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The Faculty of Biology, Geography and Land Management

If you want to…get a quality fundamental education in biology, ecology, geography, geodesy and land management;be confident in your future profession;conduct research and publish its results;show your flair in music, sports,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Faculty of Biology, Geography and Land Management

The Faculty of  Biology, Geography and  Land Management1932-2020

Слайд 2If you want to…
get a quality fundamental education in biology,

ecology, geography, geodesy and land management;
be confident in your future

conduct research and publish its results;
show your flair in music, sports, science and social work;
If you want to…get a quality fundamental education in biology, ecology, geography, geodesy and land management;be confident

Слайд 3Currently, the Faculty has 4 departments: • The Department of

Botany • The Department of Zoology and Ecology • The

Department of Geography and Geoecology • The Department of Land Management and Land Cadastre The faculty has 31 teachers, including professors, doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences (associate professors and senior teachers).
Currently, the Faculty has 4 departments:   • The Department of Botany  • The Department

Слайд 4Biology
Department of Zoology and Ecology
Department of Botany

Biology Department of Zoology and EcologyDepartment of Botany

Слайд 5The professional activity of the BIOLOGY field graduates is aimed

at studying living organisms and their interaction with each other

and the environment and applying the knowledge gained to develop modern technologies based on the achievements of genomics, bioengineering, synthetic and structural biology, bioinformatics, as well as at solving problems of nature and human health preservation.

Bachelor’s programs
Field of study: 06.03.01 Biology;
Field of study: 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education. Profile Biology (part-time).
Master’s programs
Field of study: 06.04.01 Biology, qualification;
Postgraduate programs
Field of study: 06.06.01 Biological Sciences
Profile: 03.02.01 Botany
Profile: 03.02.08 Ecology (in biology)

The professional activity of the BIOLOGY field graduates is aimed at studying living organisms and their interaction

Слайд 6Choose Biology!
theoretical foundations of botany, zoology, anatomy and human physiology,

molecular biology, genetics, microbiology and virology, and use them to

study the life and properties of living objects, their identification and cultivation;

Do you want to know?

Choose Biology!theoretical foundations of botany, zoology, anatomy and human physiology, molecular biology, genetics, microbiology and virology, and

Слайд 7Choose Biology!
to apply methods of observation, classification, reproduction of

biological objects in natural and laboratory conditions;
to use the

acquired knowledge to analyze the interactions of various organisms with each other and with the environment;

Do you want to learn?

Choose Biology! to apply methods of observation, classification, reproduction of biological objects in natural and laboratory conditions;

Слайд 8Choose Biology!
to take part in monitoring and conservation of

biological resources, and the use of biological objects to analyze

their environment quality;
to understand the role of biological diversity as a leading factor in the sustainability of living systems and the biosphere as a whole.

Do you want?

Choose Biology! to take part in monitoring and conservation of biological resources, and the use of biological

Слайд 9Employment
Academic institutions
Nature reserves, national parks, botanical gardens
Public and private schools

State institutions
Individual enterprises
Further education establishments
I am a future biologist, let

them teach me!
EmploymentAcademic institutionsNature reserves, national parks, botanical gardensPublic and private schoolsTravel agenciesState institutionsIndividual enterprisesFurther education establishmentsI am a

Слайд 10The Department of Geography and Geoecology
“... Geography is a science

of connections, of the deepest relationships that exist in nature

between individual phenomena and the person who is working in it” (A.E. Fersman)

Choose Geography!

The Department of Geography and Geoecology“... Geography is a science of connections, of the deepest relationships that

Слайд 11The Department of Geography and Geoecology provides training in the

following areas:
Bachelor’s programs:
05.03.02 Geography, training profiles:
Economic geography and regional

Geography and geographic information technologies
Master’s programs:
 05.04.02 Geography, training profiles
Economic and social geography
Postgraduate programs:
05.06.01 Earth sciences, training profiles:
Economic, social, political and recreational geography

The Department carries out scientific research in socio-economic, demographic and environmental development of the Baikal region and border areas. So it works closely with scientific and educational institutions of Mongolia, the Republic of Korea and China.

The Department of Geography and Geoecology provides training in the following areas:Bachelor’s programs:05.03.02 Geography, training profiles: Economic

Слайд 12A geographer is a universal specialist who can work in

various fields:
research activities;
design and production activities;
control and auditing activities;
teaching activities.


A geographer is a universal specialist who can work in various fields:research activities;design and production activities;control and

Слайд 13research centers, public and private enterprises involved in environmental design

and expertise, natural science museums, botanical gardens, nature reserves, national

parks, and tourist industry enterprises;
ministries of natural resources and environmental protection, regional and city committees of natural resources and environmental protection, environmental organizations;
institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense;
construction and architectural design enterprises;
transport and environmental management;
forest and hydrometeorological services;
organizations involved in water, city, land and other types of industry or integrated cadastre;
organizations for geographic information systems (GIS).

Choose Geography!


research centers, public and private enterprises involved in environmental design and expertise, natural science museums, botanical gardens,

Слайд 14The Department of Land Cadastre and Land Management
The Union of

Knowledge and Practical Work
The climate of professionalism, creativity, self-confidence and

understanding an engineer is a profession of the Earth’s future!
The Department of Land Cadastre and Land ManagementThe Union of Knowledge and Practical WorkThe climate of professionalism,

Слайд 15Field of study 21.03.02 Land management and cadastres
Profile – Cadastre

Register and Territory Management
Bachelor’s Degree, Engineer
Decent salary, an interesting career!


cadastral engineer; engineer surveyor; land engineer; head of production unit; expert; manager; state municipal employee.

You will know:
land property relations; land and real estate management systems; accounting, cadastral valuation and registration of real estate; topographic, geodesic and cartographic support of land management and cadastres, cadastral surveys; land surveying and the formation of other real estate; law enforcement activities to establish ownership and control the use of land and other real estate; monitoring of land and other real estate; taxation of real estate; real estate, valuation and consulting activities in the field of land and property complex and much more.

Choose Land Management and Cadastres!

Field of study 21.03.02 Land management and cadastresProfile – Cadastre Register and Territory ManagementBachelor’s Degree, EngineerDecent salary,

Слайд 16Field of study 21.03.03 Surveying and remote sensing
Profile – Surveying

Degree, Engineer
Decent salary, an interesting career!

Employment: surveyor technician, surveyor engineer,

senior surveyor, lead surveyor, department engineer.

You will know:
the implementation of specialized engineering, geodetic and photogrammetric work in the survey, design, construction and operation of engineering facilities for various purposes (including continental units, transport infrastructure, oil and gas production); topographic and geodetic support of the cadastre of territories and land management; creation and updating of topographic and thematic maps for air, space and images (images) by photogrammetric methods; obtaining open and aerospace information on the state of the environment when studying natural resources, methods of geodesy and remote sensing, and much more.

Choose Geodesy and Remote Sensing!

Field of study 21.03.03 Surveying and remote sensingProfile – SurveyingBachelor’s Degree, EngineerDecent salary, an interesting career!Employment: surveyor

Слайд 17You will know: the development of work plans and programs

for scientific research and technical development; the development of mathematical

models for forecasting, planning and organizing land resources and real estate management; the development of land management and cadastral methods, development and implementation of experimental and pilot projects, analysis of their implementation results; monitoring studies of land and other natural resources, real estate objects based on remote sensing methods and geoinformation technologies for cadastre and land management purposes; protection of intellectual property and much more.

Professional retraining under the BUSINESS EVALUATION program.
The program purpose: to provide knowledge on the theory, organization, methods and technologies for assessing the value of real estate and movable property, land, enterprises (business), intellectual property and intangible assets for the effective management of various types and forms of ownership.
The program purpose: the acquisition by students of new professional competencies necessary for cadastral works, as well as the implementation of legislative requirements of the Russian Federation in terms of the mandatory conditions for admitting an individual to membership in a self-regulatory organization of cadastral engineers.

Master’s degree, 04.21.02 Land Management and Cadastres
profile – Land Resources Protection and Management

To own science means to know a lot about the Earth’s secrets, to create and read a map of our world!

You will know: the development of work plans and programs for scientific research and technical development; the

Слайд 18Make a conscious choice!
Learning is not only about classes!
The first

step in the labor market!
Interesting field training, production and undergraduate

practices in leading institutions, enterprises and companies.

We have created all the conditions for study and creative development of students, excursion and research trips, brain rings and competitions, cultural and sports events, wide volunteer movements!

Make a conscious choice!Learning is not only about classes!The first step in the labor market!Interesting field training,

Слайд 19Welcome to the Faculty of Biology, Geography and Land Management!


24a Smolin str., Ulan-Ude, 670000
Tel. +7(3012)297160 (add.600)

Welcome to the Faculty of Biology, Geography and Land Management!Contact us:24a Smolin str., Ulan-Ude, 670000Tel. +7(3012)297160 (add.600)

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