Разделы презентаций

Rresentation about yourself

I study at the republican multilevel college. My studies here are drawing to a close, these 4 years passed very quickly 

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Rresentation about yourself.
My name is Ksenia, I am 18 years

old.  My interests are painting, style, makeup and everything related to

art. From childhood I love to draw and went to art school for many years.
Rresentation about yourself.My name is Ksenia, I am 18 years old.  My interests are painting, style, makeup

Слайд 2 I study at the republican multilevel college. My

studies here are drawing to a close, these 4 years

passed very quickly 
I study at the republican multilevel college. My studies here are drawing to a close,

Слайд 3 During my studies I learned a lot of

new and interesting things, starting from the first year with

manicure, to this day I do manicure for myself and sometimes work in a beauty salon. Here are some of my works.
During my studies I learned a lot of new and interesting things, starting from the

Слайд 6From the very first year I have been waiting for

when we will do makeup and all that. When it

started I was very happy about it. my work will be here.
From the very first year I have been waiting for when we will do makeup and all

Слайд 8I also like face art and body art lessons 

I also like face art and body art lessons 

Слайд 10 During my studies there were many good and

memorable moments and thanks to college I learned a lot

of useful things for myself! Thanks for your attention! 
During my studies there were many good and memorable moments and thanks to college I

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