Разделы презентаций

My holidays


It’s sunny.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My holidays

My holidays

Слайд 3It’s sunny.

It’s sunny.

Слайд 5It’s hot.

It’s hot.

Слайд 7It’s cold.

It’s cold.

Слайд 9It’s windy.

It’s windy.

Слайд 11It’s raining.

It’s raining.

Слайд 13An island

An island

Слайд 15A jacket

A jacket

Слайд 27a T-shirt

a T-shirt

Слайд 29a shirt

a shirt

Слайд 31a skirt

a skirt

Слайд 37It’s spring.

It’s spring.

Слайд 39It’s winter.

It’s winter.

Слайд 41It’s summer.

It’s summer.

Слайд 43It’s autumn.

It’s autumn.

Слайд 44What’s the weather like?
It’s ……..

What’s the weather like?	It’s ……..

Слайд 45What’s the weather like?
It’s ……..

What’s the weather like?	It’s ……..

Слайд 46What’s the weather like?
It’s ……..

What’s the weather like?	It’s ……..

Слайд 47What’s the weather like?
It’s ……..

What’s the weather like?	It’s ……..

Слайд 48What’s the weather like?
It’s ……..

What’s the weather like?	It’s ……..

Слайд 49Answer the questions:
My favourite season is …………..
It‘s ……………….
I’m wearing my…..(я


Answer the questions: My favourite season is …………..It‘s ……………….I’m wearing my…..(я ношу)

Слайд 50 her, bird, skirt, T-shirt; a skirt – skirts, a T-shirt

– T-shirts; a blue skirt, a white T-shirt. Girls wear

skirts. Boys wear T-shirts.

her, bird, skirt, T-shirt; a skirt – skirts, a T-shirt – T-shirts; a blue skirt, a white

Слайд 51 bee, read, jeans; dark blue jeans, my jeans, his jeans.

bee, read, jeans; dark blue jeans, my jeans, his jeans.

Слайд 52 win, wind, windy; a hot wind, a windy day, the

wind and the sun. It’s so hot!

win, wind, windy; a hot wind, a windy day, the wind and the sun. It’s so hot!

Слайд 53 blue, shoe, a shoe – shoes; red shoes, summer shoes;

his shoes. Put on your shoes.

blue, shoe, a shoe – shoes; red shoes, summer shoes; his shoes. Put on your shoes.

Слайд 54 pot, sock, a sock – socks; his black socks. Take

off your socks.

pot, sock, a sock – socks; his black socks. Take off your socks.

Слайд 55 boat, cold; a cold day, cold weather. It’s so cold


boat, cold; a cold day, cold weather. It’s so cold today!

Слайд 56 kite, bike, island [ˈaɪlənd]; an island – islands, a big

island, a small island.

kite, bike, island [ˈaɪlənd]; an island – islands, a big island, a small island.

Слайд 59Translate from Russian into English:

Translate from Russian into English:

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