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Ornament of K o m i

Ornament is the decoration of various geometric, vegetion, animal elements

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Ornament of Komi

Ornament of Komi

Слайд 2Ornament is the decoration of various geometric, vegetion, animal elements

Ornament is the decoration of various geometric, vegetion, animal elements

Слайд 3The ornament served not only as an ornament, it also

fulfilled other roles: it protects from the jinx, it has

magical significance
The ornament served not only as an ornament, it also fulfilled other roles: it protects from the

Слайд 4Needlewomen decorated belts with ornaments. Belt protects from evil spirits

and the helps hunters not to get lost in the

forest. Belts were knitted from wool, woven from threads, braided, leather; narrow and broad.
Needlewomen decorated belts with ornaments. Belt protects from evil spirits and the helps hunters not to get

Слайд 5In the ornaments there are simple geometric elements (motifs): points,

squares, rectangles, rhombus, crosses, triangles, diagonal lines. In more complex

patterns, these elements are combined.

In the ornaments there are simple geometric elements (motifs): points, squares, rectangles, rhombus, crosses, triangles, diagonal lines.

Слайд 6Patterned knitting was very common. The pattern looks like if

the elements of the ornament of different colors are put

into one another. Because of the patterns clothes became warmer, and the pattern served as a talisman

Patterned knitting was very common. The pattern looks like if the elements of the ornament of different

Слайд 7Ornaments can be divided into several main groups: - some

are associated with tools and other objects(saw, compass)

Ornaments can be divided into several main groups: - some are associated with tools and other objects(saw,

Слайд 8othes represent the animal world (horn, insects,)

othes represent the animal world (horn, insects,)

Слайд 9- the third are the pictures of plants (spruce, flower,


- the third are the pictures of plants (spruce, flower, grain…)

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