Lecture 1. Issues:
Social partnership – interaction of government
authorities, employers and trade unions
in determination and realization in life agreed
social-economical politics, politics in sphere of
labour relations, and also bilateral relations
between employers and trade unions, directed to
protection of interests agreement in order,
defined by legislation (art. 1
Model law about social partnership
from November 16, 2006)
Appearance of first collective agreements in Russia
is correlated with the beginning of ХХ (Tal L.S.,
1909; Voitnsky I.S., 1911). (First coll. agreement
in 1904 in Baku (Mirzoev M., 1996))
Soviet period: KZoT 1918, 1922, 1971;
resolution VCSPS and GKT USSR November 27 1987
General thesis about order of collective
contracts making.
Law RF March 11 1992 «About collective
contracts and agreements»
(Becomes invalid in 2006)
1) art. 15, 30, 37, 72 Constitution RF;
2) Part two. Section II. «Social partnership in
labour sphere» LC RF;
6. Quite concrete collective contract,
2. Method
element LL
(art. 2, 9
5. Source
(form) LL
(art. 5 LC RF)
… combination of state and agreement
regulation of labour and other…relations (art. 2 LC RF)
According to labour legislation
regulation of labour and others…relations
could be made by making,
changing, addition …CC, CA, LC (art. 9 LC RF).
Collective contract (art. 40-44, 50, 51 LC RF)
Agreement (art. 45-51 LC RF)
Principles SP, parties, order disputes settlement and others
Concept apparatus, history of
creation and modern development
Separate institute
norms LL
(art. 94, 101,103,
108, 128, 135 LC RF
Discussion and
resolution of
collective LC
(Ch. 61 LC RF)
SP is done on bilateral basis (in condition of so called
bipartism, i.e. bilateral cooperation between employers
And employees), and on trilateral basis
(… «threepartism», i.e employees, employers
and state). (Mavrin S.P., Khohlov E.B., 2007)
in legal mechanism SP is chosen regulatory and
protective parts (Lushnikov A.M., Lushnikova M.V., 2003)
SP is a good example of self-organization in
civil society (Nurtdinova A.F., 1998)
Employees use appropriate protection against any
discrimination activities, directed to liberty restraint
unions in labour sphere (art. 1 Convention WTO
№ 98 «About law principles use for organization and for
administration of collective negotiations» (1949) …application for
job …job preservation…discharge…of employee… that not to
be a part of trade union or get out of trade union…
2. FL from January 12 1996 № 10-FL
«About trade unions, its
rights and guarantees of activity»
3. Conventions, Recommendations
WTO, UN, Model laws CIS
labour dispute
(art. 398)
Lockout (art. 415)
Collective contract
Acts WTO, CIS: Declaration about basic principles and
rights in labour sphere (1998) – association freedom
and active right recognition for collective
negotiations (art. 2); Convention about law principles
application for organization and for making
collective negotiations (1949);
Model law about social partnership
from November 16 2006
LC RF, FL, laws of Russian subjects, other NLA, collective
contracts, agreements: FL May 1 1999 «About
Russian trilateral commission in regulation of
social-labour relations» and others
respect and interest
parties responsibility, its representatives
for non-compliance through its fault CC, CA
General Russian association of trade unions;
General Russian association of employers;
Russian Government.
other representatives
individual entrepreneur
(personally) or others.
executive or
association of employers
Collective negotiations
Organizations of workers and entrepreneurs have to
use proper protection against any acts of
intervention from the part of each others or from the part
of its agents or members in creation and activity of
organization and management (Convention WTO № 98
«Regarding use of law principles for organization
and making of collective agreements» 1949
Ratified by USSR)
1 month
2 weeks
3 months
Two or more prof. organizations
could create united representative
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