not favourites in the world,

but we can compete in the European championships, Asia, the

world and even at the Olympic Games too!

Archer Russian team London 2012

Our compatriot Timofeeva Kristina who has taken the 4th place at these competitions competed at the Olympic Games in London

The Russian archers of course not favourites in the world, but we can compete in the European

Слайд 7Timofeeva Kristina in London 2012 Olympic games

Timofeeva Kristina in London 2012 Olympic games

Слайд 8Artakhinova Stepanida

Artakhinova Stepanida

Слайд 9Russian archery team
Recurve woman team, Rio 2016 Olympic games
Recurve man

team, Archery Europe Championships London 2016

Russian archery teamRecurve woman team, Rio 2016 Olympic gamesRecurve man team, Archery Europe Championships London 2016

Слайд 10USA archery

USA archery

Слайд 11It is undoubted that the American archers too one of

the best in the world, they already the second time

in a row have taken silver at the Olympic Games, in London and this year in Rio

Emblem archery USA

It is undoubted that the American archers too one of the best in the world, they already

Слайд 12Brady Allison, double the silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games

in team and the bronze prize-winner in personal offset
London 2012

Brady Allison, double the silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games in team and the bronze prize-winner in

Слайд 13Recently American actor Leonardo di Caprio began to be compared

to Brady Ellison, really there is a similarity

Recently American actor Leonardo di Caprio began to be compared to Brady Ellison, really there is a

Слайд 14My favorite athlete
As soon as I have begun to

be engaged in archery, I have begun to shoot since

2009. At once it was pleasant to me as the Korean archers shoot. It was very interesting to me how all of them are in a row winning and don't lose. Then I have paid attention to one of the Korean archers. This athlete is a repeated world record-holder and the Olympic Games. His name is Im Dong Hyun
My favorite athlete As soon as I have begun to be engaged in archery, I have begun

Слайд 15Im Dong Hyun
Im Dong-Hyun (Korean: 임동현; (born 12 May 1986)

is a South Korean archer. He competes for the South

Korean national team and is a former world number one. He has 20/200 vision in his left eye and 20/100 vision in his right eye, meaning he needs to be 10 times closer to see objects clearly with his left eye, compared to someone with perfect vision
Im Dong HyunIm Dong-Hyun (Korean: 임동현; (born 12 May 1986) is a South Korean archer. He competes

Слайд 162004 Summer Olympics
At the 2004 Summer Olympics, Im set a

world record in the 72 arrow men's individual ranking round,

with a score of 687 (it was not recognized by the International Olympic Committee as an Olympic record, however, as the ranking round took place on 12 August, before the 2004 opening ceremony). He then won his first three elimination matches, advancing to the quarterfinals. In the quarterfinals, Im faced Hiroshi Yamamoto of Japan, losing to the eventual silver medalist 111–110 in the 12-arrow match. Im was placed 6th overall.

2008 Summer Olympics

At the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing Im finished his ranking round with a total of 670 points, nine points behind leader Juan René Serrano. This made him the eighth seed for the final competition bracket in which he faced Ali Salem in the first round, beating the Qatari 108–103. In the second round Im was too strong for Butch Johnson (115–106), but in the third round another American, Vic Wunderle, eliminated him with 113–111.

Together with Lee Chang-hwan and Park Kyung-Mo he also took part in the team event. With his 670 score from the ranking round combined with the 676 of Park and the 669 of Lee the Koreans were in first position after the ranking round, which gave them a straight seeding into the quarter finals. With a score of 224–222 they were too strong for the Polish team and in the semi final they beat home nation China 221–218. In the final Italy came close, but South Korea took the title with 227–225.

2004 Summer OlympicsAt the 2004 Summer Olympics, Im set a world record in the 72 arrow men's

Слайд 172012 Summer Olympics

On 27 July 2012 at the 2012 Summer

Olympics in London he set a new world record score

of 699 in the ranking round at Lord's Cricket Ground, beating his compatriot Kim Bub-Min by one point. Although he was the top seed after the ranking round, he was eliminated in the round of 16, losing 7-1 to Rick van der Ven. Im did win a bronze medal with the South Korean team.

2012 Summer OlympicsOn 27 July 2012 at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London he set a new

Слайд 18Athens Olympic games 2004
Beijing Olympic games 2008

Athens Olympic games 2004Beijing Olympic games 2008

Слайд 19Its last Olympic Games 2012 London, this year he couldn't

be selected in Rio as in Korea the competition too

Its last Olympic Games 2012 London, this year he couldn't be selected in Rio as in Korea

Слайд 20My biography

My biography

Слайд 21Fedorov Aiaal
I was born in the Suntar district, in the

village of Suntar. Us in a family of children four,

two elder sisters and the brother, respectively I am the third. My sister is 30 years old, she is a blogger, the teacher still it is engaged in business. The second sister it raises the daughter, to my niece this year was performed only one year, but she is already able to go and to speak, but not too distinctly, and any words as mother, the grandmother and so on. My younger brother of everything is one year younger than me and he studies in a medical institute in Irkutsk, he adores the study and wants to become the therapist or the surgeon. I study in Yakutsk at institute of physical culture and sport, already on thirds a rate. I am engaged in archery from 14 years. I have good result, in 2013 became the best athlete of year in the republic. The best achievement was in 2013, I then two times won an European cup in team in Slovenia the city of Ljubljana and in Romania the city of Bucharest and still became the bronze prize-winner in personal. From action I liked English, always wanted to talk freely in this language, wanted to travel, especially to the English lingual countries as the USA, Canada and Australia, in England not strongly there is a wish to visit. I try to watch soap operas movies only on subtitlings to understand and increase the lexicon. Here we had the international tournament in Nizhny Bestyakh where from America there arrived one guy, his name is Yamaguchi Nathan, it the American of the Japanese origin, we asked it whether he knows the language, but he said no. Said that her grandmother emigrated to the USA and since then they live there. he from California, studies in university. told that here at us it is very beautiful and that here everything was pleasant to it. It is very friendly, at the end of competitions we exchanged with it t-shirts, I had the Russian t-shirt with a text Fedorov RUS, and it has Yamakuchi of the USA.
Fedorov AiaalI was born in the Suntar district, in the village of Suntar. Us in a family

Слайд 22European Junior Cup 2013 Leg 1, Slovenia, Ljublyana
European Junior Cup

2013 Leg 2, Romania, Bucharest

European Junior Cup 2013 Leg 1, Slovenia, LjublyanaEuropean Junior Cup 2013 Leg 2, Romania, Bucharest

Слайд 24My future profession

My future profession

Слайд 25Police
I plan to become a police officer upon termination of

institute. It is unconditional what to arrive on service Ministry

of Internal Affairs will be difficult. First it is necessary to have the military ID, those are you has to repay a debt to the homeland, A. I served in the Central Sports Club of Army (CSKA) in St. Petersburg was fit, this year I have got demobilized. Secondly you have to have a legal education, I don't have it and therefore I will arrive in absentia upon termination of institute. If for example I am not taken on service, then I can become a trainer. I will go to the village, and I will train children there, and then it will be already visible
PoliceI plan to become a police officer upon termination of institute. It is unconditional what to arrive

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