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1 £1002 £2003 £5005 £3,0006 £8,0007 £16,0004 £1,0008 £32,0009 £64,00011 £250,00010 £125,00012 £1 millionD: shotC: didB: tookA: madeQuestion 1: £100What’s the missing verb?I _____ a photo.Click here for next question

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 21 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: shot
C: did
B: took
A: made
Question 1: £100
What’s the missing verb?
I _____ a

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1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	shotC:	didB:	tookA:	madeQuestion 1:  £100What’s the missing verb?I _____ a photo.Click here for next question

Слайд 31 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: made
C: went
B: played
A: did
Question 2: £200
I _____ swimming.
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1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	madeC:	wentB:	playedA:	didQuestion 2:  £200I _____ swimming.Click here for next question

Слайд 41 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: have
C: take
B: do
A: make
Question 3: £500
I ___ a cold
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next question

1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	haveC:	takeB:	doA:	makeQuestion 3:  £500I ___ a coldClick here for next question

Слайд 51 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: left
C: missed
B: made
A: did
Question 4: £1,000
I ___ my homework.
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next question

1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	leftC:	missedB:	madeA:	didQuestion 4:  £1,000I ___ my homework.Click here for next question

Слайд 61 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: went
C: took
B: did
A: ate
Question 5: £3,000
I ____ some medicine.
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next question

1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	wentC:	tookB:	didA:	ateQuestion 5:  £3,000I ____ some medicine.Click here for next question

Слайд 71 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: took
C: did
B: had
A: made
Question 6: £8,000
I ____ the washing-up.
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next question

1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	tookC:	didB:	hadA:	madeQuestion 6:  £8,000I ____ the washing-up.Click here for next question

Слайд 81 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: think
C: make
B: do
A: have
Question 7: £16,000
I ____ a good idea.
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for next question

1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	thinkC:	makeB:	doA:	haveQuestion 7:  £16,000I ____ a good idea.Click here for next question

Слайд 91 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: got
C: thought
B: made
A: did
Question 8: £32,000
He ____ a mistake.
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next question

1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	gotC:	thoughtB:	madeA:	didQuestion 8:  £32,000He ____ a mistake.Click here for next question

Слайд 101 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: made
C: given
B: had
A: done
Question 9: £64,000
You’ve ___ a mess!
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next question

1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	madeC:	givenB:	hadA:	doneQuestion 9:  £64,000You’ve ___ a mess!Click here for next question

Слайд 111 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: does
C: has
B: takes
A: makes
Question 10: £125,000
It ____ a long time to

clean my room.
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1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	doesC:	hasB:	takesA:	makesQuestion 10:  £125,000It ____ a long time to clean my room.Click here for next question

Слайд 121 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: get
C: give
B: do
A: make
Question 11: £250,000
Could you ___ me a favour?

here for next question

1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	getC:	giveB:	doA:	makeQuestion 11:  £250,000Could you ___ me a favour?Click here for next question

Слайд 13Congratulations
You have won
£1 million
1 £100
2 £200
3 £500
5 £3,000
6 £8,000
7 £16,000
4 £1,000
8 £32,000
9 £64,000
11 £250,000
10 £125,000
12 £1 million
D: getting
C: going
B: making
A: doing
Question 12: £1 million
I think

he’s _____ bald.

CongratulationsYou have won£1 million1	£1002	£2003	£5005	£3,0006	£8,0007	£16,0004	£1,0008	£32,0009	£64,00011	£250,00010	£125,00012	£1 millionD:	gettingC:	goingB:	makingA:	doingQuestion 12:  £1 millionI think he’s _____ bald.

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