Разделы презентаций

My Future Profession

There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I am going to become a teacher. I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important nowadays.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 My Future Profession

My Future Profession

Слайд 2There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I

am going to become a teacher. I suppose my future

profession to be one of the most important nowadays.
There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I am going to become a teacher. I

Слайд 3My future speciality is English (Literature, Russian, History, Geography). I

love children very much and to become a teacher has

been my dream since my early childhood

My future speciality is English (Literature, Russian, History, Geography). I love children very much and to become

Слайд 4To teach and to bring up children is the most

important and noble thing, to my mind. I am eager

to get the proper education to be able to do my best to teach my future pupils my favourite subject. I'll try not only to help them to master it. I'll try to help them to become good and clever people, to be honest, kind and noble.
To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing, to my mind.

Слайд 6Children are our future and I want them to be

really good and educated people. Of course, the profession of

a teacher is not an easy one. It demands a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness of feeling and sometimes a lot of patience. But I hope, that I'll be a good teacher and that my pupils will like me and my subject.
Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people. Of course,

Слайд 8
The End

The End

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