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Prepositions of place

Look and read the prepositions (предлоги записать в тетрадь) in

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1   Prepositions of place    

   Prepositions of place    

Слайд 2Look and read the prepositions (предлоги записать в тетрадь) in

on above under in front of behind
Look and read the prepositions (предлоги записать в тетрадь)    in

Слайд 3 Where is the parrot?
in front of

Where is the parrot?behindunderin aboveonin front of

Слайд 4Make a word from the letters (переставьте буквы в словах, чтобы

получились предлоги)


Make a word from the letters (переставьте буквы в словах, чтобы получились предлоги)WenetebReund EranEvaboBetweenUnderNearAbove

Слайд 5 Find and write prepositions

Find and write prepositions Aboveinonnearbehindontheleftunder

Слайд 6 Guess the animal
This animal is under the bear.
This animal

is above the hare.
This animal is between the bear and

the hedgehog.
This animal is between the hare and the frog.
This animal is above the fox.
Guess the animalThis animal is under the bear.This animal is above the hare.This animal is between

Слайд 7Read the text
I have got 4 little

cats: black, white, grey and red. My cats always hide

in my room, but I can find them. White cat is under the table. Black cat is to the right of the table in the box. Grey cat is between the sofa and armchair. Red cat hides behind a chair. There are my cats.

Read the text   I have got 4 little cats: black, white, grey and red. My

Слайд 8True/False
White cat is to the right of the table.
Grey cat

is between the sofa and armchair.
Black cat is in the

Red cat hides under the table.

True/FalseWhite cat is to the right of the table.Grey cat is between the sofa and armchair.Black cat

Слайд 9https://wordwall.net/play/1663/055/487
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