Разделы презентаций


some – несколькоany – сколько-нибудьmuch, many – многоa few, a little - мало

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Булхараускене М.П.
учитель английского языка
КГУ «Средняя школа №5»
г. Петропавловск
Республика Казахстан

QUANTITIESБулхараускене М.П.учитель английского языкаКГУ «Средняя школа №5»г. ПетропавловскРеспублика Казахстан

Слайд 2some – несколько

any – сколько-нибудь

much, many – много

a few, a

little - мало

some – несколькоany – сколько-нибудьmuch, many – многоa few, a little - мало

Слайд 3much many a lot of


+ + +
? ? ?
- - -
much   many   a lot of    UNs

Слайд 4
a few a little


There are a few There is a little
cats in the room. milk in the glass

a few    a little       CNs

Слайд 5
some any


? ?
There are some apples There are not any
on the table. apples on the table.

Can I have some tea? Are there any apples on
the table?
Would you like some I haven’t any cats.
some     any    +

Слайд 6I. 1. There are … apples in the vase.

2. There is … sugar on the plate.

There are …eggs in the fridge.
4. There are … mushrooms.
5. There is … coffee in the cup.

a) many b) much c) a lot of

Much, many or a lot of?

I. 1. There are … apples in the vase.  2. There is … sugar on the

Слайд 7

II. 1. Are there … grapes in the vase?

2. Is there … tea in the tea-pot?

3. How … money do you have?
4. How … cakes can you eat at once?
5. Do you have … books?

a) many b) much c) a lot of

Much, many or a lot of?

II. 1. Are there … grapes in the vase?   2. Is there … tea in

Слайд 8III. 1. I have got … dollars.

There are … plums on the tree.

There is … butter in the fridge
4. You have got … flour in the cupboard.
5. There are … sandwiches in the pocket

a few or a little?

III. 1. I have got … dollars.   2. There are … plums on the tree.

Слайд 9IV. 1. There are … onions and … mineral water.

2. There is … orange juice but …

juice in the fridge.

a) a few b) a little c) much

IV. Choose the right answer:

IV. 1. There are … onions and … mineral water.   2. There is … orange

Слайд 10V. 1. There is… juice in the glass.

2. There are … tomatoes in the plate.

3. There are not … potatoes at home.
4. There isn’t … butter in the fridge.
5. Are there … biscuits on the table?

Choose the right answer:
VI. 1. Is there … milk in the bottle?
2.There is … snow on the ground.
3. Are there … eggs in the fridge?
a) some b) any c) a

Some or any?

V. 1. There is… juice in the glass.   2. There are … tomatoes in the

Слайд 11Thanks for your work!

Thanks for your work!

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