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Red-free PhotographImage courtesy of J Slakter

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1RPE Rip


Слайд 2Red-free Photograph
Image courtesy of J Slakter

Red-free PhotographImage courtesy of J Slakter

Слайд 3Red-free Photograph
Red-free photograph:
Shallow subretinal fluid
Note the area just temporal

to the centre of the macula that appears to be

hypopigmented (arrow)

Red-free PhotographRed-free photograph: Shallow subretinal fluidDrusenNote the area just temporal to the centre of the macula that

Слайд 4Early-phase Fluorescein Angiogram
Image courtesy of J Slakter

Early-phase Fluorescein AngiogramImage courtesy of J Slakter

Слайд 5Early-phase Fluorescein Angiogram
Early (arterial) phase:
The most important frame
Note the

oval area of mild hyperfluorescence occurring when the retinal arteries

are just filling
The choroid is also just beginning to fill
Horizontally oriented vessels represent larger choroidal vessels seen through a rip of the RPE
Early-phase Fluorescein AngiogramEarly (arterial) phase:The most important frame Note the oval area of mild hyperfluorescence occurring when

Слайд 6Mid-phase Fluorescein Angiogram
Image courtesy of J Slakter

Mid-phase Fluorescein AngiogramImage courtesy of J Slakter

Слайд 7Mid-phase Fluorescein Angiogram
Well-circumscribed hyperfluorescent area with curved outer border and

almost straight line margin adjacent to an area of relative

Findings are typical of RPE rips and should act as clues to the diagnosis
Mid-phase Fluorescein AngiogramMid-phase:Well-circumscribed hyperfluorescent area with curved outer border and almost straight line margin adjacent to an

Слайд 8Mid-phase Fluorescein Angiogram
By only examining this image and the one

that follows, this can be mistaken for classic CNV
The very

early image helps to make the correct diagnosis
This can also be misdiagnosed as geographic atrophy, which has:
A border that is geographic not linear
A lesion with no overlying retinal detachment

Mid-phase Fluorescein AngiogramBy only examining this image and the one that follows, this can be mistaken for

Слайд 9Late-phase Fluorescein Angiogram
Image courtesy of J Slakter

Late-phase Fluorescein AngiogramImage courtesy of J Slakter

Слайд 10Late-phase Fluorescein Angiogram
Late phase:
Increased hyperfluorescence with mild leakage at margins

this can easily be confused with the pattern seen with

classic CNV if the entire study is not examined, including the red-free image
Late-phase Fluorescein AngiogramLate phase:Increased hyperfluorescence with mild leakage at marginsAgain, this can easily be confused with the

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