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Выполнила: Мукашева Ж. 2-067 ОМ Проверила:Дашкина Т.Г Карагандинский

Sentences can be active or passive. Therefore, tenses also have "active forms" and "passive forms.“

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Выполнила: Мукашева Ж. 2-067 ОМ Проверила:Дашкина Т.Г
Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет
Кафедра иностранного


СРСП на тему:
Active and passive voice
Караганда 2016

Выполнила: Мукашева Ж. 2-067 ОМ Проверила:Дашкина Т.ГКарагандинский государственный медицинский университетКафедра иностранного языкаСРСП на тему:Active and passive voiceКараганда

Слайд 2Sentences can be active or passive. Therefore, tenses also have

"active forms" and "passive forms.“

Sentences can be active or passive. Therefore, tenses also have

Слайд 3Active Form
In active sentences, the thing doing the action is

the subject of the sentence and the thing receiving the

action is the object. Most sentences are active.
[Thing doing action] + [verb] + [thing receiving action]

Active Form In active sentences, the thing doing the action is the subject of the sentence and

Слайд 4Examples:
In the early stage of tuberculosis the patient usually complains

general malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight.-На ранних стадиях

туберкулеза пациент обычно жалуются на общее недомогание, усталость, потерю аппетита и веса
Sputum is mucopurulent- Мокрота слизисто- гнойная
Blood, in the sputum is sometimes the first sign of tuberculosis.- Кровь в мокроте иногда первый признак туберкулеза
Examples:In the early stage of tuberculosis the patient usually complains general malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite and

Слайд 5Passive Form
In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is

the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the

action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.
[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action]

Passive Form In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and

Слайд 6Examples:
In patients with cavities in the lungs coughing is accompanied

by a considerable discharge of sputum.-Кашель из полости легких пациента

сопровождается значительным выделением мокроты
If the blood vessels are involved the discharge of blood may become profuse.- Если вовлечены кровеносные сосуды, то выделение крови может стать обильным
A considerable elevation of temperature is observed in pneumonic forms, when fever persists at a level of 38°C and higher for several months.-Значительное повышение температуры наблюдается в легочной форме, когда лихорадка постоянно на уровне от 38 и выше в течение нескольких месяцев

Examples:In patients with cavities in the lungs coughing is accompanied by a considerable discharge of sputum.-Кашель из

Слайд 7Copyright


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