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Scotland celebrates St Andrew's Day

St. Andrew's Day In Scotland, St Andrew's Day - patron saint of Scotland, has long been celebrated officially. In Scotland this holiday usually celebrated every year on November 30.

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Слайд 1Scotland celebrates St Andrew's Day
Made by Nikita Lozny

Scotland celebrates St Andrew's DayMade by Nikita Lozny

Слайд 2St. Andrew's Day
In Scotland, St Andrew's Day -

patron saint of Scotland, has long been celebrated officially. In

Scotland this holiday usually celebrated every year on November 30. In Edinburgh, where the main celebrations in honor of St. Andrew, on the bridge Forth Road Bridge, to a height of almost 170 meters were raised just overinflated two national flags.

St. Andrew's Day  In Scotland, St Andrew's Day - patron saint of Scotland, has long been

Слайд 3 As is known from ancient writings, the Apostle

Andrew, or better known as St. Andrew was sentenced to

death and was martyred in the city party in Greece. Saltire occurred from various Andreevskie flags in several European countries. St. Andrew's flag have today Scotland, Ireland and the Navy of Russia.
As is known from ancient writings, the Apostle Andrew, or better known as St. Andrew

Слайд 4 Scotland - the successor of the ancient Celts and

Vikings. Her symbols - thistle flower, kilt, bagpipes and fiery

Scotland - the successor of the ancient Celts and Vikings. Her symbols - thistle flower, kilt,

Слайд 5Thanks for watching

Thanks for watching

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