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Tea in Great Britain Выполнила: студентка группы 102 ПД Чернова Александра

Tea is everywhere in England...

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Слайд 1Tea in Great Britain
Выполнила: студентка группы 102 ПД
Чернова Александра

Tea in Great BritainВыполнила: студентка группы 102 ПДЧернова Александра

Слайд 2Tea is everywhere in England...

Tea is everywhere in England...

Слайд 3Great Britain - Tea With Milk

The British are among the

world's most massive tea consumers. Perhaps it is possible to

understand the importance of tea in British culture if we recall Sir Winston Churchill's declaration during the Second World War that: "Tea is more important to the soldiers than munitions".
Black tea was very common in Britain during the 18th century and the British founded the tradition of adding milk to black tea.
Great Britain - Tea With MilkThe British are among the world's most massive tea consumers. Perhaps it

Слайд 4There is a joke in England :
” It’s easier to

imagine Britain without Queen than without tea!”

There is a joke in England :” It’s easier to imagine Britain without Queen than without tea!”

Слайд 5“I tried a cup of tea, a China drink, of

which I never drank before”.

(Samuel Pepys)

In 1610 a Dutch ship brought a small box of tea from China to Holland. 40 years later in 1650 tea arrived in Britain.

Tea became very popular!

“I tried a cup of tea, a China drink, of which I never drank before”.

Слайд 6Do you know what sorts of tea are generally sought

after among English people?
At 6 o’clock - “Assam”
At breakfast -

“English Breakfast”
At noon - “English Tea #1”
At five o’clock – “English Afternoon”
In the afternoon – “Earl Grey” or “Darjeeling”.
The choice of tea depends on its flavour!
Do you know what sorts of tea are generally sought after among English people?At 6 o’clock -

Слайд 7It’s time for tea… It means so much for every

English family. The whole family around the table, cakes, pies,

biscuits, sandwiches, cream and tea, all sorts of it – full of flavour and mystery. But to start with, they are lay the table for tea.

white table cloth

white flowers


tea - cosy

spoon, fox, knife

tea set

It’s time for tea… It means so much for every English family. The whole family around the

Слайд 8Making tea… It’s a mysterious process, full of bright English

Fill the kettle with fresh water and boil it.
Warm the

Put in one teaspoon of tea for each person and one extra for the pot.
Pour hot water into the pot.
Let the tea infuse for five minutes, then stir and serve.

Enjoy your tea!

Making tea… It’s a mysterious process, full of bright English traditions.Fill the kettle with fresh water and

Слайд 9Tea is ready. And English ladies are in a hurry

to present their cookies: pies, cakes, puddings and scones.

cups of white flour
2 eggs
4 tablespoons of butter
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
3-4 apples

Crumble butter into flour. Add sugar. Mix eggs together and add. Stir well. Peel the apples and cut. Put half the dough into pancake and some around. Put the applebites on the dough. Powder with sugar and cinnamon. Vake grid-lines on top. In oven: 35040 minutes, 180 degreesC.

Tea is ready. And English ladies are in a hurry to present their cookies: pies, cakes, puddings

Слайд 10Tea Ceremony
early-morning tea
English breakfast
tea with lunch
five o’clock tea
high tea

Tea Ceremonyearly-morning teaEnglish breakfasttea with lunch five o’clock teahigh teanight cup

Слайд 11People drink more tea in Britain than in any other


People drink more tea in Britain than in any other country

Слайд 12 England is a country of unbreakable traditions. One of

them is tea. You see it’s a kind of a

magic process to lay the table, to make tea and to make a tea-cake.
So, enjoy English tea as soon as possible!
England is a country of unbreakable traditions. One of them is tea. You see it’s a

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