Разделы презентаций

Найди продолжение

His cat is white.This is your dog.Her name is Ann.Her cat is black.Kate has got a cat.I have got a sister.Nick has got a cat.This is not my dog.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Найди продолжение
После окончания демонстрации изменения не сохранять!
Хмеленок Николай Павлович

Найди продолжениеПосле окончания демонстрации изменения не сохранять!Хмеленок Николай Павлович

Слайд 2His cat is white.
This is your dog.
Her name is Ann.

cat is black.
Kate has got a cat.
I have got a


Nick has got a cat.

This is not my dog.

His cat is white.This is your dog.Her name is Ann.Her cat is black.Kate has got a cat.I

Слайд 3She likes her town.
His name is Mike.
He likes his town.

is short.
I have got a friend.
Tom lives in England.
Our street

is not long.

Ann lives in Canada.

She likes her town.His name is Mike.He likes his town.It is short.I have got a friend.Tom lives

Слайд 4I like her hair.
She is playing with her dog.
I like

his hair.
Her house is far from school.
Sam has dark hair.

has long hair.

Kate goes to school by bus.

The girl is in the park.

I like her hair.She is playing with her dog.I like his hair.Her house is far from school.Sam

Слайд 5She is very beautiful.
Her work is very interesting.
He likes his

And where is his father?
This is his mother.
I often see

his sister.

My mother works at school.

My father is a doctor.

She is very beautiful.Her work is very interesting.He likes his work.And where is his father?This is his

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