Разделы презентаций

The Present Continuous Tense

We use it to talk about something happening…nowat this momenttoday

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Present Continuous

The Present Continuous Tense

Слайд 2We use it to talk about something happening…

at this moment

We use it to talk about something happening…nowat this momenttoday

Слайд 3To form it we use:

am, is, are
+ verb +


To form it we use:am, is, are + verb + ing

Слайд 4Let’s practise, now!

What are they doing?

Let’s practise, now!What are they doing?

Слайд 5He’s doing his
He is skateboarding.
They are having a cup of

They are playing basketball.
She is washing her face.
She’s knitting and

listening to the radio.
He’s doing hishomework.He is skateboarding.They are having a cup of coffee.They are playing basketball.She is washing her

Слайд 6They are camping.
She’s writing an email.
She’s talking on the phone.

is eating a sandwich.
They are running.

They are camping.She’s writing an email.She’s talking on the phone.He is eating a sandwich.They are running.

Слайд 7Is he watching a video?
Is he taking a photo?
Is he

making a film?
No, he isn’t.
Yes, he is.

Is he watching a video?Is he taking a photo?Is he making a film?No, he isn’t.Yes, he is.

Слайд 8Are they driving a car?
Are they riding a bike?
Are they

by bus?
No, they aren’t.
Yes, they are.

Are they driving a car?Are they riding a bike?Are they travellingby bus?No, they aren’t.Yes, they are.

Слайд 9She is reading
a book.
No, she isn’t.
Is she sleeping?
Is she reading

the newspaper?

She is readinga book.No, she isn’t.Is she sleeping?Is she reading the newspaper?

Слайд 10No, Miss, I’m not.
Are you paying attention, Kevin?

No, Miss, I’m not.Sorry!Are you paying attention, Kevin?

Слайд 11The affirmative form

The affirmative form

Слайд 12The interrogative form

The interrogative form

Слайд 13The negative form

The negative form

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