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Present Perfect Tense ( настоящее совершенное время ) Урок в 4 классе учителя


Listen and repeat![Ʌ] – Humpty-Dumpty, luck, cut, fun[ͻ:]- all, fall, wall, horse

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершенное время)

Урок в 4 классе

учителя английского языка Федулеевой Елены Сергеевны.
Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершенное время)

Слайд 2Listen and repeat!
[Ʌ] – Humpty-Dumpty, luck, cut, fun
[ͻ:]- all, fall,

wall, horse

Listen and repeat![Ʌ] – Humpty-Dumpty, luck, cut, fun[ͻ:]- all, fall, wall, horse

Слайд 3Humpty-Dumpty
Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall;
And all

the King’s horses
And all the King’s men
Couldn't put Humpty-Dumpty together


Humpty-DumptyHumpty-Dumpty sat on a wall,Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall;And all the King’s horsesAnd all the King’s menCouldn't

Слайд 4We have received a letter!

We have received a letter!

Слайд 5Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have/has you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have/has you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 6Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have/has you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have/has you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 7Fill in the gaps and translate.
Visit- vis____d- v______
Do- d_____d- d_____

Fill in the gaps and translate.Open-op____d-op____Help-h____d-h_____edVisit- vis____d- v______Do- d_____d- d_____

Слайд 8Open-opened-opened
Visit- visited- visited
Do– did – done

Open-opened-openedHelp-helped-helpedVisit- visited- visitedDo– did – done

Слайд 9Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have/has you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have/has you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 10Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have/has you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have/has you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 11What does it mean?

What does it mean?

Слайд 12Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have/has you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have/has you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 13Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have/has you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 14 Fill in “have” or “has”:
1)She ______ often played basketball.
2) I

_______ already done my homework.
3)A cat _______ eaten the mouse.

_______ just come.

Fill in “have” or “has”: 1)She ______ often played basketball.2) I _______ already done my homework.3)A

Слайд 15She __has__ often played basketball.
I __have_ already done my homework.

cat __has_ eaten the mouse.
They __have__ just come.

She __has__ often played basketball.I __have_ already done my homework.A cat __has_ eaten the mouse.They __have__ just

Слайд 16Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have/has you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 17Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have/has you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 18 I am not hungry. I (to have breakfast) .

I am not hungry. I (to have breakfast) .

Слайд 19 She can’t tell you where Amy lives. She (to forget).

She can’t tell you where Amy lives.  She (to forget).

Слайд 20 I can’t show you a picture of my pen friend.

I (to lose) it.

I can’t show you a picture of my pen friend. I (to lose) it.

Слайд 21That isn’t a new film. We (to see) it.

That isn’t a new film. We (to see) it.

Слайд 22
1) I am not hungry. I have had breakfast.

can’t tell you where Amy lives.
She has forgotten.

I can’t show you a picture of my pen friend.
I have lost it.
4) That isn’t a new film. We have seen it.

1) I am not hungry. I have had breakfast.2)She can’t tell you where Amy lives. She

Слайд 23Present Perfect используется для
выражения действий, которые произошли в прошлом,

но результат можно наблюдать в настоящем.

Present Perfect используется для выражения действий, которые произошли в прошлом, но результат можно наблюдать в настоящем.

Слайд 24Let’s have some exercice!!!

Let’s have some exercice!!!

Слайд 25Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have/has you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 26Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have/has you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 27 Interrogative:



+ V

+ secondary parts
Interrogative:      Have   Has

Слайд 28Слова-спутники Present Perfect:
just – только что
already – уже
never –

ever – когда-либо
Yet - уже
Обычно они ставятся перед
I have

just cleaned my room.
She has already washed the dishes.
He has never played this game.

Слова-спутники Present Perfect:just – только чтоalready – уже never – никогда ever – когда-либоYet - ужеОбычно они

Слайд 29 Interrogative:



+ V

+ secondary parts
Interrogative:      Have   Has

Слайд 30Have you met your friend today?
Have you already had

Have you helped your parents?
Have you washed the dishes?
Have you

played computer games this week?

Have you met your friend today? Have you already had lunch?Have you helped your parents?Have you washed

Слайд 31Hello, children!
How are you? Do you like New Year? Do

you like gifts?
Have you helped your parents this year?

Have you done your homework? Have you cleaned your room yet? Have you learned poems yet? I have already prepared some gifts for us.

Best wishes,
Hello, children!How are you? Do you like New Year? Do you like gifts? Have you helped your

Слайд 32 Homework

Write the letter to Santa!

HomeworkWrite the letter to Santa!

Слайд 33Проверка
Выполните контрольный тест!
1.She has already eaten an apple.
2. Я помог

3. __Have__you _leaned__ this poem?

ПроверкаВыполните контрольный тест!1.She has already eaten an apple.2. Я помог родителям. 3. __Have__you _leaned__ this poem?

Слайд 34Рефлексия


Слайд 35
Thank you for the lesson!

Thank you for the lesson!

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