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The competition for English language Learn to win

Kazan-the capital of Republic Tatarstan. There are many interesting places and showplace in Kazan.

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Слайд 1The competition for English language «Learn to win»
Tourist Tatarstan
Sitdikova Gulnara

of Tatarstan
МБОУ «Кутлу-Букашская СОШ»
Salakhiev Rafis Nakifovich

The competition for English language «Learn to win» Tourist TatarstanSitdikova GulnaraRebuplic of TatarstanМБОУ «Кутлу-Букашская СОШ»Teacher:Salakhiev Rafis Nakifovich

Слайд 2Kazan-the capital of Republic Tatarstan. There are many interesting places

and showplace in Kazan.

Kazan-the capital of Republic Tatarstan. There are many interesting places and showplace in Kazan.

Слайд 3Kazan Kremlin
The main and most visited attraction of Kazan is

the Kazan Kremlin.
On the territory of the ancient fortress there

are many attractions: ancient towers and cathedrals, the most famous mosque in Russia and Europe, historical and memorial buildings, museums and galleries, viewing platforms.
Kazan KremlinThe main and most visited attraction of Kazan is the Kazan Kremlin.On the territory of the

Слайд 4The Monument To Musa Jalil
Monument dedicated to the revered national

hero, poet Musa Jalil.
All tourists visiting Kazan come to this

memorial place. Musa Jalil is a great poet, which Tatarstan and all Russia are proud of.

The monument was installed recently, in 1966 on the square on May 1.

The Monument To Musa JalilMonument dedicated to the revered national hero, poet Musa Jalil.All tourists visiting Kazan

Слайд 5Millennium bridge in Kazan
The modern bridge over the Kazanka river

is more than one and a half kilometers long. The

maximum height of the structure above water is 64 meters. Each side has three lanes and one footpath. The bridge was built by the Millennium of Kazan in 2005.

Millennium bridge is a modern attraction of the city, especially it is beautiful at night sightseeing tours of Kazan, as it has a spectacular lighting.

Millennium bridge in KazanThe modern bridge over the Kazanka river is more than one and a half

Слайд 6Bauman street
The main walking alley the city, where all the

tourist routes lead. It turned into a pedestrian street in

1986. The alley starts at the Kazan Kremlin and stretches through the city center for 4 km.

On Bauman street there are many historical buildings, monuments, museums, theater, countless cafes and souvenir shops.

Bauman streetThe main walking alley the city, where all the tourist routes lead. It turned into a

Слайд 7Many interesting places and historical monuments of Tatarstan are located

in Elabuga.

Many interesting places and historical monuments of Tatarstan are located in Elabuga.

Слайд 8The house-Museum of Ivan Shishkin.
House-Museum of Ivan Shishkin-the only one

in Russia, it is located in a mansion built in

1836 in 1850.the house was badly damaged by fire, but it was restored and significantly expanded — so it took a modern look. Near the house there is a monument to Ivan Shishkin, established here in 1991, and a little further-a natural attraction of Elabuga, recreation Area Shishkin ponds.
The house-Museum of Ivan Shishkin.House-Museum of Ivan Shishkin-the only one in Russia, it is located in a

Слайд 9Regional complex of the Elabuga
Elabuga local history complex was opened

in August 2007 in honor of the 1000th anniversary of

the city. Today it occupies a building in the historic centre of the city — a monument of architecture of the 19th century, the former house of the merchant of Nikolaev.
Regional complex of the ElabugaElabuga local history complex was opened in August 2007 in honor of the

Слайд 10Kazanskaya street
One of the Central streets, passes through the old

town, where concentrated mainly low-rise houses, many old manors and

monuments. Although the street is a roadway, but it is the main route for hiking.
Kazanskaya streetOne of the Central streets, passes through the old town, where concentrated mainly low-rise houses, many

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