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RULES (1)There are 11 questions which you have to answer.If you know the answer right away and it‘s correct, you‘ll gain 2 points.If you need some help, you‘ll be shown three

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 QUIZ


Слайд 2RULES (1)
There are 11 questions which you have to answer.

you know the answer right away and it‘s correct, you‘ll

gain 2 points.
If you need some help, you‘ll be shown three answers, but just one is correct. For choosing the correct answer you‘ll gain 1 point.
RULES (1)There are 11 questions which you have to answer.If you know the answer right away and

Слайд 3RULES (2)
Three students will “fight“ against each other.
Before the competition,

each of you has to draw 11 number lots so

that we know which questions you have to answer.
Then you start to answer the questions according to your numbers.

RULES (2)Three students will “fight“ against each other.Before the competition, each of you has to draw 11

Слайд 4Question No 1

Canada is the ... largest country

in the


Question No 1Canada is the ... largest country in the world.

Слайд 5a) second

b) third

c) fourth

a) secondb) thirdc) fourth

Слайд 6 Question No 2

Which date is Canada Day ?

Question No 2Which date is Canada Day ?

Слайд 7a) February 1

b) July 1

c) July 4

a) February 1b) July 1c) July 4

Слайд 8Question No 3

What is Canada's capital ?

Question No 3What is Canada's capital ?

Слайд 9Montreal

b) Ottawa

c) Vancouver

Montrealb) Ottawac) Vancouver

Слайд 10Question No 4

Who is Canada's Head of State ?

Question No 4Who is Canada's Head of State ?

Слайд 11a) Queen Beatrix II

b) Queen Elizabeth II

c) Queen Margarethe II

a) Queen Beatrix IIb) Queen Elizabeth IIc) Queen Margarethe II

Слайд 12Question No 5

What is the east-west distance

across Canada ?

Question No 5What is the east-west distance across Canada ?

Слайд 13a) ca. 5,000 kilometres

b) ca. 6,000 kilometres

c) ca. 7,000 kilometres

a) ca. 5,000 kilometresb) ca. 6,000 kilometresc) ca. 7,000 kilometres

Слайд 14Question No 6

How many provinces and territories

are there in Canada

Question No 6How many provinces and territoriesare there in Canada ?

Слайд 15a) ten provinces and ten territories

b) three provinces and ten


c) ten provinces and three territories

a) ten provinces and ten territoriesb) three provinces and ten territoriesc) ten provinces and three territories

Слайд 16Question No 7

What are the two

official languages

in Canada ?

Question No 7What are the two official languagesin Canada ?

Слайд 17a) English and French

b) English and German

c) English and Spanish

a) English and Frenchb) English and Germanc) English and Spanish

Слайд 18Question No 8

What is the

national animal of Canada ?

Question No 8What is the national animal of Canada ?

Слайд 19
a) the wolf

b) the moose

c) the beaver

a) the wolfb) the moosec) the beaver

Слайд 20Question No 9

What is Canada's

national tree ?

Question No 9What is Canada's national tree ?

Слайд 21a) the oak tree

b) the maple tree

c) the pine tree

a) the oak treeb) the maple treec) the pine tree

Слайд 22Question No 10

Which province is

in the west of Canada

Question No 10Which province is in the west of Canada ?

Слайд 23a) Ontario

b) Newfoundland

c) British Columbia

a) Ontariob) Newfoundlandc) British Columbia

Слайд 24Question No 11

How many people live in Canada ?

Question No 11How many people live in Canada ?

Слайд 25
a) ca. 33.1 million

b) ca. 54.5 million

c) ca. 84.5 million

a) ca. 33.1 millionb) ca. 54.5 millionc) ca. 84.5 million

Слайд 26Question No 12

What are the

three major industries

in Canada?

Question No 12What are the three major industries in Canada?

Слайд 27agriculture, forestry
and mining

b) shipbuilding, textile industry
and computer tehnology


fishing, ranching
and tourism

agriculture, forestry and miningb) shipbuilding, textile industry and computer tehnologyc) fishing, ranching and tourism

Слайд 28Question No 13

What province is Toronto

the capital of ?

Question No 13What province is Toronto the capital of ?

Слайд 29a) Alberta

b) Ontario

c) Manitoba

a) Albertab) Ontarioc) Manitoba

Слайд 30Question No 14

What is Canada's currency ?

Question No 14What is Canada's currency ?

Слайд 31a) the Canadian dollar

b) the Canadian euro

c) the Canadian pound

a) the Canadian dollarb) the Canadian euroc) the Canadian pound

Слайд 32Question No 15
What is the name of this animal ?

Question No 15What is the name of this animal ?

Слайд 33
a) caribou

b) reindeer

c) cow

a) cariboub) reindeerc) cow

Слайд 34Question No 16

The name of one of the provinces


Canada's east is

Prince ... Island.

Question No 16The name of one of the provinces in Canada's east is Prince ... Island.

Слайд 35a) Andrew

b) William

c) Edward

a) Andrewb) Williamc) Edward

Слайд 36Question No 17

What do Canadians like to

have for breakfast

Question No 17What do Canadians like to have for breakfast ?

Слайд 37a) pancakes

b) baguettes

c) fish and chips

a) pancakesb) baguettesc) fish and chips

Слайд 38Question No 18

The correct name of the people

in the

cold north of Canada

is ... .

Question No 18The correct name of the people in the cold north of Canada is ... .

Слайд 39a) Eskimo

b) Viking

c) Inuit

a) Eskimob) Vikingc) Inuit

Слайд 40Question No 19
What is the name of this animal ?

Question No 19What is the name of this animal ?

Слайд 41a) beluga

b) orca

c) whale shark

a) belugab) orcac) whale shark

Слайд 42Question No 20
What is the name of this Canadian province

Question No 20What is the name of this Canadian province ?

Слайд 43a) British Columbia

b) Sasketchewan

c) New Brunswick

a) British Columbiab) Sasketchewanc) New Brunswick

Слайд 44Question No 21

What type of school do

Canadian children


the age of 5 to 14

attend ?

Question No 21What type of school do Canadian children at the age of 5 to 14 attend

Слайд 45a) elementary school

b) ground school

c) primary school

a) elementary schoolb) ground schoolc) primary school

Слайд 46Question No 22

What are Cree, Blackfoot,

Dene and Mohawk ?

Question No 22What are Cree, Blackfoot, Dene and Mohawk ?

Слайд 47a) famous Canadian hockey teams

b) islands off the Canadian Pacific


c) names of native tribes

a) famous Canadian hockey teamsb) islands off the Canadian Pacific coastc) names of native tribes

Слайд 48Question No 23

What is Canada's

oldest organized sport?

Question No 23What is Canada's oldest organized sport?

Слайд 49a) lacrosse

b) curling

c) fishing

a) lacrosseb) curlingc) fishing

Слайд 50Question No 24

The Niagara Falls are

in the ... of


Question No 24The Niagara Falls are in the ... of Canada.

Слайд 51
a) east

b) south

c) north

a) eastb) southc) north

Слайд 52Question No 25

What is the title of the

Canadian national

anthem ?

Question No 25What is the title of the Canadian national anthem ?

Слайд 53
a) O Canada

b) A Canada

c) U Canada

a) O Canadab) A Canadac) U Canada

Слайд 54Question No 26

What do Canadians call

“French fries“ ?

Question No 26What do Canadians call “French fries“ ?

Слайд 55
a) eggs

b) apples

c) chips

a) eggsb) applesc) chips

Слайд 56Question No 27

Which giant river flows

from Lake Ontario


the Atlantic Ocean ?

Question No 27Which giant river flows from Lake Ontario to the Atlantic Ocean ?

Слайд 57a) St. Lawrence River

b) Hudson River

c) Ottawa River

a) St. Lawrence Riverb) Hudson Riverc) Ottawa River

Слайд 58Question No 28

What is Nelly Furtado’s

second nationality ?

Question No 28What is Nelly Furtado’ssecond nationality ?

Слайд 59

b) Italian

c) Spanish

Portugueseb) Italian c) Spanish

Слайд 60Question No 29

What is Nunavut ?

Question No 29What is Nunavut ?

Слайд 61
a) one of Canada's largest cities

b) a Canadian burger speciality


Canada's newest territory
formed on April 1, 1999

a) one of Canada's largest citiesb) a Canadian burger specialityc) Canada's newest territory formed on April 1,

Слайд 62Question No 30
What is the name of this animal ?

Question No 30What is the name of this animal ?

Слайд 63a) elk

b) bison

c) moose

a) elkb) bisonc) moose

Слайд 64Question No 31

What is Canada's

official web page ?

Question No 31What is Canada's official web page ?

Слайд 65www.canada.gc.de

b) www.canada.gc.uk

c) www.canada.gc.ca

www.canada.gc.deb) www.canada.gc.ukc) www.canada.gc.ca

Слайд 66Question No 32
How many per cent

of the Canadian population

live along the country's

southern border

with the United States

Question No 32How many per cent of the Canadian population live along the country's southern border with

Слайд 67
a) nearly 20 %

b) nearly 50 %

c) nearly 90 %

a) nearly 20 %b) nearly 50 %c) nearly 90 %

Слайд 68Question No 33
Which picture shows Canada ?

Question No 33Which picture shows Canada ?ABC

Слайд 69a) picture A

b) picture B

c) picture C

a) picture Ab) picture Bc) picture C

Слайд 70That‘s the end of the competition.

Thank you for taking part

in it.

Who of you gained the
highest number of points?

That‘s the end of the competition.Thank you for taking part in it.Who of you gained the highest

Слайд 71



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