Слайд 1Tobacco Smoking as a health destroyer
The work was performed by
a 2nd year student Konovalova A. A
Слайд 2History of tobacco
Tobacco is native to South America. On October
12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on an unknown island, the
inhabitants of which presented their guests with sun-dried leaves rolled into a tube. They smoked this plant, "petum," as they called it. It was tobacco.
After the second campaign of Columbus, tobacco seeds were brought to Spain, and from there to all corners of the globe. The rapid spread was facilitated by an amazing property of tobacco – the habitual craving for Smoking, which is difficult to cope with a person.
Слайд 3During the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov, those caught
Smoking were punished for the first time with 60 blows
of sticks on their feet, and for the second time with cutting off their nose or ears. After the fire in Moscow in 1634, which was caused by Smoking, it was banned under penalty of death.
Tobacco trade and Smoking were allowed in Russia in 1697 during the reign of Peter I, who himself became a heavy smoker.
Слайд 4How many smokers are there in the world?
According to who,
there are currently approximately 1 billion smokers per 7.5 billion
of the World's population. Every year, tobacco users smoke 5.7 billion cigarettes and throw away about 1 million tons of cigarette butts. Analysts of the American initiative group The Tobacco Atlas cite facts that say that tons of cigarette butts are harmful not only to the environment, but also to people, because they consist of cellulose acetate, a product that practically does not decompose in natural conditions.The area occupied by tobacco crops in the world is 4.5 million hectares, which is comparable to a country like Switzerland.
Слайд 5Where do people smoke the most?
Most of the world's smokers
are in China. In a country with a population of
1.3 billion people, there are 315 million smokers, who noted in 2017. Thus, a third of the cigarettes smoked on the planet belong to the Chinese.
In Indonesia, the number of smokers is slightly lower than in China, with men aged 15 and over accounting for 76% of the population.
As for the sociology of Smoking, about 80% of adherents of this habit are residents of low-income countries with a high percentage of poverty, where more than 226 million people live in poverty.
Слайд 6How many people are killed by Smoking?
Today, the mortality caused
by the consequences of Smoking in the world is in
the first place. Every six seconds on the planet from diseases caused by Smoking, one person dies, according to who experts.
In terms of the year, this sad figure is 7.5 million people. The main causes of death are lung cancer, acute cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and others.
If this trend continues, one billion people will die from the effects of Smoking during the current century, who experts say.
Слайд 7 A burning cigarette is a chemical factory
At the moment
of puffing, the temperature at the tip of the cigarette
reaches 600-900°C. The smoke produced by Smoking tobacco is a complex mixture of many toxic substances. A smoker inhales tobacco smoke containing more than 2000 different substances, 100 of which are extremely dangerous to the living body, and 14 contribute to the development of cancer. The smoke contains such radioactive substances as lead, polonium, and bismuth. A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day gets 500 x-rays per year!
Слайд 8Nicotine is a strong poison, one of the most dangerous
poisons of plant origin. It's addictive. It makes it difficult
to deliver oxygen to the muscles and heart. Increases the heart rate and pulse. It poisons the brain cells. When Smoking, it is absorbed into the body, in small doses it causes CNS excitement, and in large doses it causes paralysis (respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest).
Nicotine is a drug. According to scientists, half of smokers want to quit Smoking, but can't. They become addicted to nicotine.
Слайд 9How does tobacco affect the body?
Cigarette smoke in direct contact
with the lungs greatly increases the risk of diseases such
as cancer, emphysema, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and other diseases. Heavy smokers have periodic vision impairment, yellowing of nails and teeth, an increase in the number of wrinkles, and the “smoker's Face” syndrome.
Слайд 10Smokers develop diseases:
cancer of the lip, mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx,
lungs; cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke, arterial thrombosis);
respiratory organs (bronchitis,
bronchial asthma, inflammation of the vocal cords, pulmonary tuberculosis);
digestive system (chronic gastritis, colitis, ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver);
nervous system(neuritis, polyneuritis).
Слайд 11Smoking causes great harm to the health of others
In the
part of cigarette smoke that is released directly into the
air when smoking, the content of some toxic substances is greater than in the flow of the smoker.
A person who is in a heavily smoked room for an hour gets the same dose of toxic substances as a person who has smoked four cigarettes. A passive smoker inhales 70% of harmful substances.
Слайд 12Children of smokers
The child's body is so weak and defenseless
against tobacco poisons that the consequences of even passive Smoking
can become irreversible.
Nicotine, carbon monoxide, and toxic resins are terrible enemies of children's health, which prevent the body from directing all its forces to growth, development, and the formation of a strong immune system. Growing up healthy and strong for a child who smokes or lives in a family of smokers does not seem real.
Smoking causes the greatest harm to children during prenatal development.
Слайд 13Conclusions
Smoking causes serious harm to human health, shortens life;
The body
of a smoker wears out and ages much earlier than
the body of a non-smoker;
Cigarette smoke is dangerous to health not only for smokers, but also for those who breathe this smoke;
The beauty of a person is destroyed, especially a woman;
Nicotine takes away freedom, makes a person its slave.
Слайд 14Do you know?
By Smoking 1 pack of cigarettes, a smoker
fills their lungs with 1 liter of nicotine resin per
Every year in Russia, about 1 million people die from diseases caused by smoking;
For an adult, one pack smoked at a time is fatal;
Cigarettes are the world's best-selling product;
In 95% of cases, smokers who have suffered a heart attack, unconditionally give up tobacco, despite the fact that they could not overcome the craving for smoking before;
Around the world may 31 is celebrated as a day without tobacco.
Слайд 15On what continent was tobacco discovered?
How does tobacco affect the
human body?
How many different substances are contained in tobacco smoke?
much of the harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke are inhaled by a passive smoker?
When is tobacco-free day celebrated all over the world?