Разделы презентаций

Talking about food

One man’s meat is another man’s poison!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Talking about food

Talking about food

Слайд 2One man’s meat is another man’s poison!

One man’s meat  is  another man’s poison!

Слайд 3Unusual Food Traditions from Around the World

Unusual Food Traditions from Around the World

Слайд 41.
Eating With Your Hands
Always use your right hand when eating

Ethiopian food! Eating traditional cuisine requires scooping up the food

onto flat bread with your hands—no dishes, necessary!
1.Eating With Your HandsAlways use your right hand when eating Ethiopian food! Eating traditional cuisine requires scooping

Слайд 5In Korean culture it is customary to never pour your

own drink and wait or request someone else pour it

for you.

Pouring Drinks

In Korean culture it is customary to never pour your own drink and wait or request someone

Слайд 63.
Salt and Pepper
In Portugal asking for salt and pepper in

a restaurant is a huge offence to the chef and

his cooking abilities.
3.Salt and PepperIn Portugal asking for salt and pepper in a restaurant is a huge offence to

Слайд 7In Brazil eating with your hands is not acceptable and

a fork and knife are a must. You must always

use dishes even when eating a sandwich!

Fork and Knife

In Brazil eating with your hands is not acceptable and a fork and knife are a must.

Слайд 8new words
scoop up

|skuːp ʌp|

new words pour scoop upacceptableoffence |pɔː||skuːp ʌp||əkˈsɛptəb(ə)l||əˈfɛns| наливатьначерпатьприемлемыйнарушение

Слайд 11eating in Russia

eating in Russia

Слайд 12Borscht

It is full of meat and sautéed vegetables, including

cabbage, carrots, onions, and potatoes. 

Borscht|bɔːʃt| It is full of meat and sautéed vegetables, including cabbage, carrots, onions, and potatoes. 

Слайд 13Shchi is a typical cabbage soup made from either fresh

or fermented cabbage. 
Shchi often contains potatoes, carrots, onions, and possibly

some type of meat such as chicken.


Shchi is a typical cabbage soup made from either fresh or fermented cabbage. Shchi often contains potatoes, carrots,

Слайд 14Pelmeni
They are typically filled with minced meat and wrapped in

a thin, pasta-like dough. 

PelmeniThey are typically filled with minced meat and wrapped in a thin, pasta-like dough. 

Слайд 15Blini
Blini or blin is a wheat pancake rolled with a

variety of fillings: jam, cheese, sour cream, caviar, onions, or

even chocolate syrup.
BliniBlini or blin is a wheat pancake rolled with a variety of fillings: jam, cheese, sour cream,

Слайд 16p. 13 ,exercise 32 -33 (SB)
Home task

p. 13 ,exercise 32 -33 (SB)Home task

Слайд 17THANKS!


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