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Paul Anthony Samuelson ( 1915-2009)

BiographyLife worksConclusion

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Слайд 1Paul Anthony Samuelson

Paul Anthony Samuelson(1915-2009)

Слайд 2Biography
Life works

BiographyLife worksConclusion

Слайд 3Biography
Paul Samuelson was born on May 15, 1915, in

Gary, Indiana. He was educated at the University of Chicago

in Illinois and at Harvard University. Although he was not the best of students, Samuelson became one of the greatest economists of the twentieth century.
Biography Paul Samuelson was born on May 15, 1915, in Gary, Indiana. He was educated at the

Слайд 4He was educated at the University of Chicago in Illinois

and at Harvard University.

He was educated at the University of Chicago in Illinois and at Harvard University.Biography

Слайд 5Publications
“Foundations of Economic
Analysis” (1947)
The book proposes to:
examine underlying analogies

between central features in theoretical and applied economics
and study

how operationally meaningful theorems can be derived with a small number of analogous methods

Publications“Foundations of Economic Analysis” (1947)The book proposes to:examine underlying analogies between central features in theoretical and applied

Слайд 6Publications
“Economics” (1948)
The book has been translated into forty-one languages and

sold over four million copies; it is considered the best-selling

economics textbook in history.

Publications“Economics” (1948)The book has been translated into forty-one languages and sold over four million copies; it is

Слайд 7Nobel Prize
He was given the 1970 Nobel Prize in Economics

for doing "more than any other contemporary economist to raise

the level of scientific analysis in economic theory."
Nobel PrizeHe was given the 1970 Nobel Prize in Economics for doing

Слайд 8Conclusion
Samuelson died after a brief illness on December 13, 2009,

at the age of 94.

ConclusionSamuelson died after a brief illness on December 13, 2009, at the age of 94.

Слайд 9Conclusion
In sum, i would like to say that Samuelson has

contributed to almost every branch of economics. He made many

contributions to mathematical economic theory, and held many positions in which his opinion was highly respected. And i think that Samuelson was one of the greatest economists of the twentieth century. That completes my presentation.
ConclusionIn sum, i would like to say that Samuelson has contributed to almost every branch of economics.

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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