Разделы презентаций

What to prepare before the lesson!!! 1.Laminated group info + attendance

Things to do:1.Socks/Shoe covers2.Stationery boxes3.Copybooks to sign4.Who is on duty?(+1 more club)Laminated group info:Question from WhatsApp:What medicines were used in ancient times?What do we use now?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What to prepare before the lesson!!!
1.Laminated group info+ attendance records+students’

2.Print: crib “Health” (In presentation!)

What to prepare before the lesson!!!1.Laminated group info+ attendance records+students’ records2.Print: crib “Health” (In presentation!)

Слайд 3Things to do:
1.Socks/Shoe covers

2.Stationery boxes

3.Copybooks to sign

4.Who is on duty?

more club)
Laminated group info:
Question from WhatsApp:
What medicines were used in

ancient times?
What do we use now?
Things to do:1.Socks/Shoe covers2.Stationery boxes3.Copybooks to sign4.Who is on duty?(+1 more club)Laminated group info:Question from WhatsApp:What medicines

Слайд 4Question from WhatsApp:
What medicines were used in ancient times? What

do we use now?
- I strongly believe that...
- My point

of view is that…
- I‘d say that …

Warm up speaking

Question from WhatsApp:What medicines were used in ancient times? What do we use now?- I strongly believe

Слайд 7Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник\вторник 12.10.20\13.10.2020
Сделать на среду\четверг


Dictation upper level words (prep.copying)
WB p.23
ОГЭ exercise
Your Hometask:

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник\вторник 12.10.20\13.10.2020Сделать на среду\четверг 14.10.20\15.10.2020Dictation upper level words (prep.copying)WB p.23ОГЭ exerciseYour

Слайд 10Mark


Слайд 12Dictation


Слайд 14In Time

In Time

Слайд 15AIDS
Chicken pox
The plague

Tuberculosis (TB)
Whooping cough
Ветряная оспа

Коклюш, захлебывающийся кашель
AIDS Chicken pox Cholera Malaria Measles Mumps The plague Polio Rabies Smallpox Tuberculosis (TB)Whooping cough СПИД Ветряная

Слайд 16Reading and listening skills

Reading and listening skills

Слайд 19Miss Irene’s warming up before the tongue twister!
Sherry is watching

and hoping for the best!

Miss Irene’s warming up before the tongue twister!Sherry is watching and hoping for the best!

Слайд 21Grammar practice

Grammar practice

Слайд 22Grammar practice

Grammar practice

Слайд 23Competition in teams
Describe their emotions one by one
(make as many

sentences as you can in 3 min)
Team 1
3 min
- I

guess that...
- I suppose that… he/she feels… because
- I‘d say that … he/she looks… because
Competition in teamsDescribe their emotions one by one(make as many sentences as you can in 3 min)Team

Слайд 24Competition in teams
Describe their emotions one by one
(make as many

sentences as you can in 3 min)
- I guess that...

I suppose that… he/she feels… because
- I‘d say that … he/she looks… because

Team 2
3 min

Competition in teamsDescribe their emotions one by one(make as many sentences as you can in 3 min)-

Слайд 27You are ready for speaking now!!!

You are ready for speaking now!!!

Слайд 28Speaking: Exam(KET+PET)

Speaking: Exam(KET+PET)

Слайд 29Your Hometask:
Previous H.T slides
We will discuss the H.T after the

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке
в среду\четверг 14.10.20\15.10.2020 Сделать на понедельник\вторник 19.10.2020\20.10.2020

p. 24-25
PET exercise !
Your Hometask:Previous H.T slidesWe will discuss the H.T after the lessons!!!Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в среду\четверг

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