Разделы презентаций

run up scrape up clog up conjure up


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1run up
scrape up
clog up
conjure up

run upscrape up clog up conjure up

Слайд 2https://www.dreamstime.com/runner-running-great-wall-top-mountain-fitness-woman-trail-runner-running-great-wall-top-mountain-image103077523


Слайд 3run up= увеличивать (долги и т. п.)
= add to the

amount of something, increase

= run up debts/ losses потери/
a billсчёт

/a deficit['defɪsɪt] /etc

=to borrow or lose a lot of money, or have to pay a big bill for something

run up= увеличивать (долги и т. п.)= add to the amount of something, increase= run up debts/

Слайд 4The company has run up debts of over $40 million.

The company has run up debts of over $40 million.https://medium.com/the-mission/organizational-debt-is-like-technical-debt-but-worse-3c0c86eae3eb

Слайд 5 While she was at college she ran up a

huge phone bill.

While she was at college she ran up a huge phone bill.https://theeyeopener.com/2017/02/cellphone-data-plans-costing-too-much-students-say/

Слайд 6run up your credit card =to spend a lot of

money using your credit card
He had no money of his

own, he just ran up his wife's credit card until the bank stopped the card.


run up your credit card =to spend a lot of money using your credit cardHe had no

Слайд 7Have you been running up bills at the dress shop

again? — Ты опять покупала в кредит вещи в ателье?

ran up a large bill at the department store before she left for home.
Have you been running up bills at the dress shop again? — Ты опять покупала в кредит

Слайд 8scrape up =find or gather something with some effort= придумать,

выдумать/скоблить, скрести
What kind of excuse can you scrape up this

time? — Какое извинение ты придумаешь на этот раз?

His girlfriend scraped up some money and went to visit him during the summer.

scrape up =find or gather something with some effort= придумать, выдумать/скоблить, скрестиWhat kind of excuse can you

Слайд 9clog up
When something clogs up a place, or when

it clogs up, it becomes blocked so that little or

nothing can pass through.
clog up When something clogs up a place, or when it clogs up, it becomes blocked so

Слайд 10the gutters желоба were clogged up with leaves.
Within a few

years the pipes began to clog up. — За пять

лет трубы начали забиваться.
the gutters желоба were clogged up with leaves.Within a few years the pipes began to clog up.

Слайд 11clogged up traffic

clogged up traffic

Слайд 12a clogged up nose

a clogged up nosehttps://www.health24.com/Medical/Sinusitis/about-sinusitis/6-ways-sinusitis-can-cause-a-mysterious-brain-fog-20170725

Слайд 13Conjure up= to call up an image — вызвать образ

в воображении
воскресить в памяти прошлое — to conjure up the



Conjure up= to call up an image — вызвать образ в воображениивоскресить в памяти прошлое — to

Слайд 14to conjure up= to bring to mind, recall воспоминание, активизация в памяти (предыдущих знаний, предыдущего

опыта)  (usually followed by up):
to conjure up the past.

to conjure up= to bring to mind, recall воспоминание, активизация в памяти (предыдущих знаний, предыдущего опыта)  (usually followed by up):to conjure up the past.https://www.worthofread.com/forgetting-the-past-and-moving-forward/

Слайд 15This music conjures up a picture of flowing water. —

Слушая эту музыку, воображаешь струящиеся потоки воды.

This music conjures up a picture of flowing water. — Слушая эту музыку, воображаешь струящиеся потоки воды.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNNquGgYvbs

Слайд 16He conjured up a picture of his childhood.

He conjured up a picture of his childhood.https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-to-give-your-kids-a-happy-childhood_2246359.html

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