Разделы презентаций

Приемы, основанные на использовании устойчивых словосочетаний


Клише – выражение, ставшее привычным и утратившее образность 'rosy dreams of youth', 'the patter of little feet', 'deceptively simple'.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Приемы, основанные на использовании устойчивых словосочетаний

Приемы, основанные на использовании устойчивых словосочетаний

Слайд 2Клише – выражение, ставшее привычным и утратившее образность

'rosy dreams of

'the patter of little feet',
'deceptively simple'.

Клише – выражение, ставшее привычным и утратившее образность 'rosy dreams of youth', 'the patter of little feet',

Слайд 3Клише предсказуемы

We are gathered here to-day to mourn ('the untimely death')

of our beloved leader...; Words are inadequate ('to express the

grief that is in our hearts').
Клише предсказуемыWe are gathered here to-day to mourn ('the untimely death') of our beloved leader...; Words are

Слайд 4
We watched the flames ('licking') at the side of the

building. A pall ('of smoke') hung thick over the neighbourhood...;

He heard a dull ('thud') which was followed by an ominous ('silence').
We watched the flames ('licking') at the side of the building. A pall ('of smoke') hung thick

Слайд 5Все устойчивые словосочетания можно рассматривать как клише
'effective guarantees', 'immediate issues‘,

'the stick and carrot policy',
'statement of policy',
'to maintain some

equilibrium between reliable sources',
'buffer zone', 'he laid it down equally clearly that...'
Все устойчивые словосочетания можно рассматривать как клише'effective guarantees', 'immediate issues‘, 'the stick and carrot policy', 'statement of

Слайд 6'to live to a ripe old age',
'to grow by

leaps and bounds',
'to withstand the test of time',

let bygones be bygones',
'to be unable to see the wood for the trees',
'to have an ace up one's sleeve'.
'to live to a ripe old age', 'to grow by leaps and bounds', 'to withstand the test

Слайд 7Пословицы и поговорки
Являются единицами языка
Характеризуются повторяемостью, неизменностью формы и краткостью

выражения мысли
Значение воспринимается как однозначно переносное

"to cut one's coat according

to one's cloth."
"Early to bed and early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

Пословицы и поговоркиЯвляются единицами языкаХарактеризуются повторяемостью, неизменностью формы и краткостью выражения мыслиЗначение воспринимается как однозначно переносное

Слайд 8Отсутствие связующих элементов

"First come, first served."

"Out of sight, out of


Отсутствие связующих элементов

Слайд 9Переносное значение
Hell is paved with good intentions
"...and whether the

Ministry of Economic Warfare is being allowed enough financial rope

to do its worst." (from 'Give a thief rope enough and he'll hang himself).
"The waters will remain sufficiently troubled for somebody's fishing to be profitable." (Economist) (from lIt is good fishing in troubled waters').

Переносное значениеHell is paved with good intentions

Слайд 10"Proof of the Pudding" (from 'The proof of the pudding

is in the eating').

"Early to bed and early to rise No

use—unless you advertize" (from 'Early to bed and early to rise Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise').

"Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves."

Слайд 11Афоризм (epigram)
Имеет те же характеристики, что и пословица, но известно


Brevity is the sister of Talent

Афоризм (epigram)Имеет те же характеристики, что и пословица, но известно авторствоBrevity is the sister of Talent

Слайд 12Somerset Maugham:
"Art is triumphant when it can use convention as

an instrument of its own purpose.“ --

"A God that

can be understood is no God.“ +

Somerset Maugham:

Слайд 13В тексте используются для характеристики ситуации или персонажа
"He that bends

shall be made straight.“

"Failure is the foundation of success and

success is the lurking place of failure...“

"Mighty is he who conquers himself."

В тексте используются для характеристики ситуации или персонажа

Слайд 14Цитаты
Воспроизведенные фразы или абзацы из чужих текстов для иллюстрации, доказательства

или подтверждения собственной мысли.
Графически оформляются при помощи кавычек или

Сопровождаются ссылкой на автора или работу
ЦитатыВоспроизведенные фразы или абзацы из чужих текстов для иллюстрации, доказательства или подтверждения собственной мысли. Графически оформляются при

Слайд 15Примеры оформления ссылок в тексте
"as (so and so) has it";

"(So and so) once said that"...;
"Here we quote (so

and so)"
“… says so and so”
“According to so and so,…”
Примеры оформления ссылок в тексте

Слайд 16Аллюзия
Непрямая ссылка на общеизвестный текст (исторический, мифологический, литературный, религизный)
"'Pie in

the sky' for Railmen"
Most people in the USA and Britain

know the refrain of the workers‘ song: "You'll get pie in the sky when you die”. (railmen will get nothing but promises)

АллюзияНепрямая ссылка на общеизвестный текст (исторический, мифологический, литературный, религизный)

Слайд 17Разрушение устойчивых выражений
"It was raining cats and dogs, and

two kittens and a puppy landed on my window-sill" (Chesterton)

Разрушение устойчивых выражений

Слайд 18Синтаксические выразительные средства и стилистические приемы
1. Структурные элементы иногда предопределяют

семантику высказывания;
2. Структурные элементы имеют собственные независимые значения (структурные или

шире – грамматические);
3. Структурные значения могут влиять на лексические, давая контекстуальное значение лексическим единицам.

Синтаксические выразительные средства и стилистические приемы1. Структурные элементы иногда предопределяют семантику высказывания;2. Структурные элементы имеют собственные независимые

Слайд 19Стилистическая инверсия
"Talent Mr. Micawber has; capital Mr. Micawber has not."

Стилистическая инверсия

Слайд 20Модели стилистической инверсии
1.Дополнение выносится в начало предложения (см. выше).
2. Определение помещается

после определяемого слова:
"With fingers weary and worn..." (Thomas Hood) "Once upon

a midnight dreary..." (E. A. Poe)

Модели стилистической инверсии1.Дополнение выносится в начало предложения (см. выше).2.	Определение помещается после определяемого слова:

Слайд 213. a) Предикатив помещается перед подлежащим:
"A good generous prayer it was."

(Mark Twain)
b) Предикатив помещается перед вспомогательным глаголом и подлежащим:

am I in my speech..." (Shakespeare)

3.	a) Предикатив помещается перед подлежащим:

Слайд 224. Обстоятельство помещается в начале предложения :
"Eagerly I wished the morrow."

"My dearest daughter, at your feet I fall." (Dryden)
"A tone

of most extraordinary comparison Miss Tox said it in.« (Dickens)

4.	Обстоятельство помещается в начале предложения :

Слайд 235. И обстоятельство и сказуемое помещаются перед подлежащим:

"In went Mr. Pickwick."


"Down dropped the breeze..." (Coleridge)

5.	И обстоятельство и сказуемое помещаются перед подлежащим:

Слайд 24Обособление
"Steyne rose up, grinding his teeth, pale, and with fury

in his eyes". (Thackeray)

"Sir Pitt came in first, very much

flushed, and rather unsteady in his gait." (Thackeray)


Слайд 25
"And he walked slowly past again, along the river—an evening

of clear, quiet beauty, all harmony and comfort, except within

his heart." (Galsworthy)

Слайд 26"Daylight was dying, the moon rising, gold behind the poplars.”


'"I want to go,' he said, miserable." (Galsworthy)

"She was lovely:

all of her — delightful." (Dreiser)

Слайд 27Параллелизм
Повтор двух или нескольких идентичных грамматических конструкций

"There were, ..., real

silver spoons to stir the tea with, and real china

cups to drink it out of, and plates of the same to hold the cakes and toast in". (Dickens)

ПараллелизмПовтор двух или нескольких идентичных грамматических конструкций

Слайд 28"It is the mob that labour in your fields and

serve in your houses—that man your navy and recruit your

army,—that have enabled you to defy all the world, and can also defy you when neglect and calamity have driven them to despair." (Byron)

Слайд 29Хиазм (обратный параллелизм)
"As high as we have mounted in

delight In our dejection do we sink as low." (Wordsworth)
"Down dropped

the breeze, The sails dropped down." (Coleridge)
"The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it. (Dickens)

Хиазм (обратный параллелизм)

Слайд 30Лексический хиазм
"In the days of old men made the manners; Manners

now make men,«
"His jokes were sermons, and his sermons jokes." '"Tis

strange,—but true; for truth is always strange." "But Tom's no more—and so no more of Tom." "True, 'tis a pity—pity 'tis, 'tis true." "'Tis a pity though, in this sublime world that Pleasure's a sin, and sometimes sin's a pleasure."

Лексический хиазм

Слайд 31Повтор

"Stop!"—she cried, "Don't tell me! I don't want to hear,

I don't want to hear what you've come for. I

don't want to hear."


Слайд 32А. Анафора
"For that was it! Ignorant of the long and

stealthy march of passion, and of the state to which

it had reduced Fleur; ignorant of how Soames had watched her, ignorant of Fleur's reckless desperation...—ignorant of all this, everybody felt aggrieved."

А. Анафора

Слайд 33В. Эпифора

"I am exactly the man to be placed in

a superior position in such a case as that. I

am above the rest of mankind, in such a case as that. I can act with philosophy in such a case as that.

В. Эпифора

Слайд 34С. Рамочный повтор
"Poor doll's dressmaker! How often so dragged down

by hands that should have raised her up; how often

so misdirected when losing her way on the eternal road and asking guidance. Poor, littl doll's dressmaker". (Dickens)

С. Рамочный повтор

Слайд 35Анадиплозис
"Freeman and slave... carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now

open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in

a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes."
(Marx, Engels)


Слайд 36Синонимический повтор (плеоназм, тавтология)

"It was a clear starry night, and

not a cloud was to be seen.«

"He was the only

survivor; no one else was saved."

Синонимический повтор (плеоназм, тавтология)

Слайд 37Перечисление
"Scrooge was his sole executor, his sole administrator, his sole

assign, his sole residuary legatee, his sole friend and his

sole mourner." (Dickens)


Слайд 38"Fleur's wisdom in refusing to write to him was profound,

for he reached each new place entirely without hope or

fever, and could concentrate immediate attention on the donkeys and tumbling bells, the priests, patios, beggars, children, crowing cocks, sombreros, cactus- hedges, old high white villages, goats, olive-trees, greening plains, singing birds in tiny cages, watersellers, sunsets, melons, mules, great churches, pictures, and swimming grey-brown mountains of a fascinating land."

Слайд 39Умолчание
"But suppose it passed; suppose one of these men, as

I have seen them,—meagre with famine, sullen with despair, careless of

a life which your Lordships are perhaps about to value at something less than the price of a stocking-frame:—suppose this man surrounded by the children for whom he is unable to procure bread at the hazard of his existence, about to be torn for ever from a family which he lately supported in peaceful industry, and which it is not his fault that he can no longer so support;—suppose this man, and there are ten thousand such from whom you may select your victims, dragged into court, to be tried for this new offence, by this new law; still there are two things wanting to convict and condemn him; and these are, in my opinion,—twelve butchers for a jury, and a Jeffreys for a judge!" (Byron)

Слайд 40"If you can keep your head when all about you Are

losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust

yourself when all men doubt you And make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can dream and not make dreams your master, If you can think and not make thoughts your aim,
Yours is the earth and everything that's in it,... And which is more, you'll be a Man, my son."

Слайд 41Градация

"It was a lovely city, a beautiful city, a fair

city, a veritable gem of a city."


Слайд 42«Эмоциональная» градация
"He was pleased when the child began to adventure

across floors on hands and knees; he was gratified, when

she managed the trick of balancing herself on two legs; he was delighted when she first said 'ta-ta'; and he was rejoiced when she recognized him and smiled at him." (Alan Paton)
«Эмоциональная» градация

Слайд 43Количественная градация

"They looked at hundreds of houses; they climbed thousands

of stairs; they inspected innumerable kitchens." (Maugham)

Количественная градация

Слайд 44Отличительные признаки градации
Дистрибутивный компонент: близость составляющих элементов, организованных в соответствии

с увеличением их значимости
Синтаксическая модель: параллельные конструкции с возможным

лексическим повтором
Коннотативный компонент: , контекст, позволяющий читателю осознать градацию:
as no. .. ever once in all his life, nobody ever, nobody, No beggars (Dickens); deep and wide, horrid, dark and tall (Byron); veritable (gem of a city).

Отличительные признаки градацииДистрибутивный компонент: близость составляющих элементов, организованных в соответствии с увеличением их значимости Синтаксическая модель: параллельные

Слайд 45Антитеза
Прием, основанный на контрасте, выражающемся при помощи языковых или контекстуальных


"A saint abroad, and a devil at home." (Bunyan) "Better to

reign in hell than serve in heaven." (Milton)

АнтитезаПрием, основанный на контрасте, выражающемся при помощи языковых или контекстуальных антонимов:

Слайд 46Антитеза в языке

up and down,
inside and out,

top to bottom

Антитеза в языке up and down, inside and out, from top to bottom

Слайд 47Антитеза, основанная на контекстуальной антонимии

"Youth is lovely, age is lonely,

is fiery, age is frosty" (Longfellow)

Антитеза, основанная на контекстуальной антонимии

Слайд 48"It was the best of times, it was the worst

of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was

the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, if was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we are all going direct the other way..." (Dickens)

Слайд 49Бессоюзие

"Soames turned away; he had an utter disinclination for talk,

like one standing before an open grave, watching a coffin

slowly lowered." (Galsworthy)


Слайд 50Многосоюзие
"Should you ask me, whence these stories?
Whence these legends and

traditions, With the odours of the forest, With the dew, and damp

of meadows, With the curling smoke of wigwams, With the rushing of great rivers, With their frequent repetitions,..."


Слайд 51"Then Mr. Boffin... sat staring at a little bookcase of

Law Practice and Law Reports, and at a window, and

at an empty blue bag, and a stick of sealing-wax, and at a pen, and a box of wafers, and an apple, and a writing-pad—all very dusty—and at a number of inky smears and blots, and at an imperfectly disguised gun-case pretending to be something legal, and at an iron box labelled "Harmon Estate", until Mr. Lightwood appeared." (Dickens)

Слайд 52Использование разговорных конструкций

1) эллипсис,
2) апозиопезис,
3) вопрос в повествовании

4) несобственно-прямая речь

Использование разговорных конструкций1) эллипсис, 2) апозиопезис, 3) вопрос в повествовании 4) несобственно-прямая речь

Слайд 53"There's somebody wants to speak to you.«

"There was no breeze

came through the open window."(Hemingway)

"There's many a man in this

Borough would be glad to have the blood that runs in my veins." (Cronin)

Слайд 54Апозиопезис
"If you continue your intemperate way of living, in

six months‘ time..."

"You just come home or I'll ..."


Слайд 55Вопрос в повествовании

"How long must it go on? How long

must we suffer? Where is the end? What is the

end? (Norris)

Вопрос в повествовании

Слайд 56Риторический вопрос
Утверждение, выраженное средствами вопросительного предложения:

"Are these the remedies for

a starving and desperate populace?" "Is there not blood enough upon

your penal code, that more must be poured forth to ascend to Heaven and testify against you?"

Риторический вопросУтверждение, выраженное средствами вопросительного предложения:

Слайд 57Несобственно-прямая речь
"A maid came in now with a blue gown

very thick and soft. Could she do anything for Miss

Freeland? No, thanks, she could not, only, did she know where Mr. Freeland's room was?"(Galsworthy)

Несобственно-прямая речь

Слайд 58Литота
Стилистический прием, состоящий в использовании отрицания с существительным или прилагательным,

чтобы утвердить положительное качество объекта.

It's not a bad thing.—It's a

good thing.
He is no coward.—He is a brave man.

ЛитотаСтилистический прием, состоящий в использовании отрицания с существительным или прилагательным, чтобы утвердить положительное качество объекта.It's not a

Слайд 59
1. "Whatever defects the tale possessed—and they were not a

few— it had, as delivered by her, the one merit

of seeming like truth."

2. "He was not without taste..."
3. "It troubled him not a little..."
4. "He found that this was no easy task."

5. "He was no gentle lamb, and the part of second fiddle would never do for the high-pitched dominance of his nature." (Jack London)


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