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Scrum Chislov Oleg RI-130207

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Scrum

Chislov Oleg

ScrumChislov OlegRI-130207

Слайд 2Scrum Overview

Scrum Overview

Слайд 3The Product Owner

Responsible for the product backlog
and maximizing the product

Represents the users
Clearly expresses backlog items
Orders them by value
Ensures visibility

The Product OwnerResponsible for the product backlogand maximizing the product ROI.Represents the usersClearly expresses backlog itemsOrders them

Слайд 4The Development Team
Responsible for delivering a
potentially shippable
increment of working

Cross functional
Developer as title
Defines practices
4 to 9 persons

The Development TeamResponsible for delivering a potentially shippableincrement of working software.Self-organizedCross functionalDeveloper as titleDefines practices4 to 9

Слайд 5The Scrum Master
Responsible for the scrum process

Removes impediments
Facilitates scrum events


The Scrum MasterResponsible for the scrum processRemoves impedimentsFacilitates scrum eventsFacilitates communication

Слайд 6The Product Backlog
Single source of requirements
for any changes to

made to the product.

Living list that is never complete
Ordered: value,

risk, priority & necessity
Estimated by the team
The Product BacklogSingle source of requirements for any changes to bemade to the product.Living list that is

Слайд 7The Definition of Done
Used to assess when work
is complete

on the
product increment.

Defined by the product owner
Unique for the whole

Must allow immediate release
Quality increases with maturity
The Definition of DoneUsed to assess when work is complete on theproduct increment.Defined by the product ownerUnique

Слайд 8The Sprint Planning
Two part time boxed meeting: 8h/1m sprint.


what will be delivered in the increment
Team selects items from

the product backlog
and defines a sprint goal
Defines how the increment will be achieved
Items are converted into tasks & estimated
The Sprint PlanningTwo part time boxed meeting: 8h/1m sprint. Defines what will be delivered in the incrementTeam

Слайд 9The Daily Scrum
15 minute time-boxed event for the Team
to synchronize


What has been accomplished since last meeting?
What will be done

before the next meeting?
What obstacles are in the way?
The Daily Scrum15 minute time-boxed event for the Teamto synchronize activities.What has been accomplished since last meeting?What

Слайд 10The Sprint Review
4 hour time-boxed meeting

Product owner

identifies what has been done
Team discusses what went well, what

problems it
ran into & those that were solved
Team demonstrates what it has done in a demo
Product owner discusses the backlog as it stands
Entire group collaborates on what to do next
The Sprint Review   4 hour time-boxed meetingProduct owner identifies what has been doneTeam discusses what

Слайд 11The Sprint Retrospective
Improves the


Inspect how the last Sprint went
Identify and order the major

items that went well
and potential improvements; and,
Create a plan for implementing improvements
The Sprint Retrospective      Improves the process.Inspect how the last Sprint wentIdentify and

Слайд 12Further Reading
The Official Scrum Guide

Further ReadingThe Official Scrum Guidehttp://www.scrum.org/

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