for scientific research and technical development; the development of mathematical
models for forecasting, planning and organizing land resources and real estate management; the development of land management and cadastral methods, development and implementation of experimental and pilot projects, analysis of their implementation results; monitoring studies of land and other natural resources, real estate objects based on remote sensing methods and geoinformation technologies for cadastre and land management purposes; protection of intellectual property and much more.
Professional retraining under the BUSINESS EVALUATION program.
The program purpose: to provide knowledge on the theory, organization, methods and technologies for assessing the value of real estate and movable property, land, enterprises (business), intellectual property and intangible assets for the effective management of various types and forms of ownership.
The program purpose: the acquisition by students of new professional competencies necessary for cadastral works, as well as the implementation of legislative requirements of the Russian Federation in terms of the mandatory conditions for admitting an individual to membership in a self-regulatory organization of cadastral engineers.
Master’s degree, 04.21.02 Land Management and Cadastres
profile – Land Resources Protection and Management
To own science means to know a lot about the Earth’s secrets, to create and read a map of our world!