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What tropical forests are..Tropical rainforests-forests distributed in the tropical, subequatorial and equatorial zones.There are 2 classifications of tropical forests: tropical rainforests and seasonal rainforests Forest keeper

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Слайд 2What tropical forests are..
Tropical rainforests-forests distributed in the tropical, subequatorial

and equatorial zones.
There are 2 classifications of tropical forests: tropical

rainforests and seasonal rainforests

Forest keeper

What tropical forests are..Tropical rainforests-forests distributed in the tropical, subequatorial and equatorial zones.There are 2 classifications of

Слайд 3Tropical rainforests
Tropical rainforests — located in the equatorial belt.

lot of precipitation falls there (2000–7000 mm)
The climate is

hot, the air temperature is 24–28 ° C.
Tropical rainforests are very ancient, with them began the formation of many species living on earth.
The main subgroups of tropical rainforests are: evergreen mountain forests, tropical swamp forests, rain tropical lowland forests, mangroves.
Tropical rainforestsTropical rainforests — located in the equatorial belt. A lot of precipitation falls there (2000–7000 mm)

Слайд 4Seasonal rainforests
Seasonal tropical forests — located in arid areas, although

there are also a lot of rainfalls.
The duration of

the dry period is different in seasonal forests .
There are 3 groups of seasonal tropical forests: evergreen seasonal forests, semi-evergreen forests, light sparse forests.
Deciduous seasonal tropical forests are divided into monsoon forests and savanna forests

Seasonal rainforestsSeasonal tropical forests — located in arid areas, although there are also a lot of rainfalls.

Слайд 5The location of rainforests
The main regions of distribution: South America,

Central Africa, Southeast Asia and Australia

The location of rainforestsThe main regions of distribution: South America, Central Africa, Southeast Asia and Australia

Слайд 6Main characteristics
Humid rainforests are very rich in vegetation. Nowhere else

you will find so many kinds of trees. Each tree

can have a different height and bark, even the emergent. In swamp forests there are more palm trees, in humid tropical forests are common tree ferns, the first plants that appeared on our land. These plants allow humanity to live, filling our atmosphere with oxygen. They make a difference, but not everyone understands this.
Main characteristicsHumid rainforests are very rich in vegetation. Nowhere else you will find so many kinds of

Слайд 7As a rule, tropical forest animals live on trees. Mammals

are monkeys, flying squirrels, some insectivores, predators, and so on.

Birds are parrots, toucans and others. Chameleons and iguanas are examples of reptiles. Due to the lack of light, the undergrowth is poor, therefore there are few terrestrial species in them. The habitat of large mammals: elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, here are in seasonal tropical forests.
As a rule, tropical forest animals live on trees. Mammals are monkeys, flying squirrels, some insectivores, predators,

Слайд 8Tropical forests are important for the biosphere of the planet

forests are important for the biosphere of the planet. As

I have already said, most earth species of plants live in tropical forests. (The area of tropical forests is half the forest territory of the Earth)
Tropical forests are important for the biosphere of the planetTropical forests are important for the biosphere of

Слайд 9Tropical forests release a huge amount of oxygen per year.

forests evaporate about 9% of the water entering the atmosphere.

produce 69% of all pure primary production of the world's forests.

Tropical forests release a huge amount of oxygen per year.Tropical forests evaporate about 9% of the water

Слайд 10Threats to tropical forests
The most terrible thing for the forests

is their cutting.
Also, over time, forests lose their greatness,

because the climate on the planet changes, and tropical forests turn into a deserts.
People are also a problem for the forests, like poachers. I believe that the wildlife of tropical forests should be respected and protected by all people.
Threats to tropical forestsThe most terrible thing for the forests is their cutting. Also, over time, forests

Слайд 11Of course, there are special organizations that protect nature and

search solutions of issues of global warming and environmental pollution.

plays an important role in the development of international relations in the field of ecology and environmental protection.
IUCN-international organization dedicated to covering the problems of the conservation of biodiversity of the planet

Of course, there are special organizations that protect nature and search solutions of issues of global warming

Слайд 12Thanks for attention
P.S. I did it exactly for 10 hours

28 minutes

Thanks for attentionP.S. I did it exactly for 10 hours 28 minutes

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