Разделы презентаций

The Digital Economy. A nalysis of the 21st century phenomenon on the UK example

Digitalisation drives value for countries, companies and citizens

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Digital Economy. Analysis of the 21st century phenomenon on the

UK example
Memetova Anastasiia

The Digital Economy. Analysis of the 21st century phenomenon on the UK exampleMemetova Anastasiia

Слайд 4Digitalisation drives value for countries, companies and citizens

Digitalisation drives value for countries, companies and citizens

Слайд 6Chapter 3.  The digital sectors - making the UK the

best place to start and grow a digital business
An effective

tax structure
A strong supply of skilled workers
Regulation that keeps pace with technological change
Increasing the level of research and development
Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund
Supporting early-stage digital companies and innovators in universities

Chapter 3.  The digital sectors - making the UK the best place to start and grow a

Слайд 7The challenge of digitalisation

The challenge of digitalisation

Слайд 8Chapter 4.   The wider economy - helping every British

business become a digital business
Co-ordination of provision
Support for wider digital

Targeted interventions
A changing workforce
Supporting exporters

Chapter 4.   The wider economy - helping every British business become a digital business Co-ordination of

Слайд 9Would a Hard Brexit Cripple the EU’s Digital Economy?

Would a Hard Brexit Cripple the EU’s Digital Economy?

Слайд 10The UK’s digital sector rests solidly on a cross-border value

50% of the inputs for digital goods and services in

the UK are imported
20% of the final demand for goods and services in the entire digital sector is exported
1/5 of the digital workers in the UK are foreign
6% of the sector’s talent from EU countries
50% of all trade in services is digitally enabled and reliant on data flows
The UK accounts for 11.5% of global cross-border data flows (3/4 are between the UK and EU countries)
The UK’s digital sector rests solidly on a cross-border value chain50% of the inputs for digital goods

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