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The city of Rostov-on-Don is located in the south of Russia, is the administrative center of the Rostov region and the Southern Federal District. It is located on the right bank

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Слайд 1Rostov-On-Don


Слайд 2The city of Rostov-on-Don is located in the south of

Russia, is the administrative center of the Rostov region and

the Southern Federal District. It is located on the right bank of the Don River, 46 km from its confluence into the Azov Sea, 1226 km southeast of Moscow. The population is 1,049 million people, the area is 354 square meters. km. In 2008, the city of Rostov-on-Don was awarded the honorary title of the city of military glory.
The city of Rostov-on-Don is located in the south of Russia, is the administrative center of the

Слайд 3The work of the sculptor Vuchetich, intended for Mamayev Kurgan

in Volgograd, was donated to Rostov-on-Don and installed in 1972

in the park on the site of the former Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. The inscription with the dedication of the monument to the events of 1920 was shot down in 1996 as too biased.

Monument to the soldiers of the First Cavalry

The work of the sculptor Vuchetich, intended for Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, was donated to Rostov-on-Don and

Слайд 4Theater them. Gorky
The building of the theater was built in

1935 - in the form of a giant tractor. It

was restored in 1963. In 1981 the theater received the title of Academic.
Theater them. GorkyThe building of the theater was built in 1935 - in the form of a

Слайд 5The most interesting object of the museum is the restored

descent spacecraft of the 15th expedition of the ISS -

Soyuz TMA-10, in which it is possible to simulate docking, docking, etc. In addition, the exposition presents parts of the Soyuz spacecraft, spacesuits, space food, etc., near-space equipment and devices.

Rostov Astronautics Museum

The most interesting object of the museum is the restored descent spacecraft of the 15th expedition of

Слайд 6Don River embankment
The city embankment is about 2 km long,

one of the most visited places in the city. She

became famous for the fact that during the year there are many festivals and festivals, as well as popular festivities.
Don River embankmentThe city embankment is about 2 km long, one of the most visited places in

Слайд 7Bolshaya Sadovaya street
One of the oldest and most beautiful streets

of Rostov-on-Don, within which there are many city attractions and

administrative institutions. Its length is about 3.8 km. Once in this place there was a suburb and gardens blossomed, so the alley got its name. The street is of great transport importance - along it there are the main routes connecting the center with other areas.
Bolshaya Sadovaya streetOne of the oldest and most beautiful streets of Rostov-on-Don, within which there are many

Слайд 8Paramonovsky warehouses
The warehouse complex is located near the Rostov port

and at the moment is a dilapidated building, which, nevertheless,

is considered a monument of industrial architecture of the middle of the XIX century. They belonged to the merchant Elpidifor Paramonov. In Soviet times this object was not used for its intended purpose and gradually fell into decay until it reached the state of ruins.
Paramonovsky warehousesThe warehouse complex is located near the Rostov port and at the moment is a dilapidated

Слайд 9Fountain on Theater Square
The fountain was installed in the park

next to the theater named after M. Gorky in the

1930s. The author of the project was the promising graduate of the local art school - E. Vootecic. The composition consists of figures of giants on a pedestal, surrounded by turtles and frogs. During the Second World War the fountain was completely destroyed, but already in the 1950s it was restored, guided by the preserved photographs.
Fountain on Theater SquareThe fountain was installed in the park next to the theater named after M.

Слайд 10Presentation was made by a student of the Gk-314 group

Nagornova Darya

Presentation was made by a student of the Gk-314 group Nagornova Darya

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