Разделы презентаций

Things to do: 1.Badges 2.Stationery boxes 3. Shoe covers 4. Payment of


Write in their personal sheets of paper and glue into the diary!!!!!!!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Things to do:
2.Stationery boxes
3. Shoe covers
4.Payment of lessons
5.Diaries to print

the cribs!!!

Things to do:1.Badges2.Stationery boxes3. Shoe covers4.Payment of lessons5.Diaries to print6.Glue the cribs!!!

Слайд 2Write in their personal sheets of paper and glue into

the diary!!!!!!!

Write in their personal sheets of paper and glue into the diary!!!!!!!

Слайд 329 Февраля!!!!
Write on the board!!!!!!!

29 Февраля!!!!Write on the board!!!!!!!

Слайд 4Каб. 211 А

Каб. 211 А

Слайд 5Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в среду 19.02.2020, сделать на пятницу

21.02.2020!! 1. KET practise Part 7, Part 5. 2. Prepositions AT, ON,

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в среду 19.02.2020, сделать на пятницу 21.02.2020!! 1. KET practise Part 7,

Слайд 7on Christmas = on Christmas Day = 25 декабря
at Christmas = “в

Рождество и накануне”, то есть где-то в рождественскую неделю
on Easter

= on Easter Sunday = в день Пасхи (воскресенье)
at Easter = “примерно в те дни”, где-то в страстную неделю ближе к концу
on Christmas = on Christmas Day = 25 декабряat Christmas = “в Рождество и накануне”, то есть где-то в

Слайд 8on Wednesday, on my birthday, on St. Valentine’s Day

on Wednesday, on my birthday, on St. Valentine’s Day

Слайд 21High school students should wear uniforms.

High school students should wear uniforms.

Слайд 22Money is more important than love.

Money is more important than love.

Слайд 23The most important thing about a job is the salary.

The most important thing about a job is the salary.

Слайд 24You can know a lot about a person from the

clothes he or she wears.

You can know a lot about a person from the clothes he or she wears.

Слайд 25Global warming isn’t real.

Global warming isn’t real.

Слайд 26We are not alone in the universe.

We are not alone in the universe.

Слайд 27Parents should never hit their children.

Parents should never hit their children.

Слайд 32Speaking!


Слайд 33Speaking in pairs
while the others are writing a dictation!

they might be feeling?

Speaking in pairs while the others are writing a dictation!How they might be feeling?

Слайд 34Speaking in pairs
while the others are writing a dictation!

Speaking in pairs while the others are writing a dictation!

Слайд 35Speaking in pairs
while the others are writing a dictation!

don’t have much money. How to travel around the city?

Choose two ways.
Speaking in pairs while the others are writing a dictation!You don’t have much money. How to travel

Слайд 36Speaking in pairs
while the others are writing a dictation!

Speaking in pairs while the others are writing a dictation!

Слайд 37Speaking in pairs
while the others are writing a dictation!

Speaking in pairs while the others are writing a dictation!

Слайд 38Let’s enjoy watching part 7!

Let’s enjoy watching part 7! Paskhalka!!!!!!!!

Слайд 39Listening-KET


Слайд 43KET!!!!
(20-25 min) to finish
(test 5)
FCE practice tests with key.

Nick Kenny (blue book)

KET!!!!(20-25 min) to finish(test 5) FCE practice tests with key. Nick Kenny (blue book)

Слайд 47Speaking!


Слайд 481. Take 5 cards.
2. Try to get rid of your

3. The first one is the winner!

Additional rules:
1.Say ,”Uniofiesta”,

you have one card left.
2.If you are mistaken, take one card.
3.If you have two same cards,
you can put two.
4.If it is the card “0”,
everybody changes the cards.
5.If it is the card “7”,
You can choose the student
to exchange the cards.


Take 4 cards.

Change the direction.

Take 2 cards and say the colour.

Say the colour.

Miss a turn.

1. Take 5 cards.2. Try to get rid of your cards.3. The first one is the winner!Additional

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