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Pedagogy as a science. Object, subject, functions and tasks of pedagogy

Pedagogical knowledge is among the oldest. It was born together with human society, when there was a need to pass on to new generations the hard-won experience of survival. Pedagogical knowledge

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Слайд 1By:Ardak Arailym

Pedagogy as a science. Object, subject, functions and tasks

of pedagogy

By:Ardak ArailymPedagogy as a science. Object, subject, functions and tasks of pedagogy

Слайд 2Pedagogical knowledge is among the oldest. It was born together

with human society, when there was a need to pass

on to new generations the hard-won experience of survival. Pedagogical knowledge was recorded in everyday norms-beliefs, requirements. Then gradually developed traditions, traditions, customs that reflect the experience necessary for the transfer of youth. For centuries, the process of transferring experience proceeded "by itself", without needing special study.
Pedagogical knowledge is among the oldest. It was born together with human society, when there was a

Слайд 3The development of the pedagogical process takes place in schools

of the Ancient world (Sumerian "tablet houses", ancient Egyptian schools

of scribes, etc.). Numerous sources testify to the great importance of the pedagogical process in the ancient world. In Ancient Greece, questions of education and upbringing became part of ethics, a branch of philosophy that studies the interaction of man and society. These questions occupy an important place in the work of Socrates, in the writings of Plato and Aristotle.
The development of the pedagogical process takes place in schools of the Ancient world (Sumerian

Слайд 4Teaching practice and pedagogical ideas continue to develop, however, until

the seventeenth century, the pedagogical knowledge remains a part of

philosophy. As a special science, pedagogy was first isolated from the system of philosophical knowledge by Francis bacon, and the founder of scientific pedagogy is considered to be Jan Amos Komensky, who formulated the first laws of teaching and education in the famous work "the Great didactics" (1632). The development of pedagogy accelerated in the XVIII century., and becomes especially rapid in the XIX-XX centuries.
Teaching practice and pedagogical ideas continue to develop, however, until the seventeenth century, the pedagogical knowledge remains

Слайд 5The object of pedagogy is the phenomena of reality that

determine the development of the human individual in his interaction

with the world.
The subject of pedagogy is education as a real pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (for example: in the family, in educational and cultural institutions).
The object of pedagogy is the phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual

Слайд 6Like any science, pedagogy performs certain functions and solves a

number of urgent problems for humanity. The main functions of

pedagogical science include the following: - General theoretical, consisting in the theoretical analysis of the laws of the pedagogical process (description and explanation of pedagogical phenomena and processes, identification of their causes, General laws, conditions of their existence, functioning and development); - prognostic, which consists in a reasonable prediction of the development of pedagogical reality; - practical (transformative, applied), which provides improvement of pedagogical practice on the basis of fundamental knowledge.
Like any science, pedagogy performs certain functions and solves a number of urgent problems for humanity. The

Слайд 7Main tasks of pedagogy:
- identify patterns of education, patterns, manifested

in the relationship of education and training in a holistic

educational process, as well as the laws of education management; - study and generalization of pedagogical practice, experience of pedagogical activity; - development of new ways and means of training, education, and management of educational structures; - forecasting the development of education in the near and distant future; - introduction of the results of pedagogical research into the practice of education.
Main tasks of pedagogy:- identify patterns of education, patterns, manifested in the relationship of education and training

Слайд 8Structure of pedagogical science
The first stage is the accumulation of

knowledge and experience in their practical application. Scientific knowledge expands,

adding new established facts. However, the structure of science has not yet been defined, the methodology of scientific research has not been developed, and key links between established facts have not been identified. Therefore, scientific knowledge eventually becomes cumbersome, inconvenient for practical use, reliable information in it side by side with erroneous conclusions.
Structure of pedagogical scienceThe first stage is the accumulation of knowledge and experience in their practical application.

Слайд 9The second stage involves identifying patterns, formulating General laws and

principles, and developing a scientific methodology. Knowledge of the General

laws that govern the phenomena and processes under study allows you to "collapse" scientific knowledge, makes science more accessible to understanding and repeatedly increases the possibilities of its application. For example, knowing one General law that explains 1000 previously established facts not only frees you from having to remember all these facts, but makes it possible to predict the 1001st fact based solely on scientific knowledge.
The second stage involves identifying patterns, formulating General laws and principles, and developing a scientific methodology. Knowledge

Слайд 10The third stage is characterized by the emergence of branches

within science, merging them with related branches of other Sciences,

or separating independent Sciences from it. This occurs when a huge amount of scientific knowledge has been accumulated and indicates that scientific knowledge no longer fits within the previously established framework of this science. Modern pedagogy is at the third stage of its development. Today, it actually represents a system of pedagogical Sciences, United by a common subject of research.
The third stage is characterized by the emergence of branches within science, merging them with related branches

Слайд 11Social pedagogy develops problems of the influence of society on

the formation and development of personality. It includes the following

industries: - family pedagogy that deals with issues of education in the family; - pedagogy of labor collectives; - penitentiary (correctional) pedagogy, which includes the problems of education and re-education of persons who have violated the law, held in penitentiary (correctional) institutions.
Social pedagogy develops problems of the influence of society on the formation and development of personality. It

Слайд 12Correctional (special) pedagogy studies the education and upbringing of children

with physical and psychophysiological developmental disabilities. In its structure there

are traditionally…
- defectology (studies issues of education and upbringing of children with mental retardation); - speech therapy or speech therapy (correction of speech defects); - sign language education (education of the deaf and hard of hearing)
; - tiflopedagogics (education of visually impaired and blind children); -
Oligophrenopedagogics (education of the mentally retarded).
Correctional (special) pedagogy studies the education and upbringing of children with physical and psychophysiological developmental disabilities. In

Слайд 13Ethnopedagogics explores the experience of popular education. Comparative pedagogy studies

education in different countries of the world, compares it and

highlights its content and organizational features. Private (subject) methods deal with the teaching of individual academic disciplines. So, modern pedagogy has a branched structure, due to the large amount of accumulated knowledge and a variety of connections with other Sciences, with different needs of the individual and society.
Ethnopedagogics explores the experience of popular education. Comparative pedagogy studies education in different countries of the world,

Слайд 14Categories of pedagogy are concepts that define the main phenomena

and processes studied by pedagogical science.
Among scientists, there is no

doubt that the following concepts should be assigned to the categories of pedagogy: training, upbringing, and education. Often they are added to the formation of personality. Along with the formation, many attribute the development and socialization of the individual to the categories of pedagogy. Finally, among the categories of pedagogy, you can find basic concepts that are unique to pedagogical science: the pedagogical process, the pedagogical system, and pedagogical activity.
Categories of pedagogy are concepts that define the main phenomena and processes studied by pedagogical science.Among scientists,

Слайд 15Let's define the essence of these concepts.

Let's define the essence of these concepts.

Слайд 16Education
1) the impact of society on the individual;
2) the

social process of transmitting historical and cultural experience from generation

to generation;
3) the process of specially organized interaction between teachers and students to implement educational goals and objectives that reflect the basic requirements of society.
Education1) the impact of society on the individual; 2) the social process of transmitting historical and cultural

Слайд 17Training is a joint purposeful activity of the teacher and

students, during which students acquire scientific knowledge and practical experience

of their application.
Education – 1) the process that combines the education and training of a person; 2) the result of this process; 3) a complex system of interactions between people and material resources that provides training, education and development of the individual;
4) the value created by mankind for the development of man and society. Formation of personality – giving form, a certain completeness, harmony of all components of a person's personality.
Training is a joint purposeful activity of the teacher and students, during which students acquire scientific knowledge

Слайд 18Development in a broad sense is the process of improving

existing qualities and acquiring new properties, changing qualities from simple

to complex, from lower to higher. In relation to a person, development can mean:

1) comprehensive development of a person as an individual;
2) physical development, the formation of a physically healthy and viable person, the development of his strength, agility, endurance, etc.;
3) development of mental processes (perception, memory, thinking, imagination, etc.);
4) the development of the personality as a complex, individual system of the inner world of a person, the acquisition of new personal qualities.

Development in a broad sense is the process of improving existing qualities and acquiring new properties, changing

Слайд 19Socialization of a person is the process of interaction of

a person with the social environment, as a result of

which a person learns the norms and rules of behavior, cultural values accepted in the society to which he belongs. In other words, socialization is the process of entering a person into society, "embedding" a person in the system of social relations. And here, too, there are several ways to interpret the concept, because in society, a person must be able to adapt to social conditions, but it is also important to be able to use the resources of social relations to realize their needs, their uniqueness.
Socialization of a person is the process of interaction of a person with the social environment, as

Слайд 20Pedagogical process – specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils

for the purpose of education and development of the personality

of pupils. The pedagogical system is a socially determined integrity of the participants of the pedagogical process, interacting with each other, with the environment and its spiritual and material values, aimed at the formation and development of the individual. Pedagogical activity is a special sphere of activity aimed at transmitting to the new generation of mankind the experience accumulated by previous generations. Pedagogical activity is the management of the pupil's activity and the process of interaction with him for the purpose of his education and training, development of his personality.
Pedagogical process – specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils for the purpose of education and development

Слайд 21thank you for your attention

thank you for your attention

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