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Pavel Durov

BiographyPavel Durov was born in Leningrad but spent most of his childhood in Turin, Italy. At the age of 11, he first became interested in programming. His famous trick, when he

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Слайд 1Pavel Durov
—programmer, founder of the largest Russian-language social network

"VK" and messenger "Telegram", dollar billionaire

Pavel Durov —programmer, founder of the largest Russian-language social network

Слайд 2Biography
Pavel Durov was born in Leningrad but spent most of

his childhood in Turin, Italy. At the age of 11,

he first became interested in programming. His famous trick, when he changed the screen saver of all school computers to a photo of a computer science teacher with the caption "Must die". Durov was denied access to computers, but he hacked passwords to them. In 2001, he graduated with honors from the Academic gymnasium.
BiographyPavel Durov was born in Leningrad but spent most of his childhood in Turin, Italy. At the

Слайд 3Durov started VKontakte, later known as VK, in 2006, which

was initially influenced by Facebook. During the time when he

and his brother Nikolai built upon the VKontakte website, the company grew to a value of $3 billion.

On April 1, 2014, Pavel Durov announced on his page that he was resigning from the post of General Director of VKontakte LLC, explaining this by reducing the available freedom of action.
Since September 16, 2014, the sole owner of Vkontakte is Mail.Ru Group.

Durov started VKontakte, later known as VK, in 2006, which was initially influenced by Facebook. During the

Слайд 4Telegram
On August 14, 2013, the first telegram client was introduced.

In an interview with the New York Times, Pavel said

that the original idea for the app came to him back in 2011, when he realized that he did not have a secure way to communicate with his brother. The service is based on the MTProto encryption technology developed by Pavel's brother Nikolai.

In response to the proposals of some officials to ban the messenger on the territory of Russia in 2015 on his page "Vkontakte" Pavel Durov said: "As for Telegram, the project has not issued and will not issue personal data and encryption keys to third parties. Messenger is popular among tens of millions of users in dozens of markets, and the threat of blocking on one or two of them will not affect its privacy policy»

TelegramOn August 14, 2013, the first telegram client was introduced. In an interview with the New York

Слайд 5Interesting Facts
On November 19, 2012, the publishing house released Nikolai

Kononov’s book, “The Code of Durov,” which describes the formation

of the VKontakte social network.
Durov has been called the Mark Zuckerberg of Russia.
Pavel Durov is a vegetarian
Interesting FactsOn November 19, 2012, the publishing house released Nikolai Kononov’s book, “The Code of Durov,” which

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