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The eat well plate: eat well, be well!

What is the Eatwell Plate?      

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The eat well plate: eat well, be well!

The teacher: Kats A.S.

The eat well plate: eat well, be well!The teacher: Kats A.S.

Слайд 2What is the Eatwell Plate?

What is the Eatwell Plate?      

Слайд 31. Fruit and Vegetables
We need to eat LOTS of this

We should all be eating more fruit and vegetables. But most

of us aren’t eating enough.
We should be eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.  You can choose from fresh, frozen, tinned, dried or juiced.  
But remember potatoes  
do not count.

What do these  
5 groups consist of?

1. Fruit and VegetablesWe need to eat LOTS of this groupWe should all be eating more fruit and

Слайд 42. Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starch foods provide us with

energy and contain many important vitamins and minerals.  Wholemeal versions are

good sources of fibre and help to provide energy over a sustained period.     

 We need to eat LOTS of this group


2. Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starch foods provide us with energy and contain many important vitamins and minerals. 

Слайд 53. Milk & 
Dairy Foods    contains calcium which is needed to keep

teeth and bones strong and healthy.  It is really important

that children get enough calcium when they are growing up in order for their bones to develop properly.

We need to eat  SOME of this group

3. Milk & Dairy Foods    contains calcium which is needed to keep teeth and bones strong and healthy.  It

Слайд 6We need to eat SOME of this group
4. Meat, fish, eggs,

beans and other non dairy sources of protein.  This group is essential

for our growth and development. Vegetarian alternatives are included in this group, for example, tofu, soya and lentils. Oily fish is a great source of essential fatty acids such as omega 3.    
We need to eat SOME of this group4. Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non dairy sources of protein. 

Слайд 75. Foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar should

be eaten only once or twice a day.
Foods from this

group should be eaten 

Foods from this group contain few nutrients and vitamins and when eaten to excess can cause weight gain.

5. Foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar should be eaten only once or twice a

Слайд 8
Healthy eating is about getting a balance of different foods.  
The 'Eatwell Plate'

can assist us to get this message across.
No food
is completely 
healthy or completely

some foods that
we should try to eat more often and others that we should eat only occasionally.
Healthy eating is about getting a balance of different foods.   The 'Eatwell Plate' can assist us to get this message across.No

Слайд 9Let's make our children aware! The Eatwell plate: eat well- be


Let's make our children aware! The Eatwell plate: eat well- be well!.

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