Разделы презентаций

Р resentation a bout myself

Аbout my personalityMy name is Marina. I am 25. I am a student. I like different pets and plants.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Рresentation
about myself

Рresentation about myself

Слайд 2Аbout my personality
My name is Marina. I am 25. I

am a student. I like different pets and plants.

Аbout my personalityMy name is Marina. I am 25. I am a student. I like different pets

Слайд 3Аbout my school education
I study at school from 2000 till

2011 years. I visited the section on swimming, dancing, playing

the guitar, Studio of needlework and embroidery, painting and woodcarving.
Аbout my school educationI study at school from 2000 till 2011 years. I visited the section on

Слайд 4Аbout my university education
I studied at Moscow city pedagogical University

from 2011 till 2015 years аt the faculty of fine

arts. I was a sports organizer of faculty.
Аbout my university educationI studied at Moscow city pedagogical University from 2011 till 2015 years аt the

Слайд 5Аbout my university education
Now I study at Moscow state pedagogical

University at the Institute of fine arts of the faculty

of art and graphics. The building of my Institute is located on the Ryazan prospectus, the house 9.

Аbout my university educationNow I study at Moscow state pedagogical University at the Institute of fine arts

Слайд 6Аbout my education
My the master's program is teaching arts and

crafts. Duration of training 2 years. We go through subjects

such as decorative painting, sculpture, painting on fabric, designing, english and philosophy.

Аbout my educationMy the master's program is teaching arts and crafts. Duration of training 2 years. We

Слайд 7Аbout my family
There are 4 people in my family: father,

mother, sister and I. Also we have got a cat.

Her name is Masya. My mother working at the Russian state University for the Humanities. My father works as a service engineer in the data center. My sister studies at the Moscow state University in the 2nd year of the faculty of biology.
Аbout my familyThere are 4 people in my family: father, mother, sister and I. Also we have

Слайд 8Аbout my plans for the future, dreams
I plan to start

a family, to continue my education in graduate school, to

engage in scientific activities.
Аbout my plans for the future, dreamsI plan to start a family, to continue my education in

Слайд 9Thank you for attention

Thank you for attention

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