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Organization of a tasting room to increase the culture of drinking alcoholic

TastingTasting-determining the quality of certain products (wine, tea, tobacco, etc.) by their appearance, taste, smell, etc.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Organization of a tasting room to increase the culture of

drinking alcoholic beverages

Completed: student Khudaverdyan A. Teacher: Mirontseva S.

Organization of a tasting room to increase the culture of drinking alcoholic beveragesCompleted: student Khudaverdyan A. Teacher:

Слайд 2Tasting
Tasting-determining the quality of certain products (wine, tea, tobacco, etc.)

by their appearance, taste, smell, etc.

TastingTasting-determining the quality of certain products (wine, tea, tobacco, etc.) by their appearance, taste, smell, etc.

Слайд 3To study wine means to plunge into a wonderful world

where the craft of wine-makers, geography, history, culture and gastronomy

are combined.

"For a healthy and sick person, wine and honey are the best remedies if they are natural and if taken correctly", Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician.

To study wine means to plunge into a wonderful world where the craft of wine-makers, geography, history,

Слайд 41. Working tasting 2. Production tasting 3. Expert or arbitration

tasting 4. Competitive tasting 5. Commercial tasting 6. Educational tasting


Depending on the goals and objectives, the following main types of tastings are distinguished.

1. Working tasting  2. Production tasting  3. Expert or arbitration tasting  4. Competitive tasting

Слайд 5In the food industry, various alcoholic beverages (wine, vodka, cognac,

whiskey) are more often subjected to tasting.
"A little wine is

medicine, a lot is deadly poison", Avicenna, Persian scholar.
In the food industry, various alcoholic beverages (wine, vodka, cognac, whiskey) are more often subjected to tasting.

Слайд 6The tasting room is recommended to be located on the

North side of the building to avoid direct sunlight.
What should

the tasting room be like?
The tasting room is recommended to be located on the North side of the building to avoid

Слайд 7The absence of extraneous noise, the presence of an air

conditioning system, good lighting of workplaces; walls, ceiling, furniture should

be painted in light, calm tones; the absence of foreign odors, compliance with the requirements for cleanliness of premises, air temperature +2 - -2.

What should the tasting room be like?

The absence of extraneous noise, the presence of an air conditioning system, good lighting of workplaces; walls,

Слайд 8Alcoholic beverages and alcoholic cocktails are usually served chilled to

11-13 degrees. This is especially true for young wines, champagne,

and dessert wine.

Aged red wines, especially vintage collectibles, should be served at room temperature or just below it (+15-19 degrees).

People are like wine — if they get better over the years, then they are of very high quality", Philippe Bouvard

Alcoholic beverages and alcoholic cocktails are usually served chilled to 11-13 degrees. This is especially true for

Слайд 9The furniture of the tasting room should be comfortable for

work; the color-Matt or natural light wood.

Tables of the

tasting room are placed so that the lighting of the glass is the same everywhere.

The tasting room should contain cabinets with the necessary accessories for tasting.

Furniture in the tasting room

The furniture of the tasting room should be comfortable for work; the color-Matt or natural light wood.

Слайд 10On the tables are placed carafes of water, dishes for

pouring out the remnants of wine. Spittoons are placed under

the tables.

The working table can be shared by all tasters or individual, equipped with special devices.

Furniture in the tasting room

On the tables are placed carafes of water, dishes for pouring out the remnants of wine. Spittoons

Слайд 11What should the staff be like?
They must have the following

characteristics: sociability, friendliness.

A smile on your face is a

guarantee that the customer will approach the stand and be interested in the products.
What should the staff be like?They must have the following characteristics: sociability, friendliness. A smile on your

Слайд 12Sommelier's job.
Rating of appearance

Sommelier's job.Rating of appearanceSmellTaste

Слайд 13References
Almasi, K. K., E. S. Drbohlav wine Tasting. — Moscow.

Egorova E. Yu., Shkolnikova M. N. Tasting analysis: Methodological recommendations

for the study of the discipline and the performance of control works for students of the faculty of continuous and distance learning specialty 351100 - "commodity science and examination of goods" - Biysk: publishing house Alt. state technical University. University, 2004, 27 p
Rodina, T. G. Tasting analysis of products / T. G.
Rodina, G. A. Vuks. - M.: Kolos, 1994. - 192 p.

"Wine fills the heart with joy, and joy is the parent of all virtues", Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet.

ReferencesAlmasi, K. K., E. S. Drbohlav wine Tasting. — Moscow. Egorova E. Yu., Shkolnikova M. N. Tasting

Слайд 14Thanks for your attention!
"There is nothing better than old friendship

and old wine", an English proverb.

Thanks for your attention!

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