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SalamAlekum !

Interests and Hobbies Playing and Watching Football! One of the reasons why I decided to come here is Shahtar. Reading Books, believe me it broadens your knowledge… Historical, Adventure, PhilosophicalListening to

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1SalamAlekum!

Bul men!/It is Me!
Nursultan Sulaimanov

SalamAlekum!Bul men!/It is Me!Nursultan Sulaimanov(NURIK)

Слайд 2Interests and Hobbies
Playing and Watching Football!
One of the

reasons why I decided to come here is Shahtar.

Books, believe me it broadens your knowledge…
Historical, Adventure, Philosophical
Listening to Music and Dancing
Classical, Latino, Trance and Chillout
Watching Movies and Cartoons, my most favorite ones:
Avatar, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Snatch, Rango
Interests and Hobbies Playing and Watching Football! One of the reasons why I decided to come here

Слайд 3Kyrgyzstan

History counts back to the 3c. BC, in 2003

we celebrated the 2200 anniversary of the Kyrgyz statehood
Country is

in the Heart of the EuroAsia
There are over 88 major mountain ranges in Kyrgyzstan, making up about more than 70 % of the country’s territory.
Kyrgyzstan has the lengthiest epic in the world. “Manas” a Kyrgyz epic poem with 500,000 lines
The most famous person from Kyrgyzstan is a writer, Chingiz Aitmatov

Kyrgyzstan History counts back to the 3c. BC, in 2003 we celebrated the 2200 anniversary of the

Слайд 4
I am very Excited that I will Come to such

and Interesting country as Ukraine=))
I am Sure, we will have

Great time together!!!

Thank you for Attention!
Gorushkoncho!/See you!
I am very Excited that I will Come to suchBeautiful and Interesting country as Ukraine=))I am Sure,

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