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The natural movement of the population

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Слайд 1The natural movement of the population
Prepared by Yermekova D.K.
Group :246GM


The natural movement of the populationPrepared by Yermekova D.K.Group :246GMChecked by BAIMAGAMBETOVA A.A

Слайд 2

The natural movement of the population is an indicator,which determines the change in the number of population as a result of processes such as fertility and mortality. It differs from mechanical movement (migration) in that it characterizes demographic indicators.

Слайд 3The term "natural movement of the population" for the first

time appeared in Germany in the XIX century. It is

measured by the difference between the number of natural growth and the decline in population. These data are calculated taking into account age groups.
The term

Слайд 4Indicators of natural movement of the population:
1. relative
2. absolute

Indicators of natural movement of the population:1. relative 2. absolutepage

Слайд 5
Death rate

Fertility rate


the correct calculation, you can get a clear picture of

the state of the natural movement of the population. These indicators change with the development of society and determine its type.

Relative indicators of natural movementof the population are:

Death rate   Fertility rate  Natural increase With the correct calculation, you can get a

Слайд 6Fertility is the natural capability to produce offspring. As a

measure, fertility rate is the number of offspring born per

mating pair, individual or population.

Estimation of the Fertility rate:

Fertility is the natural capability to produce offspring. As a measure, fertility rate is the number of

Слайд 7Number of deaths per thousand people in a population is

referred to as crude death rate. This is also called


Estimation of the Death rate:

Number of deaths per thousand people in a population is referred to as crude death rate. This

Слайд 81


Countries with high natural growth and low mortality (Kuwait, United

Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia).
High population growth and high

mortality (Guinea, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone).

Low growth with high mortality (Denmark, Austria, etc.).

It can be calculated as the difference between fertility and mortality rates.

Natural increase

Groups of countries differing in Natural increase

123Countries with high natural growth and low mortality (Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia).  High population

Слайд 9
number of persons born within the time interval;


of persons
who died within
the time interval;


natural increase (loss), which is the difference between the first and second.

Absolute is considered to be:

number of persons born within the time interval; number of persons who died within the time

Слайд 10In the primitive communal system, the ratio of people born

and deceased was approximately the same, and the population growth

was minimal. This type of population reproduction is called an archetype.

The natural movement of the population in the second (traditional) demographic type increases due to the high birth rate, which is significantly ahead of mortality. This period lasts until the development of capitalist society.

The modern, or rational, third type is a natural movement of the population, characterized by a low birth rate and low mortality.

demographic transitions

In the primitive communal system, the ratio of people born and deceased was approximately the same, and

Слайд 11It should be noted that changes occur indeveloped countries of

Europe, where the natural increase reaches 0.1-0.7%, which leads to

a demographic crisis. As a result, mortality in several European countries outpaces the birth rate, and this is reflected in the depopulation of the peoples of these states.

The natural movement of the population in countries the third world is still stable. Fertility outpaces mortality, despite the more difficult social and economic situation. Here, the increase is up to 4%, so the peoples of Latin America, as well as Africa and Asia occupy the bulk of the world's population. If Europeans do not seriously engage in raising the demographic level, then after a while they can completely disappear as a nation.
It should be noted that changes occur indeveloped countries of Europe, where the natural increase reaches 0.1-0.7%,

Слайд 12The natural movement of the population is that will give

an opportunity to reconsider their views on many of the

problems associated with the demographic crisis, where the population decline is due to reasons that can be handled. This total drunkenness, drug addiction, low living standards, as well as the reluctance to preserve for the descendants of their cultural and national traditions. With a wise policy, all these issues can be solved.
The natural movement of the population is that will give an opportunity to reconsider their views on

Слайд 13Thank You

Thank You

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