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[t ] Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town. [b]  A big black bear sat on a big

I like animals and I have got a cat, a dog and a parrot at home. I take care of my pets feeding them. I spend much time with my animals.The

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1[t ] Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.
[b]  A

big black bear sat on a big black bug.

[t ] Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town. [b]  A big black bear sat on a

Слайд 2I like animals and I have got a cat, a

dog and a parrot at home. I take care of

my pets feeding them. I spend much time with my animals.
The cat's name is Murka. She is little and black. The cat has got a small nose, big green eyes and a nice tail. I like to play with my cat at home. Murka prefers to sit under the table in the kitchen or to lie on the carpet in my room. My cat likes to purr sitting near me.
Some years ago my mother brought a dog into our house. It was a grey small puppy. I liked it very much. Now it is a big dog. It is a sheep-dog. His name is Dick. There is short hair on his body. The tail of my dog is long. I go for a walk with my dog three times a day and I do it with pleasure. I teach my dog to give me his paw. Sometimes the dog does it well.
I have got a parrot at home. It is a blue bird. His name is Kesha. Our bird is three years old. He can speak, but only a little.
When my friends come to see me I show them my pets.
I like wild animals too. I can see them at the Zoo. Every summer my parents and I go to the Zoo to look at them.
It is interesting to watch monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, wolves, foxes, bears and many other animals at the Zoo. I like films about animals too.
I like animals and I have got a cat, a dog and a parrot at home. I

Слайд 31. tail - құйрық 2.take care of -қамқорлық
3. parrot - попугай 4. sheep-dog

- овчарка 5. carpet -кілем 6. pleasure – рахат 7. pet - үй жануары 8.  puppy -күшік 9. domestic - домашний

(о животных) 10. wild -жабайы 11. feed - тамақтандыру 12. go for a walk -серуендеу
1. tail - құйрық  2.take care of -қамқорлық3. parrot - попугай 4. sheep-dog - овчарка 5. carpet -кілем 6.

Слайд 4True or false
I have got a cat, a dog and

a parrot at home.
The cat has got a big nose,

big black eyes and a nice tail.
My cat doesn’t like to purr sitting near me.
The tail of my dog is short.
Parrot is a white bird.
Every week my parents and I go to the Zoo to look at them.
I like films about animals too.

True or falseI have got a cat, a dog and a parrot at home.The cat has got

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